Galactic Garbage Station

Chapter 1053: Super Zoo (8)


After Fan Weishen and Xue Zonghong introduced the dodo, they finally stopped. The new species brought by Su Jing had been introduced. However, the sensation they brought about has continued to grow, and the Internet has gone crazy, and the whole country is talking about it.

"Oh my god, Zhongyun Zoo is going to be incredible."

"In addition to the white peacock, spotted softshell turtle, white-footed Australian woodrat, Australian marble rat, Seychelles giant tortoise, golden-spotted swallowtail butterfly, Kashenf's ghost beauty butterfly, Seychelles swallowtail butterfly, and dodo bird, In addition to rare species, there are actually six extinct species.”

"Oh my god, isn't it possible that Su Jing has obtained the cloning technology to resurrect extinct species?"

"Isn't this possible? How could it be done so quickly?"

"If it were Su Jing, nothing would be impossible."

"Whether it is true or not, there is no doubt that Zhongyun Zoo is going to heaven. How can a zoo with six extinct species be stopped by an acquaintance?"

"I had guessed a long time ago that Su Jing would definitely not just set up a zoo casually, and would definitely cause big things, but I didn't expect it would be so big. He didn't show up at Zhongyun Zoo, but he had left his own legend."

In Zhongyun No. 1 Middle School, there was a lot of noise in a classroom.

"Su Ya, your brother has done something big again." A boy said excitedly.

"Are you talking about the zoo? I already know it." Su Ya smiled.

"Hey, we've seen it a long time ago. Your news is too late." Tang Xiaoyu said proudly.

"So you know it. It's amazing. Several extinct species have appeared in the world."

"Doesn't extinct species mean that they are extinct and no longer exist? How can they still exist, and there are only six species? What's the situation?"

"I can't tell clearly, you can see for yourselves."

"I'll go, I recognize the dodo. I've learned about it in biology books. It's indeed an extinct species."

"It seems that the textbooks have to be changed."

Liu Qing is at work at Jiecheng Travel Agency.

His grandfather is old and his father died early. No matter how much he neglects his job and likes to play around, he is almost ready to consider taking over the family business. In his free time, he went online. When he saw the news about Zhongyun Zoo, his eyes widened: "I'll go, brother Jing has really caused a big thing again, but it's a pity that I don't have time to go."

Liu Qing wanted to cry. He had heard the news about Su Jing taking over the Zhongyun Zoo before. For him who likes to have fun, it was too painful to have to go to work and not be able to watch the fun. But for his grandfather and mother, he I finally endured it. But now seeing six extinct species has pushed his tolerance to the limit.

"No, no, I won't go. I want to achieve great things. I can't lose this little self-control. It won't be too late to go when I have time." Liu Qing gritted his teeth, thinking in his heart After comforting myself, I called my secretary in and asked a few people to come over for a meeting. Among them are Zhou Min, Zhao Yao and other former colleagues of Su Jing.

Liu Qing talked to them about the situation of Zhongyun Zoo and asked them to keep an eye on Zhongyun Zoo, because it can be expected that Zhongyun Zoo will never be just a small zoo like before, and will soon become a world-famous zoo. of a tourist attraction. If their travel agency loses even this market, it will definitely be out. Liu Qing can now be said to have turned grief and anger into strength and transferred his enthusiasm to work.

After some instructions, the small meeting ended. Zhou Min, Zhao Yao and others left the meeting, but when they walked to the door, they whispered a few words.

"Where are we going to play tomorrow, Saturday?" Zhou Min said.

"Of course I'm going to Zhongyun Zoo. I've already bought the ticket. Ah Jing is getting better and better. He even created extinct species. It's hard to believe that such a god was once our colleague." Zhao Yao said.

"Ah, I want to go too, but I didn't buy a ticket."

"Hey, I bought an extra one and I'll take it with you."

"Great, Zhao Yao, you are so handsome and loyal."

"You guys stop here." Liu Qing couldn't help but get angry after hearing what they said. He felt like they were just rubbing salt into his wounds. I didn't even have time to go, so you guys actually talked about going to Zhongyun Zoo in front of me like this. happy.

"Mr. Zhao, is there anything else?" Zhou Min and Zhao Yao were both startled.

"You guys will work overtime tomorrow and do what I say as soon as possible." Liu Qing said.

"..." Zhou Min and Zhao Yao were stunned on the spot, looking at each other, on the verge of tears. They couldn't figure out why they offended Mr. Zhao, causing him to suddenly change his face.

"This guy is getting more and more unscrupulous and unscrupulous." Huo Yunshu narrowed his eyes after seeing the news.

"You can create extinct species, how on earth do you do it? Is he really not a mortal?" Fu Hongxue was puzzled.

"I feel that he seems to be speeding up and developing like crazy, as if something is urging him. Maybe that is his weakness." Yuan Yining pondered for a moment and said.

The news spread further and soon spread throughout the country and even foreign countries, including Australia, the Seychelles Islands, and Mauritius. All countries were shocked.


"Oh my god, how come there are white-footed Australian wood rats and Australian bomb rats in China?"

"Haven't these two animals been extinct for more than a hundred years?"

"They must have been captured from us, right? We want them to exchange them back."

"But they have been extinct here for many years. They were captured and raised for more than a hundred years before they were released. Is this impossible?"

Seychelles Islands:

"Our tortoises and butterflies are actually still alive?"

"How is that possible? It must be hype, fake news, right?"

"Judging from the photos and videos, it should be true."

"What should I do? Can I get it back?"

"How is it possible? They definitely don't want to give it."

Mauritius is even more excited:

"Oh my God, there are dodos in China, and there are a bunch of them."

"Here, how is this possible? Isn't the dodo from our country? They are all extinct here, how can they exist in China?"

"As far as I know, there is no dodo in China. How did it appear out of nowhere?"

"No matter what, the dodo is our national bird. How can we not have it, but foreign countries have it? This is not okay."

"They are originally produced in our country. Can I have a few of them back?"

"I'm afraid not. They didn't steal or rob, so what do you mean? We are a huge country, so we can't use force. I'm afraid, even if I buy it, I won't sell it. At most, I can only rent it from them."

Zhongyun Zoo is just a zoo, but after the upgrade, it became a sensation around the world on the first day it opened. This is absolutely unprecedented.