Galactic Garbage Station

Chapter 1073: Late night attack


At nine o'clock in the evening, Longteng International Clothing Store closed. Shi Qing took the elevator down to the basement. What she didn't notice was that after she got out of the elevator, the power went out. Someone upstairs put a sign at the elevator entrance saying that the elevator was out of order. . Even at the entrance to the stairs, there was a sign posted, and a young man stood there blocking people from going down.

Shi Qing walked to her car. She used to drive an Audi R8, but now it has been replaced by a Super Dimension 001. The cool red sports car is very conspicuous among the cars.

"That's her." There were a group of strong young people in several cars around, all staring at Shi Qing like a cheetah staring at its prey.

"This is obviously a weak woman, how can she need so many of us?"

"That's right, two ordinary men are enough to capture her easily, let alone us? Any one of us can easily capture her, so why do we need thirty people?"

"I don't understand either, but since the young master said so, he certainly has his reasons. Let's not take it lightly."

"Hurry up and start the video shooting." A young man took out his mobile phone and started the video shooting. In fact, he didn't understand why he wanted to film the arrest process. But since Mr. Yuan said so, they could only do it.

"Master, can you see it?" the young man said to the mobile phone.

"You can see it." Yuan Yining said from the opposite side. Watching with him were Huo Yunshu and Fu Hongxue. Yuan Yining's purpose was actually very obvious. He wanted to see what kind of defense measures Su Jing had arranged around Shi Qing. Although he could ask his subordinates to tell him about it afterwards, he wanted to film the whole process and see it with his own eyes. look.

"She's here, move."

The people in the car in front of Shi Qing were getting ready to go. In the two cars behind him, more than a dozen young people got out of the car quietly and swarmed in. The two of them were still holding drugged cloth strips in their hands. Take action. Their movements are not big, and their steps are very light. Most people may not notice it. However, Shi Qing is not an ordinary person. He follows Su Jing and eats the same things every day: monster meat, jade tooth fish, Lantian silver rice, etc. She has completed the practice of the Bull Demon Powerful Fist. Recently, after joining forces with the Flower Demon, she has gained true energy in her body, and has begun to embark on the path of cultivation. Her physical fitness is many times higher than that of ordinary people, and her five senses are also extremely sensitive. He immediately heard the movement behind him and turned around cautiously.

Seeing that Shi Qing was aware of it, they stopped covering up. The four of them reached out to grab Shi Qing. Their movements were very fast and their posture was calm. They looked like Lian Jiazi. They are all strong men who have practiced the Bull Demon Power Fist and have reached the third form. Even if they are not as good as Jin Chaowu, they are not far behind. If four people attack at the same time, even Jin Chaowu can't resist it.

However, Shi Qing reacted instantly, taking action like lightning. His hands were as flexible as snakes, and he touched the hands and ankles of the two people. The two groaned, and their hands subconsciously turned in the direction, which happened to be in the way. Attack from the other two people nearby.

At the same time, Shi Qing raised her leg sideways, and kicked the two of them on the chin with her right foot like a heavy spring. The two of them didn't even react, and their bodies flew into the air.

All this happened in just an instant. The thirty people who looked down on this mission were dumbfounded. They never imagined that this seemingly weak woman could be so strong. I'm afraid even Jin Chaowu is far from her opponent. They finally understood why Mr. Yuan sent so many people to take action.

Yuan Yining, Huo Yunshu, Fu Hongxue and others who saw this scene through video chat also had their pupils constricted. They thought that Shi Qing herself was probably capable of the Bull Demon Powerful Fist and was not weak at all, but they did not expect her to be this strong.

Taking advantage of the fact that the four people were repelled and the others were stunned for half a second, Shi Qing quickly retreated and ran towards the exit.

However, in the car in front, more than a dozen people got out of the car and blocked the way. They were immediately surrounded from all directions.

Shi Qing's face turned slightly pale with fright. She realized that she was in danger now, so she immediately reached into her bag and took out a few green fruits. She didn't know what the fruit was used for, but Su Jing said it was used to save lives, so it was natural to use it at this time.

Shi Qing threw it at the nearest people, and they easily dodged it. When they saw the green fruit falling on the ground, they were all stunned. Can this thing be used to attack

But at this moment, the fruits suddenly burst open, and the green vines suddenly swelled, and then they were like green pythons, binding several people tightly. Several people were frightened and tried to tear them apart. They were so strong that they actually tore off several of them. However, for a while, they couldn't struggle at all, and the two of them tripped and fell to the ground.

"Ignore them for now, arrest them." The others waited and had no time to be shocked. At this moment, they all realized deeply that this woman was far from being as easy to catch as they thought.

They swarmed around, and Shi Qing quickly grabbed other green seeds and scattered them around, forming a circle. More than 20 people rushed forward, some were trapped, but there were still people who rushed over. Their strength was too strong and not something ordinary people could compare to.

At this moment, a swarm of huge bees flew down from above, and then swooped down like a swarm of fighter jets. One aimed at one person and pierced their necks and heads. The people who were hit couldn't help but scream. If it were an ordinary person, they would have fainted on the spot. Even they staggered and staggered. Shake up.

This group of people, after all, were extraordinary, and they reacted immediately. Several of them took off their shirts, swung them in the air, and used the Bull Demon Powerful Fist to sweep away a few bees. In a short time, they actually killed many bees. Blocked around.

There were still seven or eight people rushing in front of Shi Qing. Even Shi Qing would probably be in trouble when facing seven or eight people. And several of them even took out electric batons. They didn't bother to use electric batons before. It was too embarrassing for thirty super strong men to use electric batons against a weak woman. But now, they don't dare to underestimate the enemy anymore.

At this time, the flower on Shi Qing's head finally moved. Suddenly it separated from Shi Qing's head, then quickly enlarged and changed, turning into a human-shaped flower demon. Her limbs stretched out quickly and shot out quickly.

The canes of the man-eating vine fruit are only bound, which is considered very gentle. The flower demon's vines are like rapid shoots of grass, like steel bars being pulled out one by one. They are not of the same level at all.

"Chi chi chi"

Before the people in the circle even reacted, their bodies were either pierced or tied up and almost strangled in two.