Galactic Garbage Station

Chapter 1058: Magical plants


After Ye Bo and Zhou Xixian left, Su Jing continued to study the remaining animals and plants. In fact, he had studied the animals sent to Zhongyun Zoo and the plants that Ye Bo and Zhou Xixian took away. , found that apart from being rare on earth, they had no other special functions, so they were displayed unscrupulously.

For the remaining animals and plants, there is no corresponding one on Earth, and secondly, it is not known whether they have any specific functions, so naturally they have to be kept first.

Su Jing still has high expectations for them. After all, they are creatures from the time and space of "The Classic of Mountains and Seas". He released some mice from the spirit animal bag and prepared for the experiment.

"This kind of pair of birds is really more and more amazing the more you look at it, but it's probably useless. I can't bear to kill them. Let's keep them." Su Jing observed the pair of birds for a while. It was difficult for them to move when they were separated, but when they flew together, they couldn't move. , so uncomfortable. There is no better way to describe the love between a couple than to fly together, to stay together and support each other.

Su Jing let the bird go and started experimenting with other animals and plants. As before, she fed the mice separately and marked them. Because there were too many species, the number of mice in the experiment was also very large. After feeding them all, there would be enough Over a hundred.

In addition, Su Jing also took out rats with various defects that had been prepared long ago, such as serious injuries, incomplete limbs, physical weakness, eye problems, ear problems, etc., and also let them eat various things respectively. In this way, you can avoid overlooking certain effects and save time as much as possible during experiments.

After one day, I saw changes.

I saw that most mice walked close to the wall. There were a few mice that basically didn't stick to the wall. They seemed to be more sensitive than others when encountering obstacles. At first, Su Jing thought it might be a coincidence. After observing for a while, she found that they were all the same ones.

Su Jing decided to conduct further experiments, but as soon as he moved, he immediately saw the difference. Those mice reacted immediately and hid away quickly, but the other mice did not notice anything.

"I didn't make any noise just now, I just moved, and the other mice didn't notice it. Why are those mice so alert? Did they see it?" Su Jing thought of a possibility.

The same mice have very different eyesight. The group of mice Su Jing used for experiments have very poor eyesight. The idiom "rat eyes are short-sighted" does not come out of thin air. This kind of mouse with poor eyesight can see very short distances and uses its tentacles as guide sticks, so it likes to walk close to the wall. Su Jing just moved a little bit without making any sound. They couldn't see her at all, so they didn't react.

Those mice did not walk against the wall and responded to their slight movements. It may be because their eyesight has improved and they can see far away.

Su Jing continued to test it several times, and was basically sure that she was right, and their eyesight had really improved. In order to further verify, Su Jing released four mice from the spirit animal bag, two of which were fed nothing, and the other two were fed with things with marked numbers. In fact, it is a plant with a rhizome like a sunflower, leaves like apricot leaves, and fruits like pods. Another experiment proved that after eating it, the eyesight of the mice improved a bit.

"I remembered, this should be called Ji. It is recorded in the Classic of Mountains and Seas that the sunflower root has apricot leaves, and the yellow flowers have pods. It is called Ji, and it can treat eyesight. It means that this plant can treat eyesight. Fuzzy." Su Jing thought.

Su Jing continued to test and after confirming that it was harmless to humans, she also obtained it from Zhongyun Kangfeng Hospital for testing. It was found that this "cup" was far less effective than luminous sand. It could not treat glaucoma and blue blindness, and it was not as good at improving vision. A piece of it. Simply put, it can relieve blurred vision, make eyes clear, and improve vision. In addition, it is very effective in treating cataracts. It has an immediate effect on blurred vision caused by cataracts.

"Although this plant is not as good as Luminous Sand, the effect is also very good. The key is that it is a plant that can be grown and regenerated on a large scale, so that it can be sold on a large scale." Su Jing thought about it, Luming Sand comes from the time and space of Zhuxian, It is non-renewable, uses a little less, and has magical effects, so it is natural to take the high-end route. The effect of "Gun" is much weaker, but the advantage is that it can be planted and regenerated, so it can be used for small profits but quick turnover. Ordinary people with blurred vision or students with declining vision can buy it back for use. Of course, the small profit here is only compared to Luming Sand, and compared to ordinary eye drops, it is definitely a huge profit.

"Not bad, not bad, it's a good thing." Su Jing smiled and continued to observe other mice. Soon, he saw another change. Among the normal mice, there was actually a mouse marked with defects. It was now mixed in with the ordinary mice, and no defects could be seen at all. Su Jing looked at the mark and found that its flaw was deafness.

This mouse has never eaten rice cakes and has poor eyesight. If it is deaf, it will react very slowly. However, now, it reacts very quickly and will run away as soon as there is any movement.

"In other words, its deafness has been cured?" Su Jing looked happy. She looked at another mark on the mouse and found what it had eaten. It was a small tree over one meter tall. I couldn't tell what kind of plant it was. The fruit looked a bit like a jujube.

Su Jing picked out a few deaf mice and fed them the dates. After waiting for a while and experimenting, she found that their hearing was really slowly recovering.

"Actually, like jujube, you can become deaf. It is recorded in the Classic of Mountains and Seas that this plant should be called wenjian." Su Jing pondered and continued testing. After confirming that it was harmless to the human body, she also got it from Zhongyun Kangfeng Hospital for testing. It was discovered that this jujube-like "stem" is extremely effective in treating deafness. It can even treat congenital deafness.

Su Jing discussed with Zhongyun Kangfeng Hospital and announced two pieces of information. One is that from now on, non-Supreme VIP areas will also have new treatments for cataracts and blurred vision. In the near future, there will be Make prescriptions and sell them to the outside world; the second is the supreme VIP area, which adds a new treatable disease - deafness.

When the news broke this time, almost no one expressed doubts, because compared to the previous miracles, this was nothing. Even if it was a cure for deafness, how could it compare to the cure for ALS? However, everyone who eats melons can't help but complain, Su Jing, can you calm down for a while? If you continue like this, will you die of overwork

Of course, those with cataracts, blurred vision, and deafness were pleasantly surprised to see new hope.