Galactic Garbage Station

Chapter 906: New garbage


When Su Jing entered the garbage station, she saw a huge whirlpool appearing in the sky as usual, and a large amount of garbage dumped down. Affected by the magnetic field of the garbage station, they are suspended in mid-air, and then slowly fall into piles after sorting. Looking around, there are tattered costumes, antique tattered tables and chairs, broken swords, etc., which look like they come from ancient time and space. Of course, it is not possible to tell at a glance which time and space it comes from.

After a while, the garbage stopped dumping and the whirlpool disappeared. From the other side of the whirlpool, there was no sound of conversation for a long time. Maybe the person on the other side has almost given up on this whirlpool and just continues to experiment out of habit. If it continues like this, that would be great. I'm afraid that one day they won't be able to bear it anymore and throw extremely terrible garbage here. Therefore, even though this period of time is relatively comfortable, Su Jing still dare not relax too much. Placing her hopes on others is not the right path after all. Only when she takes control of the initiative can she sit back and relax.

Su Jing first walked towards a pile of green garbage, which consisted of many kinds of plants and small insects. This pile was obviously classified as living things, but nearly half of them had been crushed to death.

Su Jing noticed that among the insects there were large earthworms, ants, and some unknown ones. The most conspicuous among the plants is undoubtedly a huge flower. It is as tall as a person, with branches and leaves spread out in all directions. It is a bit like an iron tree, more slender and soft. In the center is a bright red flower, exuding a faint fragrance. . However, many of its branches and leaves were broken, and the petals were also damaged. It was probably caused by garbage dumping and collision. During the dumping process, rocks may be smashed. It is extremely lucky that such a huge and delicate flower only suffered such minor injuries.

"How about trying these insects first?"

As usual, Su Jing asked Ali, the little raccoon dog, to catch a few mice and then take the dead insects and feed them to them for experiments. However, they had no reaction after eating it.

Su Jing went to observe the living ones, and first noticed the group of black ants, which were shiny black and as big as a little finger. Su Jing released some bullet ants raised in the spirit animal bag and let them fight. As a result, the bullet ants were completely defeated. , was instantly killed. A mouse was bitten by a giant ant. The mouse was furious with pain, foamed at the mouth, and fainted. The lethality of this giant ant was far beyond Su Jing's imagination. However, the mouse did not die directly. The ant's toxicity was still much worse than that of the giant centipede from Xian Nishikong.

"I don't know what time and space this ant is. It's too powerful. However, it doesn't seem to be of much use." Su Jing couldn't think of the use of this giant ant for the time being, but it is a dangerous creature after all. Ants generally have super reproductive capabilities. Strong, if accidentally leaked out, it is likely to cause species invasion disasters and even seriously damage the earth's ecological balance.

Su Jing went to observe the pile of earthworms again, and saw that they were also extremely large. The largest one was more than the size of a finger, more than 30 centimeters, and their whole body was tender red... To be honest, they looked really pretty when they were squirming and rolling in a bunch. disgusting. Su Jing was naughty when she was a child. She caught earthworms many times to play with and even caught more for fishing. But looking at such a pile of huge earthworms, he didn't dare to take action.

Su Jing conducted various experiments and found that except for being larger, they seemed to be no different from ordinary earthworms. Rats had no reaction after eating them, were not aggressive, and could only burrow into the ground... The only difference was that they burrowed into the ground. The speed is extremely fast, at least ten times faster than ordinary earthworms. They are like a group of soil escape masters. If you put a few in a pot of relatively hard soil, it will all become soft in a few minutes.

"This earthworm is of some use, but it is also very limited." Su Jing was a little disappointed and continued the experiment. After testing all the insects, she could not find anything particularly valuable.

Su Jing collected the insects into the ecological space and continued to observe the plants. First of all, she paid attention to the particularly large flower. However, looking left and right, she could not see anything strange. She also used the broken parts to feed mice. There was no response. After testing several small grass plants, they found nothing special and did not bring any surprises to Su Jing.

The rest are some seeds or newly sprouted seedlings, which are too small to observe. Su Jing simply put them into the soil and took out the skull to speed up time. The sprouted seedlings grew taller quickly, and the ungerminated seeds sprouted quickly.

At this moment, Su Jing was attracted by a strange plant that had just grown. It was originally just a bud, less than two centimeters, and the green color was more obvious at that time. However, as it gradually grew taller, the green color gradually disappeared and was replaced by a copper color. Moreover, it had branches but no leaves. If the roots were not wrapped in soil, they would be It was still growing, and Su Jing would probably think it was not a plant, but a bronze sculpture.

Other plants grow very fast, and most of them are over half a meter tall. Those that do not grow taller to a certain extent also grow much laterally. Only this copper-colored plant grew very slowly. After it reached ten centimeters, it grew even faster.

Su Jing reached out and touched it, and found that it was boiling hot. She quickly withdrew her hand, otherwise she might have been burned. And it feels very hard, almost like real copper.

"What kind of tree is this? It's so strange."

Su Jing's curiosity was aroused, so she specially took out this "copper tree" and used the skull alone to accelerate its cultivation. During the cultivation process, I was even more surprised to find that it does not need watering. Instead of growing if watered, it will be dying. If it is not watered, it will be full of vitality, but it will still grow very slowly. After a full ten years of acceleration, it was less than half a meter tall.

However, its surface became hotter and hotter, until finally, with a puff, a flame burst out on its leafless branches, and then it kept burning without any tendency to burn out or go out.

"This tree is really weird."

Su Jing was even more shocked, but he had no idea what kind of tree it was and what its purpose was. This tree grows too slowly. If you want to continue cultivating it, it will be too time-consuming and soil-consuming. You can't rush it. After all, there are other huge garbage to deal with.

Su Jing sent the copper tree, giant flowers and other plants into the ecological space, preparing to continue sorting out other garbage.

What he didn't notice was that the giant flowers were put into the ecological space. After everything calmed down, an eye suddenly appeared in the center of the flower. The eye was black and bright, spinning around, as if scanning the surrounding environment.