Galactic Garbage Station

Chapter 970: The target of public criticism


"More and more self-righteous?" Mu Ting glanced at the square-faced young man, half-smiling.

"Isn't that right? He hasn't been ostentatious enough in the past two years. He often makes troubles, as if the world revolves around him. Even I often hear all kinds of news about him. Fortunately, there are noble people to help, otherwise he would I'm afraid he has been arrested and sectioned a long time ago, and he is still alive now? Of course, what he does in other industries is none of my business, and I don't bother to care about it, but only in the medical industry, I don't allow him to mess around to avoid corruption. Doctor's reputation. I will post on Weibo later to severely condemn his behavior and warn everyone not to be deceived," said the square-faced young man.

"You don't need to condemn him. There are already a lot of complaints on the Internet. It is estimated that no one is willing to ask him for treatment. If he had not lowered the ordinary treatment fee and won a lot of favor, he would have been scolded by now." A fat young man next to him said with a smile.

"Haha, this may be his cleverness. He deliberately offers small favors to silence others. Then, he makes money through the so-called supreme VIP area. He is a star after all. If he does a good job in public relations, I'm afraid Some people really got fooled. After all, these days, the most indispensable thing is fools." The square-faced young man said with a smile.

Mu Ting glanced at the square-faced young man without comment. Although she didn't understand why Su Jing did this, she didn't think that Su Jing was trying to defraud people to make money. Su Jing made a lot of money in other industries and couldn't commit deception. In addition, the square-faced young man spoke so righteously, but Mu Ting could see that he was lying for the sake of righteousness, but his jealousy over Su Jing was true.

Several of them are graduates of Tianyang University. Xu Jing, a square-faced young man, majored in medicine. He was a famous figure when he was in school. After graduation, he became even more prosperous. Now he is a well-known doctor with a bright future. He also has a beautiful wife, both in career and love. Good harvest. Originally he was one of the objects of envy and discussion among many alumni, but since the rise of Su Jing, nothing has happened to him. Su Jing has taken away all the halo, which has always made Xu Jing very unhappy.

"By the way, my sister-in-law's illness should have been cured, right?" the fat young man suddenly asked.

"It's almost ready." Xu Jing's face sank slightly, then he smiled. His wife was not suffering from a serious illness, but was infertile, but as a doctor, he had been helpless, which became a thorn in his heart.

In fact, as far as he is concerned, he can barely accept it even if he doesn't have children, but his parents can't accept it. If his wife never gets pregnant, he may be kicked out of the house by his parents.

Xu Jing received strict family education since childhood and was very obedient to his parents. Moreover, his father was very well-connected and had a great influence on his future, which made him even more afraid to rebel against his father.

"That's good, let's not talk about this anymore and come and have a toast." The fat young man smiled and picked up the wine glass to toast.

In a restaurant, Xiao Rui was having dinner with Lu Lu. He and Lu Lu finally made progress and started dating. When Lu Lu went to the toilet, Xiao Rui took out his mobile phone to play with boredom. He accidentally saw the news about Su Jing and Kangfeng Hospital. He couldn't help but be stunned for a while. When Lu Lu came back, he couldn't wait to ask: "Lu Lu, What's going on? Isn't this the hospital where your dad is?"

"Yes, why Su Jing..." Lu Lu was also stunned. The medical scripture Su Jing took out that day has been confirmed to be an ancient book, right? Su Jing won the bet, why did she still buy Kangfeng Medical? Moreover, he actually issued two announcements about treatment fees starting at one million. Is he serious

"Third brother seems to have been scolded badly." Xiao Rui couldn't stand it and sent several replies online to support Su Jing. As a result, Xiao Rui was so angry that he stopped scolding him instantly. Not only him, but many Su Jing's fans also stood up to support Su Jing, but in the end they didn't take it seriously and couldn't speak to the majority of netizens.

In a hospital, several doctors were discussing:

"Have you heard that Su Jing is involved in the medical industry?"

"Haha, I heard that he got a medical classic from the Eastern Han Dynasty, so he thought he was a miracle doctor."

"I think he just wants to steal money, make a fortune and leave, while ruining the reputation of our doctors."

"This is not necessarily true. Before the results come out, let's not rush to a conclusion." Liu Wei interrupted their discussion. He had spent a lot of time and failed to cure Wang Zhuo's son's anorexia. Su However, Jing was cured with a few meals of diet. This incident had a great impact on him, and he also remembered Su Jing deeply. Then one day, Pan Qiao, a vegetative person in the hospital who was basically unlikely to recover, suddenly woke up and seemed to see Su Jing's back that day. After that, he went to find out more and heard a lot of rumors about Su Jing's treatment of difficult and complicated diseases, so Liu Wei felt that Su Jing might not be simple.

"We are not in a hurry to make a conclusion. Isn't this an obvious thing? Do you really think that he is worth a million yuan in treatment fees based on the medical classics of the Eastern Han Dynasty? Let's quickly issue a statement condemning his behavior to save the trouble. He ruined the reputation of all doctors." The doctors sneered, and Liu Wei didn't know how to explain it, so he simply stopped talking.

Xu Jing and many doctors spoke out one after another, condemning Su Jing's exorbitant asking price. They made it clear in their words that they did not believe in Su Jing's medical skills, and hinted that Su Jing was cheating money.

There was even an old Chinese doctor who was highly respected in the medical field and spoke out. He was being interviewed by a reporter. The reporter asked: "Dr. Wang, what do you think of the news about Su Jing's starting treatment fee of one million?"

"First of all, hospital fees should be collected according to the actual situation and according to the fee management system. Isn't this nonsense? Secondly, I don't know about Su Jing, but it is said that she did not graduate from the medical major, and her doctor's qualification certificate is also I just got it recently, how high can the level be? As a new doctor, if he doesn’t practice hard, learn from the seniors, and improve his medical skills, but he is so ambitious and opens a supreme VIP area, it is really ridiculous. His treatment fee, if It’s worth one million, so many veteran doctors with excellent medical skills will charge 10 million, and the medical industry will be in chaos?” said Dr. Wang, who is over 50 years old and has half-grey hair.

After Dr. Wang spoke, more people boycotted Su Jing. Several people who had been treated by Su Jing stood up to speak for Su Jing, such as Jiang Ni who was infertile, Mrs. Sun who suffered from cold syndrome, Lin Shiyu's aunt who was afraid of colds, and Yao Chijing's son who was severely poisoned, etc. Wait, but unfortunately he was regarded as a troll and was quickly drowned in the opposition without causing any waves.

Within a day, Su Jing became the target of public criticism, and most people firmly resisted his opening of a supreme VIP area. Of course, there are also many people who just want to watch the fun and not take it too seriously. Since the ordinary treatment fee has been reduced, they will support it. As for the supreme VIP area, they can just not go there. It is not forced anyway. They didn't think anyone was really that stupid to spend more than one million on Su Jing's treatment.