Galactic Garbage Station

Chapter 1105: Top secret information exposed


"Qilin." Su Jing called Luo Qilin back.

"Master, what are your orders?" Luo Qilin said respectfully.

"You take down a member who has access to this top-secret information, use the transformation powder I gave you, transform into his appearance, and then reveal the secret information." Su Jing said, Luo Qilin went to the United States to act, and it was not suitable to reveal his true appearance. So Su Jing gave him a lot of transformation powder from the "Devil's Law" time and space for disguise.

"What to do with the person we captured?" Luo Qilin asked.

"Kill, destroy the body and eliminate all traces." Su Jing said.

"Okay." Luo Qilin went to do it without saying a word.

Luo Qilin's efficiency has always been quite high.

While the outside world was still discussing the video of the US spy turning against the enemy, the British "Guardian" suddenly dropped a public opinion bomb - the US National Security Agency has a secret project code-named "Prism", requiring the telecommunications giant Verizon to Hand over the call records of millions of users. Immediately afterwards, the Washington Post disclosed that over the past many years, the National Security Agency and the FBI had monitored citizens’ emails and chat records by entering the servers of nine major Internet giants, including Microsoft, Google, Apple, and Yahoo. , videos, photos and other secret materials to monitor every move of specific targets and their contacts.

As soon as the news came out, American public opinion and the world were in an uproar.

"Holy crap, is it really true?"

"The Guardian and the Washington Post jointly reported that the evidence of top-secret information is conclusive and cannot be faked. This leaker named Snowden is a technical analyst of the CIA because he cannot stand this kind of behavior in the United States. , I don’t want to live in a monitored society, so I take risks and reveal the truth.”

"Doesn't this mean that all Internet users who use the servers of Microsoft, Google, Apple, Yahoo and other major Internet giants are within the scope of surveillance?"

"Nima, it's so scary. It turns out we are being watched all the time."

"How can this be? Do you still have any right to privacy?"

American citizens and people around the world reacted greatly. The President of the United States quickly responded by publicly acknowledging the plan, which he had to admit. He emphasized that this project does not target U.S. citizens or people in the United States. It is aimed at countering terrorism and ensuring the safety of Americans. It is authorized by Congress and placed under the supervision of the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. He also defended: "You cannot have 100% privacy and 100% convenience while having 100% security. The work of intelligence agencies is to better understand the world."

The Secretary of State argued: "There is nothing unusual in the field of international relations about monitoring allies. All kinds of intelligence are good for safeguarding national security."

The director of the National Security Agency said: "Only non-Americans outside the United States are targets of surveillance. Surveillance operations have been subject to strict legal review in order to minimize the acquisition, retention and dissemination of incidentally obtained information about Americans." change."

However, no matter how the United States explains it, most online names cannot accept it.

The EU is extremely dissatisfied with the United States. It has intensified its criticism of the United States in response to reports of US surveillance of the EU. It believes that the United States' surveillance of the EU is a "breach of trust" and warned that it may trigger a "serious political crisis." EU officials revealed that the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy has asked the United States to provide immediate clarification on the surveillance incident. France and Germany, two important EU countries, intensified their accusations against the United States that day. A spokesman for the German government called the U.S. actions during the "Cold War"; the French president demanded that the United States immediately stop monitoring the EU and threatened to suspend trade negotiations with the United States.

Even the American Civil Liberties Union, the most influential civil rights organization in the United States, formally sued the federal government. There are also Americans who have filed a class action lawsuit against the federal government, claiming US$3 billion. Internet users from other countries can also sue the US government.

Suddenly, the United States became the target of public criticism. The image of the U.S. government was seriously damaged and it was under tremendous internal and external pressure. The United States, which had always prided itself on being a victim of cyber security, the occupier of the moral high ground, and the advertiser of democracy and freedom, was completely undermined. Take off the disguise and reveal the hypocritical face of a thief shouting to catch the thief. The United States has always liked to play the victim in the online world and has always accused China of carrying out cyber attacks. But in fact, the United States is the world's largest hacker.

The U.S. Security Agency, FBI, and CIA are also under pressure. The United States has judged Snowden, the leaker, as a traitor and stepped up its pursuit. However, they discovered that Snowden seemed to have suddenly disappeared after leaking the secrets, and no trace of information could be found.

"Snowden must be caught at all costs," the CIA director said angrily, slamming the table. He felt that this period of time was extremely unlucky. First, three spies turned against each other, which not only damaged the image of the CIA, but also helped the Zhongyun Advanced Science and Technology Research Institute to speak up, disrupting the United States' joint international efforts to suppress the Super Dimension Group. After finally catching three spies and trying to re-brainwash them, the three spies turned into three big snakes, which almost scared him. Immediately afterwards, a technical analyst leaked the top secrets. The damage to the United States was so great that it is difficult to estimate. All of this happened in such a short period of time, which caught him off guard.

He felt that the three rebel spies were probably the fault of China. Is it possible that China was secretly behind Snowden's betrayal and intended to retaliate? He vaguely felt as if a terrible enemy was staring at him.

"We are intensifying our pursuit. The last time he was seen was in Russia, but the strange thing is that he suddenly disappeared without a trace." A middle-aged man said.

"At most, he is hiding, or Russia has hidden him. The president has put pressure on Russia, but Russia does not accept this trick, saying that as long as Snowden stops harming the United States, he can get asylum in Russia. , obviously want to obtain more information from Snowden, we can only find another way." CIA Director Shen Shen said.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door. After the director said something, a middle-aged woman with an ugly face opened the door and hurried in. "Director, it's bad, more top-secret information has been leaked."

"What? What information?" The director's expression changed.

"Look." The middle-aged woman directly opened the online message. After the director and the middle-aged man next to her glanced over, their faces changed drastically, and they suddenly turned pale without any trace of blood.