Galactic Garbage Station

Chapter 1107: UFO?


Various information leaked by the CIA is still fermenting. No one knows that Su Jing is secretly operating everything. At this time, Su Jing had already started to take the next step.

The Strait of Malacca is a long strait between the Malay Peninsula and the Indonesian island of Sumatra. It is currently under the joint jurisdiction of Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia. However, due to the important status of the Malacca Strait, the United States has been exaggerating that the Malacca Strait faces serious piracy and terrorism threats in order to intervene in the Malacca Strait.

This time, the United States intervened under the pretext of "the cargo of the Chaos Group may contain anti-matter weapons" and "maintaining the security of all mankind." To control the Strait of Malacca.

The Strait of Malacca, as the chokepoint connecting the Pacific and Indian Oceans, is an important sea channel for the coastal countries of Asia, Africa, Australia and Europe. Oil and strategic materials imported from foreign countries by many developed countries must be shipped out here. Due to its busy shipping traffic and unique geographical location, the Strait of Malacca is known as the "Maritime Crossroads".

For China, the Strait of Malacca is a "maritime lifeline". The number of oil tankers entering the South China Sea through the Strait of Malacca is three times that of the Suez Canal and five times that of the Panama Canal. Once the Strait of Malacca is controlled by forces with ulterior motives outside the region, , will inevitably affect China’s shipping safety.

Therefore, some experts analyze that the United States' strong intervention in the Strait of Malacca this time is not only to deal with the Super Dimension Group, but also to curb the rise of China.

At a port in the Strait of Malacca, the cargo ship of the Super Dimension Group was forced to stop here. It was surrounded by US warships. The crew had already been driven off the ship. The US military turned over the cargo ship on the pretext of searching for anti-matter weapons. , turned over in a mess. Naturally, they did not dig out anti-matter weapons, but they still had no intention of letting them go.

"Nah, America is a bandit." On the coast, the crew members were very aggrieved when they saw the heavily guarded U.S. military. They are all legal citizens and make money through their own labor, but now they have been detained from the ship for no reason. If the goods are confiscated like this, how much money do they still make? Is it a waste of effort to travel such a long distance? Of course, the most troubled person was not the ordinary crew members, but the captain. He wanted to die at this moment.

"Looking at the various inside stories revealed by the CIA in the past few days, we can see that the United States has always been so domineering, but this time we have experienced it ourselves."

"Can't China be more assertive and help us get the goods back?"

"We have always valued peace. What's more, we are facing the United States. Even if we want to be strong, it will be difficult for us to be strong together. Look at their warships. Can we defeat them?"

"The Super Dimension Group has offended the United States, which is more terrible than offending the nearby pirates. Perhaps we should not have accepted their goods in the first place."

"But I heard news from the Super Dimension Group that if you buy international insurance, you can get compensation. Even if you don't have enough companionship, the Super Dimension Group will pay it in advance, so we don't have to compensate."

"It is difficult to say whether the insurance company will admit to being detained by the US military. As for the Super Dimension Group itself, I hope they are so generous."

At this moment, an alarm suddenly sounded from the US warship. At the same time, someone looked up at the sky. First he was stunned, and then his eyes almost popped out. I saw a UFO appearing in the sky at some point. It was floating in the sky and looked very much like a flying saucer in a science fiction movie. Everyone was stunned and couldn't believe their eyes.

"Am I dazzled? What is that?"

"I'll go, UFO?"

"Could it be a new American fighter jet?"

"The US military has sounded the alarm, which is obviously not from the US."

The sailors on the coast and the residents near the port were all shocked. The US military was also taken aback and was on full alert. They tried to communicate with the UFO, and at the same time a broadcast was sent out, asking the UFO to identify itself. After all, this is not the territory of the United States. No matter how arrogant the United States is, it still has some scruples.

But at this moment, the flying saucer suddenly launched an attack, shooting an energy gun from both sides and hitting a U.S. warship. With a loud bang, the warship exploded, with fireworks billowing, and was destroyed in half in an instant.

Other U.S. warships reacted very quickly. A dozen warships concentrated their fire on the flying saucer. The flying saucer flew from above, dodging some of the shots, and some of them hit it. However, all the ammunition exploded outside the flying saucer, and the flying saucer itself Unscathed. It was obvious that there was an energy shield protecting the flying saucer.

At the same time, the flying saucer also launched another attack. Each attack destroyed a warship. In front of it, the US warship was as fragile as tofu.

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom"

In a short while, all the US warships were destroyed, and one or two of the Super Dimension Group's cargo ships were affected and somewhat damaged.

After the bombing was completed, the flying saucer did not stay for a moment and flew away quickly. Most of the people at the port were dumbfounded. But there are also a few people who took photos and videos and couldn’t wait to post them online. Of course, in order to prevent the video photos from being blocked, Su Ti and Luo Qilin's lightning stand-ins also performed some actions behind the scenes. People often joke that they can follow the network cable to settle accounts with you, but with the cooperation of Su Ti and Luo Qilin's lightning avatars, they can really follow the network cable. They can hack into any place and block the information with their little moves. , is almost impossible.

These photos and videos immediately spread online.

"Holy crap, this is the legendary UFO."

"It's true, it's not a movie promotion, right?"

"It should be real, this is definitely not a movie."

"If it's true, then it's okay, the US warship is so vulnerable."

"That flying saucer actually has an energy shield that is only seen in science fiction movies, which directly blocks all attacks. This is terrible. It must be an alien flying saucer."

"Did aliens really discover the earth?"

"If it was really an alien flying saucer, why did it go to the Strait of Malacca, bombard a U.S. military warship and then disappear?"

"I just want to say, what kind of bad luck has the United States been in during this period?"

Discussions on the Internet went crazy. After the U.S. government got the news, it was shocked and angry. A large amount of top-secret information from the CIA was leaked, and it was still reeling. Now that such a weird thing suddenly happened, it can be said to be a series of bad luck.

The United States launched an investigation, but could not find any information about the flying saucer. It just appeared and disappeared out of thin air, as if it was just a punishment for the American warship that it didn't like.