Galactic Garbage Station

Chapter 1143: Absolute master


After a simple opening ceremony, the game officially began.

The two sides jumped to compete for the ball. The Australian team sent a 2.15-meter center, and the Chinese team sent Su Jing.

"I'm going, what's going on?"

"Why is Brother Jing jumping to the ball? The height difference is too far."

"The Chinese team doesn't want to play anymore, send a dwarf to jump the ball."

"It seems they are planning to give up on themselves."

While talking, Su Jing and the Australian center were already standing in the circle, and the referee was in the middle of them, throwing the basketball high.

The Australian center jumped up. Not only was he tall, but his bounce was not bad. He looked like he could shoot the basketball as soon as it started to fall. But at this moment, he suddenly felt a gust of wind in front of him, and a figure jumped up from below. Other players and spectators saw Su Jing suddenly seeming to fly.


Su Jing took the first shot, and the basketball flew accurately to a Chinese team player. The player caught the basketball, bounced it twice, and passed it to Su Jing who had just landed. It seemed that it had been arranged long ago. After Su Jing received the ball, she rushed over with the ball like a cheetah.

The two intercepted, and he flashed with the ball in a flash. His movements were so fast that it was blinding, and both of them were deceived by him. Then, Su Jing stopped suddenly and made a jump shot. The basketball swished and accurately fell into the basketball hoop, two points.


The whole audience burst into applause.

The Chinese team is very excited. This is not just a matter of two points. Judging from the situation just now, Su Jing is not only good at basketball, but also jumps, dribbles, passes, and throws. Her movements are all clean and neat. Chic and extraordinary, definitely a master. This is what is called, once the master takes action, he will know whether it is there or not.

"Who said Brother Jing can't play basketball? Did you see that he is an absolute master?"

"This is such a powerful show of force."

"Hahaha, I'm just asking you if you are afraid."

Shi Qing and Su Ya both cheered with joy, while Ye Qin and Su Zhenyue were dumbfounded. They never knew that their son could play basketball so well and be able to compete in the Olympics and shocked the whole audience.

Australian players and spectators from other countries also marveled.

"That Chinese guy looks pretty awesome."

"It's really amazing. His bounce is so high, his dribbling is so fast and steady, and his shooting movements are quite standard."

"It looks like he is a shooting guard."

Also, everyone around the world who was watching the live broadcast of the Olympics was shocked. At the headquarters of the Super Dimension Group, Wang Zhuo said in shock: "Ah Jing is obviously a basketball master."

"But I've never seen him play basketball. When did you learn to play basketball?" Zheng Nan said with a smile.

The other members of the board of directors all shook their heads and exclaimed. Su Jing was very good if he could participate in the competition. They didn't expect that he would give everyone a showdown right from the start.

"It's amazing." Cheng Shiyao and Yi Ningning from Siya Head Office exclaimed in unison.

"Xiaoxue, didn't you say he's not very good at playing basketball? How can you call him not very good at playing basketball at this level?" Wang Siya said with a smile.

"He really wasn't very good at basketball in college. I didn't know when he learned it." Zou Xue couldn't laugh or cry. She really wasn't lying. Su Jing's basketball skills were average in college. Who knows how he became so good.

"It turns out he is so good at basketball." The female secretary said in surprise.

"..." Wang Yan didn't say anything. Sure enough, Su Jing's basketball skills were no longer what they used to be. What had happened to him in the past two years

Murong Xianer, Nalan Fei, Zhu Jianhua, Peng Ming, Lin Hao, Xiao Rui, Shi Lei, Qin Xulan, Liu Qing and others who were watching the live broadcast of the Olympic Games were also stunned by Su Jing's shot just now.

However, no matter how amazing a goal is, it doesn't mean anything. To put it bluntly, maybe he just suddenly performed exceptionally, and then his performance was average? The game had to go on, and this time it was Australia's ball.

After they served, they began to organize their formation and charge towards the opposite side. Before halftime, Su Jing started to block people, who was the point guard.

The point guard frowned slightly. Although Su Jing's goal just now was amazing and made him pay more attention to it, in his opinion, Su Jing was a nobody after all, so he didn't take Su Jing seriously. Lucky for him. After two passes, the ball was passed to a teammate on the left.

At this moment, Su Jing was like a spring, suddenly ejected to his left, her body seemed to be tilted to the point of falling, and her hands were stretched to their longest length, just in time to catch the ball he passed.

The Australian point guard's heart skipped a beat, and he secretly screamed, so he rushed forward to get the ball back. However, Su Jing moved much faster than him. He took a step forward, and his body, which was almost falling, stood firm in an instant, and won the ball. . Then he suddenly stopped and dribbled the ball in the other direction, as quiet as a virgin but as active as a rabbit, passing through like lightning from the left side of the Australian point guard.

After the Australian point guard reacted, he quickly turned around and chased. However, he was already one or two meters behind Su Jing, and the distance became further and further away as he chased. Su Jing dribbled the ball, but he just ran, but he was still not as fast as Su Jing. As for the other Australian players who reacted, they were further away and couldn't catch up.

Like a bolt of lightning, Su Jing rushed to the front of the basket, jumped up, and slammed the basketball into the basket, scoring another two points.

The whole audience was in an uproar again and cheered. There were not many Australian spectators present. Most of them were Japanese spectators, Chinese spectators and other spectators from other countries. Apart from their own country, most of the spectators were borderless. Seeing such a wonderful scene , naturally applauded.

At this time, the Australian team finally became a little nervous, especially paying attention to and being careful about Su Jing. They served again, organized their formation, and attacked the opposite side.

The Australian team is a strong team, its overall strength is several blocks ahead of the Chinese team. As long as they try to avoid Su Jing, the advantage is very obvious. They quickly approach the basket and a forward makes a jump shot that hits the frame and misses. However, they already had a very tall player who came under the basket and jumped up to grab the rebound. When the Chinese team faced the Australian team, it was basically impossible to grab the rebound, so the opportunity for the ball was far away, which was a big disadvantage.

However, this time, just when the Australian player was about to touch the ball in the sky, he suddenly felt a figure flying up from his side, reaching out from behind his shoulder, grabbing the basketball with one hand, and taking the ball away like lightning.

"Holy shit."

The Australian players and spectators once again exclaimed, this bounce is so amazing. In fact, after the news of the Lantian Silver Line Rice spread, the Australian team also experienced it, so the overall quality has improved a lot, and these talents who were already the top talents in the world have become more superhuman. However, compared to Su Jing at this moment, I feel that I am simply weak.

"Quickly block and defend."

The Australian players quickly retreated and still maintained their formation to defend against players.

However, they saw that Su Jing didn't pass the ball at all, and didn't seem to cooperate with his teammates. He dribbled the ball and rushed towards the opposite side. His figure flashed twice in a row, as if he was walking lightly, and easily passed the person who blocked him. He passed half the court in an instant.