Galactic Garbage Station

Chapter 1090: Millions of rewards


"Ah Jing, is that oil lamp your latest invention?" Lin Hao couldn't help but question.

"No matter how good the oil lamp is, it's not needed now, right? Is it necessary to use oil lamps in any way?" Shi Lei asked.

"Could it be that the research results are not actually about lamps, but about lamp oil, that is, energy?" Qian Yingning rolled his eyes, while Wang Yan frowned.

Su Jing glanced at Qian Yingning appreciatively. She really guessed the point right away. However, the most she thought of was probably a cleaner and more efficient energy source, which was still a bit far from the truth.

"Ah Jing, is the direction of your research into candles?" A short and handsome boy asked. Everyone was not surprised why he guessed this, because he worked in a candle manufacturer and looked very strange. It's high-end and has nothing to do with the major you studied in college, but his salary is actually pretty good.

"No." Su Jing shook her head and said with a smile, "Guess slowly and boldly. It won't be interesting if I say it all at once."

In the center of the square, there were also voices of doubt. At this time, the woman in professional attire holding the microphone explained: "Don't underestimate this oil lamp. It is not an ordinary oil lamp. It is really the latest research result of our Super Dimension Group."

"Just fool us and think we are fools."

"Little girl, don't think that just because you are good-looking, you can deceive others."

"At such a young age, you still want to brainwash us and blow the oil lamps into the sky?"

"Are you from the Super Dimension Group? Are you someone who specializes in deception?"

When the woman in professional attire heard everyone's discussion, she couldn't help but become a little anxious, and said quickly: "I do represent the Super Dimension Group, and I'm not lying to you. I won't beat around the bush, and just tell you the rules of this event. Here, There’s a million.”

She paused as she said this, and two strong men in suits and sunglasses next to her opened two suitcases, which contained stacks of brand-new hundred-dollar bills. Seeing so much money, the people around him couldn't help but breathe quickly.

The woman in professional attire continued: "Without damaging the hemispherical guardrail or touching the oil lamp directly or with a hard object, if anyone can extinguish this oil lamp first, they can get one million. It's genuine. Children and elders are not deceived."

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then a heated discussion broke out. You must know that the radius of this hemispherical guardrail is only one meter. From such a short distance, someone with a large lung capacity may blow it out. Moreover, the woman in professional attire said that as long as she doesn't damage the hemispherical guardrail and doesn't touch the oil lamp directly or with a hard object, doesn't it mean that splashing water will do

"Little girl, according to your statement, doesn't it mean that splashing water is okay? Your words are too flawed. Are you sure you won't be fired when you go back?" A middle-aged man joked.

"It's not that my words are full of flaws, I just followed our boss's original words. You understood me correctly. You can throw water on me." said the woman in professional attire.

"I'll go, is it true or not?"

"Doesn't that mean you can use a fire extinguisher?"

"Yes, you can use a fire extinguisher."

"That's not easy. I'll come, I'll come, I'll come first."

"Why should you come first? I come first. I come first."

"Don't be anxious, everyone, please line up here." The woman in professional attire tried to control the scene, but many people had already rushed forward. At this time, the eight strong men guarding the hemispherical guardrail took action. Those who rushed forward were all sent flying backwards, and no one could get close.

Everyone was a little frightened. These eight strong men not only looked strong, but also had real qualities.

Everyone did not dare to act wild and quickly went to queue over there. While queuing, some people bullied the weak and forced themselves to jump in line because they were taller. Some even bullied women, the elderly, and children and jumped in front of the queue. However, the eight strong men saw them all with sharp eyes. They stepped forward and picked up the person who jumped in line and threw them behind. A young man who was over 1.8 meters tall was lifted up by them like a chicken. Everyone was restrained by them and no longer dared to mess around, and order was restored to the whole place.

Because there were so many people, there were six queues in total. The first person in the first team was counted as first, the first person in the second team was counted as second, and so on.

The first one came forward. He was a tall and thin young man who looked a little excited. He was just an ordinary office worker with a monthly salary of four to five thousand. For him, one million was simply an astronomical figure. How could he not be excited? .

Eight strong men gave up a place, and the tall and thin young man stepped forward, took out a bottle of mineral water from his bag, unscrewed the cap, and then took it to the top of the hemispherical guardrail, ready to pour the water directly on the oil lamp. . This was originally a very simple thing, but because of his nervousness, his hands were shaking a little and his movements were more cautious.

This slow look immediately made the people in line behind me very dissatisfied.

"Can you hurry up? There are people behind you."

"It's too much to use water as soon as it comes up."

"Why do I feel like he might be a stooge?"

"It's very possible that once the water pours down, there's no reason why it won't be destroyed. If we follow in the queue, aren't we being treated like monkeys?"

The reason why they were dissatisfied was not that they couldn't afford the time, but that they were afraid that the tall and thin young man would directly put out the oil lamp. Some of them even deliberately spoke to disturb the young man, hoping that his hands would shake even more, so it was best to just take it. The unstable mineral water bottle fell to the ground.

There were also some people who felt that this was a trap and that the tall, thin young man must be a stooge, so they left the team and prepared to leave. They feel uncomfortable being treated like monkeys.

"If I go, it's really only one million that was destroyed?" Lin Hao, Xiao Rui, Shi Lei and others in the private room on the second floor of Longteng International Hotel were all shocked.

"Ah Jing, you can't really put it out with water, right?" a male classmate said excitedly.

Other students are also short of breath. Some of them have higher salaries and some have lower salaries. But even if the salary is 20,000 to 30,000 yuan, one million is not a small amount. If you can get one million by extinguishing such a small lamp, then who wouldn't want to get it? Where can you find such a great good thing? They all felt that there must be some fraud, or some word game.

"Really, according to what the little girl said, blowing, using a fire extinguisher, or pouring water will do. As long as you put it out, you will get one million, and you will be innocent." Su Jing said with a smile.

"Go on, you are not letting us enjoy the show. You are simply torturing us. If you had known, we would have rushed downstairs." Everyone's eyes almost popped out. If it hadn't been for the long queue, it would have been too late. , I just want to rush down.

Seeing that the tall and thin young man finally calmed down, his hands stopped shaking, he poured the bottle, and the mineral water fell straight towards the burning wick. They all felt that their hearts were bleeding, and there was a million so close at hand. It just fell into the hands of others.