Galactic Garbage Station

Chapter 1093: The fire brigade is here


"One year? Ah Jing, what kind of international joke are you kidding?" Lin Hao said in astonishment. This lamp could not go out under the siege of so many ordinary people. It is already very powerful. There will be fire brigade and scientific researchers soon. Join, can this light last? The longer it lasts, the greater its influence will be, and it will attract more and more experts. The difficulty of maintaining it will definitely increase day by day. It is impossible to maintain it for a year. Moreover, even if no one destroys it, such a small amount of lamp oil cannot last for a few days, let alone a year

"Third brother, did you make a slip of the tongue?" Xiao Rui also looked at Su Jing.

"There was no slip of the tongue, I said exactly one year." Su Jing smiled.

"Is your boyfriend really serious?" Qian Yingning did not ask Su Jing, but turned to Shi Qing and asked.

"He is serious, but I know nothing about the lamp." Shi Qing glanced at Su Jing and smiled. From her understanding of Su Jing, she could tell that Su Jing was serious, but it was hard to believe that the lamp could last for a year.

"If it can really last for a year, it will be great. This square will become a world-famous tourist attraction because of it." Jiang Wang said.

Everyone chatted and ate, and when they finished eating, the square was still bustling with activity, and the light was still not extinguished. Su Jing suggested not to wait here and go to Qingyun Town Beach to play. Everyone was a little reluctant and wanted to see the next development, but they didn't know when to wait. There was no time, so they listened to Su Jing.

However, when everyone picked up their luggage and prepared to leave, they saw three fire trucks approaching. After the crowd made way, the fire trucks drove up to the oil lamp.

"I'm going, the fire brigade is really here."

"Let's go slowly and at least watch the fire brigade put out the fire first."

"Yes, yes, this kind of scene is not common on weekdays."

Xiao Rui, Shi Lei, Lin Hao and other students refused to leave one after another. They wanted to watch the next scene before leaving. The crowd in the square also became excited.

"Now it's fun. Such an oil lamp will definitely not be able to withstand the bombing of the fire truck."

"Three fire trucks were actually activated. It was such a huge battle."

"The fire brigade is not ready to rescue the fire at any time, but instead comes here to join in the fun. Isn't it too derelict of its duty?"

Seven or eight firefighters got out of the three vehicles, as well as a middle-aged man in casual clothes. As if he expected that some people would be dissatisfied, he walked over and chatted for a few words with the woman in professional attire who was holding the microphone, and then took the phone. He picked up the microphone and explained.

It turned out that this group of firefighters were either on vacation or were still practicing, and these three fire trucks were also in reserve. To put it simply, this is like a fire drill. Two old people and a few newcomers are learning. The real fire brigade is on standby. If a fire breaks out, there will be no one to put out the fire.

After saying this, the people were relieved. Next, the firefighters took action. First, they took out a water gun and pulled out the water pipe from a car. The water gun was brought to the side of the hemispherical guardrail, ready to spray water.

"I just tried it. Water can't put out this lamp."

"Is the fire brigade's high-pressure water cannon the same as us throwing a bucket of water? I estimate that once the water cannon shoots the lamp, it will definitely be extinguished."

In the midst of everyone's discussion, the fire brigade had quickly prepared. When the water cannon was opened, the high-speed water was aimed at the wick and sprayed out. It rushed through the oil lamp and spread out for more than ten or twenty meters. Of course, the crowd originally standing opposite had already dispersed, otherwise it would have spread all over them.

This scene made everyone watch intently, and even Su Jing became nervous. His main concern was whether the lamp oil would be washed away? Although the shark oil lamp is very special. When the wick burns, it is not in a liquid state, but in a viscous state, like asphalt, which sticks tightly. However, the impact of the high-pressure water gun is not trivial, and it is not impossible to blow away the asphalt. If the lamp oil is washed away, it will be troublesome. As for whether the wick flame will go out, that is not Su Jing's concern at all.

The high-speed water flow was so strong that it completely covered the wicks and flames. Even if everyone opened their eyes, they couldn't see clearly.

"Put it out, extinguish it. The oil lamp seems to have gone out."

"It's all covered by water, can you see clearly?"

"Whether you can see clearly, it must have gone out. With such a high-speed jet of water, I don't believe this oil lamp can survive?"

The firefighters probably thought that the oil lamp must have gone out, so they turned off the water cannon. In fact, several young firefighters were very depressed when they came here. Although they were still in the internship stage, and although this was just an acting, at least they gave themselves a big fire, and they actually acted in front of a lamp. What the hell is this?

However, when the water cannon was turned off and the condition of the oil lamp was clearly seen, their eyes almost popped out of their eyes, because the wick, which had been tilted almost parallel to the horizontal line, was still burning, and the flames were jumping tenaciously.

"Damn, in this situation, did you spray incorrectly just now?"

"The spray is accurate. How can it be impossible to spray accurately when you are so close?"

"Then how can it be immortal? It's so evil."

The firefighters were shocked. The people around were dumbfounded again. The tenacity of this lamp was still refreshing their understanding. Su Jing couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that although the lamp oil was a little deformed by the washing, there was still so much oil and it had not decreased.

The firefighters did not give up and turned on the water cannon again and sprayed for about thirty seconds. However, the result was still the same. They then used two other fire trucks that they had not prepared to use before.

The one that sprayed water before was a water tank fire truck, also known as a water tank truck. The other two vehicles are foam fire trucks and dry powder fire trucks.

The so-called foam fire truck is mainly equipped with fire pumps, water tanks, foam liquid tanks, foam mixing systems, foam guns, cannons and other fire-fighting equipment, and can independently put out fires. Foam can isolate the surface of burning objects from the air, play a role in suffocation and cooling, and can remove part of the thick smoke. It is especially suitable for extinguishing oil fires such as petroleum and its products. It can also supply water and foam mixture to the fire scene. It is an important tool in the petrochemical industry. A necessary fire-fighting vehicle for enterprises, oil terminals, airports and urban professional fire brigades.

The so-called dry powder fire truck is mainly equipped with dry powder fire extinguishing agent tanks, dry powder spraying devices, fire pumps and fire fighting equipment. It mainly uses dry powder to fight flammable and flammable liquid fires, combustible gas fires, live equipment fires, and can also fight fires involving general substances. For large-scale chemical pipeline fires, the firefighting effect is particularly significant, and it is a standing fire truck for petrochemical companies.

However, after using the foam and dry powder, the oil lamp still burned tenaciously. The flame was still so small, but it had amazing vitality.