Galactic Garbage Station

Chapter 1084: Magic lamp


If Su Jing guessed correctly, this should be the skin of a fire rat. The fire rat is also called the fire rat. It is a strange beast that can glow at night in the time and space of "The Classic of Mountains and Seas". It is said that it is a strange rat that lives in the volcano at the end of the South China Sea (not the volcano it is commonly referred to now, but the burning forest). It weighs a hundred kilograms and is very large. Its hair is nearly one meter long and as thin as silk. It will die when it comes to water. Its hair can be used to make fire-resistant cloth. If it is dirty, it can be cleaned by burning it with fire.

"The Creator is really miraculous. This kind of fur coat is far beyond the reach of modern technology." Su Jing sighed. It's a pity that there is only one piece of this kind of fire rat skin. If there are many, then firefighters will be safe if they wear it. too much. There is only one thing, and of course I keep it for myself.

Su Jing continued to sort out the garbage, including broken stone tools, rags, broken wooden furniture, broken clay pots, etc. The workmanship was too primitive and backward. Even if it was not broken, it would probably be worthless, let alone the ones that were already broken.

"Huh?" Su Jing suddenly pulled out a copper vessel. The lower part was cylindrical and about fifteen centimeters high. However, it may have been bent and damaged due to collision. The upper part was open, like a plate. Inside the plate, most of the plate was filled with ointment, and there was a wick in the center. It is not difficult to see that this should be an ancient oil lamp.

Su Jing asked the mouse to repair the oil lamp completely. After observing it carefully for a moment, she didn't see anything strange. It seemed to be just an ordinary oil lamp.

He rummaged for a while, and soon found two more oil lamps. These two lamps were even more seriously damaged. One of them had broken, and all the ointment had poured out of the other lamp. However, it doesn't matter if there is a little white mouse, and the repairs are completed in a moment.

However, no matter how you look at them, the three lamps look like ordinary oil lamps. These three pieces of copperware also look very crude and cannot be regarded as any kind of handicrafts.

"How about lighting it and taking a look. Maybe lighting it has a special effect?" Su Jing thought, a little fire appeared on her finger, she approached the wick and lit a lamp.

The wick was burning, and Su Jing was observing from the side. One minute, two minutes, three minutes... Time passed, but Su Jing didn't find anything special. Ten minutes later, Su Jing had no choice but to give up. I thought to myself, if outsiders saw me staring at such a lamp and studying it, they would probably think that I was crazy, right

Su Jing shook her head mockingly, not prepared to continue observing. She opened her mouth and blew a breath. The flame of the wick was blown askew, but it only shook and continued to burn strongly.

Su Jing was stunned. His physique was far beyond that of ordinary people, and his lung capacity was so large. Even if he blew it casually, there was no reason why the lamp would not go out forever. He no longer believed in the evil, so he got closer to about ten centimeters, opened his mouth and blew hard, and with a breath, the flame tilted until it was almost parallel to the horizontal line. However, when the wind passed, it stood up again.

Su Jing felt as if her lung capacity had been insulted. She blew twice again, but the flame was still on.

"Holy crap, this is unscientific." Su Jing simply released the fire element, released fire magic, and swept away the flame of the wick. However, no matter how he swept away the flame, at least a little bit would remain on it, and it would continue to burn.

"This oil lamp is very unusual." Su Jing's eyes lit up slightly. This was obviously not a problem of her own lung capacity, but something strange about the lamp.

Su Jing simply picked up a basin of water and poured it directly on it. Such a large basin of water, let alone an oil lamp, had to be put out even if it was a brazier. However, after the water rushed over, the lamp continued to burn.

Su Jing grabbed a handful of soil, poured it on top, and completely covered the wick. After waiting for a while, she saw that the soil on top started to get hot. When I swept away the dirt, I saw that the wick was still burning.

"This is so unscientific." Su Jing was surprised. There are three indispensable conditions for a flame to burn. One is combustibles, the other is oxygen (air), and the third is to reach the ignition point. The pouring of so much water should be enough to cool it down below the ignition point. The soil should be completely submerged and the air should be cut off. How can it still burn

Su Jing simply took a fire extinguisher, pointed it at the wick, and sprayed it as hard as she could. The entire bottle of fire extinguisher was used up, but it was still burning.

Su Jing grabbed the oil lamp and put the entire lamp into the water, completely submerging the wick. As a result, it turned out that it continued to burn in the water.

Finally, Su Jing asked Qingyun to send the oil lamp into a vacuum space. There was no air at all, and it actually continued to burn.

Until this moment, Su Jing has realized that this oil lamp is not only simple, but also magical. It is like a magic lamp.

"Wait a minute, these garbage come from the time and space of "The Classic of Mountains and Seas". I think of a kind of lamp - a shark oil lamp." Su Jing's eyes suddenly lit up. In the time and space of "The Classic of Mountains and Seas", there were sharks, that is, mermaids. Naturally, there may be a shark oil lamp, and the oil inside is not ordinary lamp oil, but shark ointment.

The so-called mermaid ointment refers to an ointment boiled with mermaids. Just hearing this can tell you how cruel it is, and ordinary people cannot do such a thing. However, this kind of ointment is extremely magical. One drop of it can burn for a long time, and once it is ignited, it cannot be extinguished until the oil burns out. Therefore, this kind of lamp is also called an ever-burning lamp.

"It's true that lamps cannot be judged by their appearance. They look like ordinary oil lamps, but I didn't expect them to have such a big origin. These three lamps are quite high-end." Su Jing murmured to herself, looking at this inextinguishable oil lamp, if Thinking.

Nowadays, we all use electric lamps. Oil lamps seem useless, but oil lamps that are inextinguishable are very useful. Not to mention, they are needed for the upcoming Olympic Games, such as the Olympic flame. No matter which country hosts the Olympic Games, it will definitely attach great importance to the Olympic flame. Once it is accidentally extinguished, it will be considered unlucky. For example, in the 2004 Athens Olympics, during the torch handover ceremony, when the Greek Olympic Committee Chairman Len Nicolai handed the torch to the Athens Olympic Organizing Committee Chairman Zaskalkaki, the torch accidentally went out, which was considered a bad omen.

Moreover, in almost every Olympic Games, there will be some troublemakers. There have been cases where some people used fire extinguishers to blow out the torch, and some people snatched the torch and threw it into the sea... Therefore, protecting the torch is a necessary task for every Olympic Games.

What if the lamp oil in the torch is made of this shark ointment? Spray with a fire extinguisher? Throw it into the sea? Whatever you are afraid of, no matter what you do, you can't extinguish it.

The upcoming Olympic Games will be held in Tokyo, Japan, and Su Jing has no obligation to help them with Japan's sacred flame. However, if Japan knew that there was an eternal lamp in this world, I'm afraid they would be very greedy and try their best to get there, right

Also, the popularity of the Olympic Games continues to rise. It would be great if we could use this mermaid oil lamp to connect the Super Dimension Group and promote it.

Thinking like this, Su Jing simply stopped thinking about how to put out the lit shark oil lamp. Instead, she called Zheng Nan and asked her to prepare publicity.