Galactic Garbage Station

Chapter 926: Great Sun Light Mantra


After Su Jing's mental power detection entered, she sensed the slender worm in the mouse's belly and directly controlled it under hypnosis. In a moment, the slender worm crawled out of the mouse's mouth and wriggled on the ground.

"Huh?" Su Jing was surprised to notice that not only did the bug grow a little, but its whole body became more crystal clear, as if it was flooded with light, and it didn't look as disgusting as a bug. Moreover, the mental fluctuations on its body seemed to be much stronger.

"This bug is definitely absorbing the nutrients digested by the mouse and growing." Su Jing thought to herself. To be honest, whether it was the bug in front of her or the snake-shaped Gu bug, compared to Su Jing's mental power, They are all too weak. Su Jing can hypnotize and tame them with a single movement of spirit. However, because the Gu insects were too bizarre and had too many changes, Su Jing had to be wary.

Su Jing gave rice to the mouse again. This time it was full after eating for a while, and it was far less full than before. Then, let another mouse eat the long worm, and that mouse suddenly became a big eater.

When a mouse eats this long and slender worm, it will have no other effects except eating a lot. There will be no physical problems or any benefits. This kind of bug is obviously a parasite, but unlike other parasitic bugs, it will not harm the life of the host. When the host's body lacks energy, they stop absorbing it and know how to restrain it.

However, they will send out hunger signals to keep the host eating, and they will continue to plunder nutrients. They also seem to indirectly affect the host's metabolism, speeding up the host's digestion and excretion. In short, they just use the host as a tool for eating.

"This bug is interesting, but it can't be used to protect people." Su Jing had no choice but to put the bug into the spirit beast bag. He named the two voodoos that had discovered their functions. The snake-shaped voodoo was called snake voodoo, and the slender voodoo was called big stomach voodoo.

Su Jing released her mental power and detected the other rats one by one. She found that the bugs they had eaten were all dead, and some no longer existed. They were probably all digested. These may just be ordinary bugs, not Gu bugs. Su Jing once again fed bugs to the mice, but no more surprises were brought. The remaining bugs should definitely be ordinary bugs. Of course, Su Jing will not let them out for the time being. Even ordinary garbage in the fairy gourd time and space may cause species invasion disasters.

"For the moment, I can't think of any better way to protect them. Let Luo Qilin and Bai Hetu protect them first, and let's talk about it after this storm." Su Jing thought, preparing to put this matter aside for the time being and continue to sort out the garbage.

In that pile of paper garbage, Su Jing had seen all the intact papers, but there were some tattered papers left, which the little white mouse was repairing. Besides, now that we know that this pile of garbage comes from the Fairy Gourd time and space, there is no need to look at these papers in such a hurry. You can deal with other garbage first.

Su Jing came to the pile of metal garbage, started to clean it up, and picked up a rusty broken sword. There was no talisman on it, so it was not worth repairing. There was no talisman, which proved that it was not even a talisman. There is only one white mouse with the ability to repair, and it lacks mental strength and gets tired easily. Naturally, it cannot repair everything. It has to select the ones worth repairing after screening.

Of course, even if there is a talisman, it may not be able to be repaired into a talisman.

Su Jing had previously found a fan with talismans and asked the mouse to repair it. After the repair was completed, it was still just an ordinary object. It did not have special functions like relics, painted skins, or time-traveling bronze mirrors. The difference is that there is no energy fluctuation on the talisman. Not only is it damaged, but even the talisman is missing. This is beyond the scope of the mouse's repair.

Su Jing searched for a long time, but only found some messy scraps of scrap metal. Until two hours later, he suddenly found a giant sword. This sword had a strange shape and was larger than a horse-cutting sword. , very heavy, but it was rusty and had no talismans on it.

Su Jing almost threw it aside, but suddenly noticed that there were nine Sanskrit characters on the spine of the sword, glowing with a faint golden light. Su Jing looked at it for a moment, and suddenly her eyes lit up: "Nine-character Sanskrit, could this be the nine-character Great Sun Light Mantra?"

The Nine-Character Great Sun Light Mantra is not a great thing. It is widely spread in the Western Region and is not difficult to obtain. It is of little value in the Xianhu time and space. However, although it is not a great Taoist technique, it can cultivate spirituality and dilute evil spirits.

Su Jing is not a monster, nor does she raise monsters, so there is no need to downplay the monster aura. However, just cultivating spirituality is very useful. Before, he had thought that the bees would be wise and spiritual. This nine-character Great Sun Light Mantra would be just right.

"Wait, don't get too happy first, try it and see if it's true."

Su Jing stared at the nine Sanskrit words, memorized them firmly in her heart, and then began to meditate in her heart. Perhaps because he had studied the Way of the Jingzi Sect and the Sutra of the Great Mighty Dragon Bodhisattva, he was in a sufficient state of mind. After a while, he felt that nine Sanskrit words appeared in his mind, shining brightly. The true energy in the body seemed to be attracted and instilled. Then, Su Jing's whole body emitted light.

This light does not have much use other than dazzling other people's eyes. Used on earth, it may be used as a magic stick, but it has no other use. For it to work, the nine-character Sanskrit must be poured into the pet's mind.

Now Su Jing has three pieces of magic stick equipment: angel badge, Buddhist relics, and the Great Sun Light Spell. She no longer wants to be a magic stick in the future.

The three things have the same purpose, but their functions are different. The angel badge is mainly used to absorb the admiration and gratitude of others. Although it can make people worship and be extremely grateful for a while, and may even make people kneel down, it will quickly return to normal after being absorbed. Buddhist relics do not steal benefits from others. It is a true Buddhist method of salvation, but it can make people willing to surrender and is effective for a long time. The Nine-Character Great Sun Light Mantra is a cultivation method, and its effect mainly lies on yourself. Su Jing's cultivation is his own. If he wants his pets to be affected, he must also let them practice it.

"Try again."

Su Jing entered the ecological space again, first completely hypnotized the bees, allowing her mental power to resonate with them, and then used the Great Sun Light Spell. After a long time, Su Jing stopped. To his disappointment, Bee still did not leave the Great Sun Light Mantra in his mind, not even a single Sanskrit word. Their brains are still too simple after all.

"I don't believe in evil anymore."

Su Jing was very unwilling. He took out the Buddhist relics and recited the nine-character Great Sun Light Mantra directly under the Buddhist chanting. Of course, it also resonates with the spirit of bees and tries to instill Zen sounds directly into their minds.

Su Jing's trial lasted for one day. She tried it in the morning, at noon, in the evening, and again before going to bed. Until the next day, the nine-character Sanskrit gradually appeared in the minds of the bees, even under the influence of Su Jing. , the body suddenly shines.