Galactic Garbage Station

Chapter 1083: Weird fur coat


In this way, the weightlifting team and the walking team, like the archery team, also received huge surprises. They all couldn't understand how a piece of fruit or dried meat could have such a magical effect. This was too unscientific.

How did they know that the fruits and dried meat were not things owned by the earth, but magical species from the time and space of "The Classic of Mountains and Seas".

That fruit comes from a plant that looks like a tangerine. The fruit is red and the size of a papaya. It is very powerful to eat. It is recorded in "The Classic of Mountains and Seas": There is a tree, its shape is like a tang, and its leaves are red and solid, and it is as big as a wooden claw. It is called a tree, and it eats a lot of power.

Those dried meats come from an animal with white ears that looks like a gibbon. If Su Jing is correct, it should be a roe. Eating it can make you walk faster, and of course it will also help with running. Therefore, dried meat is not limited to walking teams, but can be used by anyone else who needs to use their feet. It is recorded in the "Shan Hai Jing": There is a beast, which looks like a tree and has white ears. It can walk on people's backs. Its name is called the beast. It eats well and walks well.

These two species were supposed to only exist in legends, but now they are sent from the time and space of "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" to the earth's time and space because of the Super Dimension Garbage Station, and they naturally appear to be extremely magical. Their effect in one aspect alone is far greater than that of Lantian Silver Thread Meter.

Su Jing’s sponsorship: Lantian Silver Thread Rice, Elf Bow, Yao Mu, and Monkey King, can be said to have brought infinite vitality and future to the Chinese Gymnasium.

Su Jing herself, however, still ignored what was going on outside the window, hiding in the super-dimensional garbage station and continuing to sort out the remaining garbage.

In the past two days, he actually dug out some gold mines and jade rough stones from the garbage pile. The time and space of "The Book of Mountains and Seas" belongs to a time and space with vast land, vast resources, and sparsely populated areas. Gold and jade mines can be seen everywhere, and they are not considered precious there. thing.

On earth, if an ordinary person digs out this pile of garbage, he will become a rich man in an instant, and he will laugh even in his dreams. For Su Jing's income, it seems very small, but no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat, so it is better to have it than not.

Su Jing continued to search and suddenly found a tattered gray-brown fur coat. It was really tattered and stained with a lot of mud and fallen leaves. It was extremely dirty, like a beggar's discarded fur coat. After Jing took it out, she almost wanted to throw it away. Logically speaking, such a tattered fur coat was of little use.

However, after struggling for half a second, Su Jing decided to let the mouse repair it. Experience has proven that even seemingly inconspicuous garbage may be treasures. It is better to kill the wrong one than to let it go, otherwise the treasure may be missed. For example, the substitute arrow was Su Jing's biggest mistake. Even if the garbage will not be sent outside now, this kind of mistake should not be made again.

After a while, the fur coat was repaired by the white mouse and became almost intact. Su Jing released her mental power and wiped away the thick layer of soil and fallen leaves on it. Taking a closer look, I was surprised to find that the hair on this fur coat was not as long as usual. When you straighten one out, it turns out to be nearly one meter. This is really an exaggeration.

"What kind of animal fur is this? It definitely doesn't belong to the species on earth." Su Jing thought, rinsed the fur coat with water, and prepared to wash it before studying it.

However, after flushing, I found that the fur shrank rapidly, just like an unqualified sweater shrinking, and the effect was exaggerated many times. After a while, the entire fur coat had shrunk by one-third, and the hairs on it had also curled up.

"This reaction is too big." Su Jing was a little stunned. This was garbage from the time and space of "The Classic of Mountains and Seas". It should indeed be animal fur, not synthetic. But why does animal fur look like this when it encounters water

Su Jing did not continue to wash it with water. She curled up like this, and the dirt was all wrapped up in it. It could not be washed clean at all. If she continued to wash it, the fur coat would probably shrink to the point of use.

"It's better to dry it quickly and take it back for dry cleaning." Su Jing selected some useless wood on the spot, released a fireball to ignite it, and put the fur clothes on the side, preparing to dry them as soon as possible. After only a moment of drying, you can see steam rising from it, and the fur gradually stretches out.

Su Jing breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the mouse didn't need to be repaired again. Just as he was about to walk away, suddenly, a flame seemed to be attracted, and suddenly rolled towards the fur coat. The fur coat was instantly ignited, and the whole fur coat burned into a raging fire.

Su Jing's expression changed, and she immediately rushed forward, releasing 108 fire elements at the same time, releasing fire magic, and instantly controlled and swept away the flames on the fur coat.

I was extremely confused. It was obvious that they were so far away and the flames were far away from them. Why did the flames suddenly seem to rush towards me? Moreover, the fur clothes were obviously soaked. Logically speaking, they would not be able to burn for a while. How could they suddenly burn me? It burned so fiercely, as if the thing on it was not water but gasoline. This was so strange.

Su Jing took a closer look at the fur coat to see if there was any damage. She was ready to call the mouse over to repair it, but when she saw the current condition of the fur coat, she couldn't help but be surprised.

I saw that the fur coat was not burned at all, not even a single hair was burnt. The water on it had completely evaporated, and the hairs were stretched out, soft and bright. Even the various dirty things on it seem to be reduced a lot, and it looks much cleaner.

"What's going on?" As long as Su Jing is not stupid, she can tell that this is too abnormal. It was so hot just now, how come not even a single hair was singed

"Could it be..." A bold idea came to Su Jing's mind. She raised a fireball in her hand and put it under the fur coat. The fur coat immediately burned, but it could be clearly seen that the hair on it was not burnt at all, and It seems to become smoother and brighter. The dirty things on it were quickly burned and swept away by the flames. After burning for a while, it stopped. The entire fur coat looked like the finest fox fur coat, and it became clean. Spotless and brand new.

"This fur coat is simply amazing." Su Jing has now realized what a mistake she made by washing it with water before. She was judging this fur coat based on her own narrow understanding. It obviously does not need to be washed with water. If it is dirty, just burn it with fire.

Su Jing put on the fur coat and tried to approach the pile of flames until the fur coat touched the flames without feeling the heat, and then passed directly through the flames. He did not use fire magic to control it, but there was no fire all over his body. Half burned. As Su Jing expected, this fur coat could ward off fire. He had already guessed what kind of animal fur it was.