Galactic Garbage Station

Chapter 1125: Strange treatment method


The advertisement of Kangyun Hospital stated that its hospital can treat myopia within one minute, and can also treat blindness and cataracts. In addition, it has unique and significant treatments for various wounds. Moreover, these treatments are all ordinary treatments and do not require entering the hospital. Supreme VIP area.

This provocation is even more intense. You must know that only the VIP area of Kangfeng Hospital can treat myopia and blindness.

However, netizens naturally do not believe this. Who would believe a hospital that suddenly appeared and boasted that it has the ability to solve the world's medical problems

"This Kangyun Hospital is clearly provoking Kangfeng Hospital."

"I'm not afraid of flashing my tongue even if I blow so loudly."

"In these days, some people think that everything can be hyped up, and that they can replicate the success of Kangfeng Hospital, but they don't know that Kangfeng Hospital actually relies mainly on its true strength."

"We'll see, it won't be long before this hospital goes out of business due to treatment issues, or is shut down due to false advertising."

Although Kangyun Hospital's advertisements are overwhelming, it obviously costs a lot of money. However, most people just laughed it off and didn't take it seriously.

Of course, some people are attracted. Even Putian's form of posting small advertisements everywhere can trick many unsuspecting people into going there and making a lot of money. It can be seen that many people still only read advertisements and lack the ability to distinguish.

This morning, a middle-aged woman brought a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy with thick glasses to the entrance of Kangyun Hospital. When the boy saw the sign, he frowned and stopped: "Mom, why did you bring me here?" Aren’t we going to Kangfeng Hospital?”

"It's just one word missing, so it should be about the same." said the middle-aged woman.

"How come it's almost the same? One word difference is a huge difference. This is obviously a copycat family, and the treatment level is probably very poor." The young man muttered.

"People say that it can cure myopia in one minute. The first ten are half price, only tens of thousands of yuan. If it can't be cured, there is no charge. It is much cheaper than that Kangfeng Hospital, where only the VIP area can treat it, at least one million ." said the middle-aged woman.

“But if it can’t be cured, what’s the use of being cheap?”

"How will you know if you don't try it? Look at what people say. It uses bionic technology. It's very powerful. If it can't be cured, you won't have to pay for it. Stop being awkward and come in with me. You are sixteen years old and only have more than 800 yuan." Myopia is severe, astigmatism is severe, and it is getting worse. If it continues like this, it will be worse." The middle-aged woman forced the boy to enter the hospital. The boy was a little reluctant, obviously not trusting this hospital, but he also knew , I was afraid that I couldn’t afford the medical expenses in the VIP area of Kangfeng Hospital, so I went in half-heartedly.

Because the hospital was deserted, after registering, he entered the eye treatment room. The doctor first tested the boy's vision, went to prepare for a while, and then brought a pair of contact lenses, which are much thinner than ordinary contact lenses. .

"Isn't this... treating myopia? How come it's contact lenses?" The middle-aged woman was stunned, while the boy frowned. Is this hospital really a money-stealer

"Haha, these are not ordinary contact lenses, but new bionic glasses. Wearing ordinary contact lenses will be uncomfortable and irritating. Even if you wear them for a long time, your vision may be further affected. If you forget to take them off at night, it will also cause problems. It may harm the eyes. But these bionic glasses don't feel any discomfort, and once you put them on, you basically don't need to take them off. Unless you encounter any damage, you need to come to the hospital to take them off." said the middle-aged doctor.

"Is this... so good?" the middle-aged woman's eyes lit up.

"Really?" The young man was a little confused. Why had he never heard of such a brilliant technology? Even if it was newly developed, it shouldn't appear in such a newly opened small hospital.

The middle-aged doctor explained again, and the middle-aged woman was very moved. In the end, the young man agreed half-heartedly.

It was not difficult to install the contact lenses. It only took less than half a minute to put them on. The boy had worn contact lenses before. It was very uncomfortable when he first wore them. However, these contact lenses felt as if they were not worn at all. Any discomfort. Even looking in the mirror, you can't see the slightest feeling of wearing contact lenses. The lenses are as thin as cicada wings, and they seem to completely coincide with the pupils when you put them on. In terms of vision, it has been significantly corrected and I can see clearly.

"Xiaojing, how do you feel?" the middle-aged woman asked.

"It feels very good." The young man looked happy. At least for now, the contact lenses were a surprise and perfect. He couldn't help but ask, "Do you really not need to take off these glasses?"

"No, it's equivalent to your eyes now, and it also serves as a layer of protection. As long as you protect your eyes normally and don't get them dirty, don't wash them, get trachoma, or get stabbed by something, etc., you won't need them for ten years. Take it off. The warranty period is one year. If there is any damage caused by non-human damage within one year, we will replace it." said the middle-aged doctor.

"That's great, look Xiaojing, I just said this hospital is good." The middle-aged woman couldn't help but smile.

The boy and the middle-aged woman left happily, because the boy had a high degree of myopia and severe astigmatism, and the price of contact lenses was more than 40,000.

Not long after, someone came to treat blindness again. The price of treating blindness was naturally much higher, but the patient left happily after treatment. Then, another cataract patient came for treatment and left with the same satisfaction.

Although not many people were treated, because the treatment was so effective, the news gradually spread, and then reporters came to interview.

On this day, two reporters, a man and a woman, came to the door of the hospital.

I happened to see someone carrying a stretcher and pushing a patient into the room. The patient was seriously injured and covered in blood. It was obvious that something had just happened.

The two reporters hurriedly followed and entered a clinic. They thought they would be stopped, but unexpectedly, none of the doctors and nurses stopped them.

"Looking at it like this, you probably need surgery, right?"

"Yes, but this doesn't look like an operating room, and it didn't stop us. This is obviously not an operation. Is this hospital reliable?"

If the injury is so severe, doesn't it require surgery

However, the nurse quickly tore open the patient's trousers to reveal the injured calf, and tore open the clothes to reveal the injured abdomen. The doctor took out a palm-sized object and placed it on the seriously injured patient's wound. The object released light, and then the patient's wound was visible. Stops bleeding quickly and heals quickly, looking amazing. Although the wound is still there, it looks much better than before, as if it had been treated for at least half a month.

"Oh my god, what is this?" The reporter was stunned.

"This is the protoplasm repair device." The doctor said.

"Protoplasm repair device, what the hell?" The two reporters were stunned. They had never heard of such a thing. They didn't care anymore and wanted to film it. Of course, they first asked the doctor and the patient if they agreed. The doctor seemed to have received some instructions and had no objection. He just asked the patient for his opinion. The patient thought about it and agreed. Mainly because it looked so magical. , I thought I needed surgery, but it turned out that I didn’t need surgery, there was no pain, and I recovered so quickly, so I was in a good mood.

Then, the reporter went to interview other departments. Perhaps because someone who had treated them before recommended this place, more people came than on the first day. There were patients with myopia, blindness, and cataracts. They interviewed one by one, and every time they interviewed, they were shocked. once.

When they came, they came with the mentality of exposing false advertising, but now they found that there was no false advertising in this hospital. It simply has miraculous medical treatment.