Galactic Garbage Station

Chapter 1131: expulsion


The holy light of the angel badge expanded rapidly and was about to cover the entire Sujia Village. "Su Dapao" noticed something unusual, looked back, and his expression suddenly changed.

He suddenly accelerated and ran forward, much faster than a sprint champion, just like a cheetah. This made the villagers near the dock dumbfounded, wondering why Su Dapao suddenly started running? Why can you run so fast

However, even if he ran fast, he was still not as fast as the expansion of the Holy Light. He was quickly approached, and the black shadow controlling Su Dapao continued to accelerate. As a result, Su Dapao's legs made a crackling sound, and the bones were cracked, and the muscles were broken. There was also a twitch.

"Weak body." The black shadow cursed, and suddenly emerged from Su Dapao's body, like a black lightning, shooting into the distance. He was hiding in Su Dapao's body, obviously trying to escape secretly, but unfortunately it was impossible now.

"Over there." As soon as the black shadow appeared, it was immediately discovered by Su Jing and the Golden Eagle. Su Jing asked the Golden Eagle to chase after him. In this way, coupled with the expansion of the Holy Light itself, it approached at a faster speed.

"Damn human being, holding a powerful holy weapon in his hand, forced me to this point. When I heal my injuries and return to my peak, I will make you irrecoverable." The black shadow cursed, coughed a few times, and he He was originally recovering from his injuries in a place full of sinister aura, but before he could recover, he had just encountered the holy light of the angel badge, adding to his injuries.

Now using mana to speed up the escape will further aggravate the injury and severely damage the vitality. Therefore, this made him hate Su Jing deeply.

Peng~The black shadow suddenly turned into black mist and disappeared. The next moment, it had appeared thousands of meters away, but he coughed even harder.

"Accelerate." Su Jing took out a Thousand Miles Talisman and stuck it on the golden eagle. The golden eagle suddenly accelerated and disappeared in a flash. However, the black shadow was faster and appeared thousands of meters away in an instant. In order to get rid of Su Jing, he changed directions from time to time and hid in villages and woods. He came and went without a trace. He almost lost her several times. Moreover, the golden eagle cannot last long at such an extreme flying speed. The distance between him and the black shadow is getting farther and farther, and he may lose track of him at any moment.

"Xiao Jin, thank you for your hard work. You go back and protect your home." Su Jing said, suddenly took out the steel suit from the storage bag, put it on, and chased after him at a faster speed. Although using the Iron Man suit here may expose it, bring some pressure to China, and even cast doubt on Su Jing herself. After all, this Iron Man suit has attacked various military bases in the United States, and it has a very sensitive identity.

However, in order to track down the black shadow, Su Jing didn't care so much. Letting him escape may not be a matter of some pressure, but a matter of the crisis of the entire earth.

Of course, even Iron Man's speed is still not as fast as Sombra, not to mention that Sombra comes and goes without a trace, making it too difficult to track. So Su Jing also contacted Luo Qilin and asked him to come over for support as soon as possible. In terms of speed, Luo Qilin's lightning stand is simply invincible. Black Shadow is indeed very fast, but he is obviously struggling. Luo Qilin's lightning stand travels through the cable at the speed of electricity, as easily and casually as walking.

With Luo Qilin helping to track, Su Jing suddenly felt much more relaxed. Although the Iron Man suit was still not as fast as the Black Shadow, Luo Qilin could report his position at any time and he could maintain the correct direction. With the expansion speed of the Holy Light, he could still keep up with him. back.

"Damn it, I underestimated him too much." Black Shadow took the risk of getting injured and used his magic power to escape. Unexpectedly, he still couldn't get rid of Su Jing, which made him very frustrated and angry.

"Huh?" As he flew forward quickly, he suddenly turned his head and glanced behind him to the left. Below was a city, but what he paid attention to was not how strange this city was and how different it was from the world he was in. Now During the escape process, he was not in the mood to have so many unnecessary emotions. What he paid attention to was the wires hanging in the air.

"It turns out there is a helper, get out." The black shadow suddenly stretched out his hand towards the left rear, and the black mist filled the air. Luo Qilin's stand-in, who was tracking inside the wire, suddenly felt a huge suction force, and half of his body was pulled out of the wire. come out.

Luo Qilin's face changed drastically. Except for the time he fought against Su Jing, this was the first time he was so passive. Most people couldn't see his stand, let alone attack him. However, facing this black shadow at this moment, he felt that his stand was It's like a chicken in someone else's hand, no matter how fast it is, it won't help.

It's no wonder that a substitute can be said to be a combination of vitality and spiritual power, or it may be another form of the soul. Ordinary people cannot see it, but the black shadow itself is not physical. It may be a ghost. It is mentally stronger than Su Jing and can injure Su Jing in an instant. How could Luo Qilin escape his eyes? How could it be possible? is his opponent.

"What the hell is this?" The shadow could not help but frown when he saw Luo Qilin's substitute clearly. He was obviously a little strange about the form of Luo Qilin's substitute. He exerted force with his big hand and was about to pull Luo Qilin's double out of the wire. Luo Qilin suddenly sucked in the current and tried his best to resist. In the current, it could be said that it was his home field, but he could only resist for a while.

Fortunately, at this time, Su Jing, who was wearing a steel suit, was approaching quickly. The holy light was approaching earlier and was about to cover the area.

"Hmph." The black shadow snorted angrily, slapped Luo Qilin's stand-in with a palm, and then continued to run away. Luo Qilin's stand-in was severely injured and almost collapsed. Luo Qilin, who was in a high-end apartment hundreds of miles away, spat out blood and fell to the ground.

Luo Qilin's substitute could no longer be traced. Without Luo Qilin's help, Su Jing's tracking became difficult again. After a few minutes, the shadow was finally lost.

Another thing that worries Su Jing is that although the Holy Light expands quickly, it does not fly as fast as the Iron Man suit. It is Holy Light, not ordinary light. It needs to rely on the function of the angel badge and the blessing of Su Jing's mental power. The ability to expand is far less than the speed of light.

During the tracking process, although the holy light was expanding, because it was moving too fast, the scope of the holy light had separated from Zhongyun City and did not envelope Zhongyun City. Su Jing was a little worried. If he continued to track like this, he might not only be unable to catch up, but also give the black shadow an opportunity to return to Zhongyun City and control his relatives and friends.

Su Jing didn't want the shadow to cause damage and harm others, but people had selfish motives after all. In comparison, he cared more about the safety of his relatives and friends. In addition, Luo Qilin was seriously injured and she had to rush back to save him. For such a capable general, Su Jing did not want him to die.

"Go back to Zhongyun City first and think about it in the long run." Su Jing sighed helplessly and quickly withdrew to Zhongyun City.