Galactic Garbage Station

Chapter 1121: The whole audience was shocked


On Mango Channel, Nalan Fei was recording a program and took advantage of the break to sing for Su Jing's concert video. Recording the program was not an urgent matter and it was very simple to spare time for one or two songs.

The person in charge of shooting was the staff sent by Su Jing. In fact, Nalan Fei felt it was a bit strange that the staff around her could shoot. This was not a difficult thing. Why did Su Jing have to send a few people over? But Su Jing If she insisted on this, she had no choice but to agree. Anyway, it was Su Jing who was in trouble, so she was happy and relaxed.

Just after the singing, the manager came over and handed the phone to Nalan Fei. Nalan Fei saw that it was a friend calling and immediately answered the call.

"Concubine, aren't you recording a program on Mango Channel?" A woman's voice sounded from the opposite side, her tone full of doubts.

"Yes." Nalan Fei said.

"Liar, you were obviously at Su Jing's concert in person."

"No, I was really at Mango TV. Where did you hear that I went to Su Jing's concert in person? It must be a rumor." Nalan Fei said.

"What rumors? I recorded the live video. You can watch it yourself." The woman opposite said and sent the video over.

Nalan Fei clicked it and took a look, her eyes widened immediately, with an expression on her face as if she had seen a ghost, and her brain short-circuited. In the live video, the woman standing in the middle of the stage singing looked exactly like her, with exactly the same appearance, words, deeds, and singing voice. Nalan Fei was stunned: "What... what's going on?"

In a certain recording studio, the sexy female singer has just stopped singing in the video, and the person responsible for the recording is also a team sent by Su Jing. As soon as it stopped, the manager walked forward anxiously, turned on the computer, and played a video for the sexy female singer to watch.

"What are you so anxious to show me?" the sexy female singer asked doubtfully.

"The live video recording of Su Jing's concert." the manager said.

"What's so interesting about this? I've only sung so many songs anyway..." the sexy female singer said casually. She originally thought her manager wanted her to see her performance, but when she saw what was happening in the video, her eyes widened. Eyes, "What's going on?"

At the same time, many celebrities who assisted Su Jing in singing gradually discovered that something was wrong. Even if they did not discover it themselves, some friends called to inquire about the situation and discovered the problem. They gradually realized that the so-called video singing assistance did not So simple.

At the concert, "Beijing Welcomes You" has finished singing, but the superstars are still standing in a row and have not left yet. The audience and reporters were still wondering, how could so many celebrities with alibi appear here? For a moment, instead of feeling flattered, they felt as panicked as if they were watching a ghost movie.

However, there are also people who are lacking in brains, or are too excited to see so many superstars at once, and do not realize that something is wrong. In the front row, a young man suddenly climbed onto the stage while the security guard was not paying attention.

He took a bouquet of flowers and rushed to the nearest superstar, a diva who was popular all over the country. After rushing to the diva, he excitedly handed out the flowers.

However, the diva in front of her seemed not to be able to see him. She was still standing with a smile on her face, occasionally changing simple movements. Moreover, upon closer inspection, the young man noticed something was wrong. He wondered if it was due to the lighting. He felt that the diva in front of him was a little vague and hazy, as if she was just a shadow.

However, before the young man had time to take a closer look, he saw that two security guards had quickly rushed forward and surrounded him. The young man was very anxious and couldn't care about that much. He just gave the flowers to the diva and was about to run to Su Jing. He was still a fan of Su Jing and wanted to shake hands with Su Jing, but he just gave the flowers to her. When he went out, before he could run, he saw an extremely strange scene. He didn't have any real feeling of touching the diva's body. The flowers even passed through the diva's body and fell directly to the ground, with a clear snapping sound.

"This..." The young man was stunned on the spot, staring at the flowers at the Queen's feet. The Queen's feet were in the same position as the flowers, but they were not stepping on them, but interspersed with each other, without any impact on each other, as if Not on the same plane.

The entire audience also saw this scene, and they were all shocked. The information they received was correct, and the singer did not come. Is this a ghost in front of them

"Oh my God, what's going on?"

"Could it be that all the superstars above are ghosts?"

"What the hell, it's the 21st century and you still believe that? If I'm not wrong, this should be the legendary..."

"What is going on? Could this be the new technology you are going to promote?" Wang Siya looked shocked and turned to look at Wang Zhuo and Zheng Nan.

"That's right." Wang Zhuo and Zheng Nan both smiled.

"Qingqing, what's going on?" Lu Qingya, Yang Wei, Zhu Jianhua, Liu Yin and others also looked surprised and confused.

"I know, this is the legendary 3D holographic projection." Qin Xulan suddenly exclaimed.

"It can't be wrong, my God, Brother Jing is going to cause trouble again." Liu Qing was also excited.

"How is it possible? 3D holographic projection, doesn't this only appear in science fiction movies?" Zhou Lan was stunned, feeling that all this was unreal.

At the same time, on the stage, the young man delivering flowers had been suppressed by the security guard. He was in a daze at the moment, which saved the security guard a lot of worry and effort.

Su Jing walked towards the Queen of Songs and walked behind her without stopping at all. It looked like their bodies were about to collide. However, the collision did not happen. Su Jing penetrated directly into the Queen of Songs' body and stood there. In the position of the diva, there is some overlap with the diva's body. Then, he knelt down, picked up the bouquet of flowers, smiled and said, "Thank you to that friend for the flowers. It's a pity that the diva didn't come, so I collected them on her behalf."

"I believe that many people have discovered that something is wrong. There are many superstars present. Some are in other cities, some in other provinces, and some even in foreign countries. How could they appear here? How could that friend's flowers and my body... Directly through the human body?" Su Jing said as she walked along the row of superstars, passing through the bodies of one superstar after another, and said, "Some people should have guessed it, yes, they have not. Be there in person, these are just images, this is the new technology of our Super Dimension Group - 3D holographic projection."

The whole audience was stunned for a moment, and then burst into excited discussions and exclamations. Oh my God, the legendary 3D holographic projection that only appears in science fiction movies is really going to be released