Galactic Garbage Station

Chapter 980: You see me as an enemy and I see you as an ant


Su Jing's face remained calm and she listened quietly to Xu Jing's words. Of course he knew the Weibo posts that Xu Jing had posted before. Even if he didn't know, he could directly sense Xu Jing's mental fluctuations through his mental power and learn about his Without sincerity, how could Xu Jing hide the little Jiujiu in his heart from Su Jing

However, Su Jing was too lazy to talk to him and asked, "Having said so much, what do you want to express?"

Xu Jing smiled and said: "Well... I hope you can ignore the past grudges. After all, it is just a harmless friction. Also, as doctors, we should also distinguish personal grudges from treating diseases and saving lives."

Su Jing asked: "So?"

"This is my wife. She has been infertile for almost two years. I heard that Su Jing has cured a middle-aged woman in her late forties who had been infertile for ten years. My wife's disease should also be cured. Can it be cured?" Xu Jing said.

"It should be curable." Su Jing nodded.

"That's great, thank you Dr. Su." Mengmeng jumped up with joy, and Xu Jing's eyes also lit up.

"However, before treatment, please pay the fee first. The treatment fee is 10 million." Su Jing said.

"This..." Both Xu Jing and Mengmeng's expressions changed greatly. Xu Jing said anxiously, "Student Su Jing, this is too expensive."

"The middle-aged woman who I treated before also charged 10 million, which is the standard price." Su Jing said.

"Student Su Jing, for the sake of our classmates, can you give us a little less? We can only collect one million. Shouldn't we doctors take it as our duty to save lives and heal the wounded? It is not appropriate to charge too high an extra fee." Are there rules?" Xu Jing said.

"Am I very familiar with you? We don't seem to have any other connection apart from the time you posted on Weibo to suppress me, right? Regardless of past grudges, I still have to reduce the price by 9 million because of your words? As for whether the charges are in compliance with the rules? , do you have the final say?" Su Jing smiled indifferently without making any concessions.

"Doctor Su..." Mengmeng asked for mercy, but seeing Su Jing's cold face, she really didn't know how to speak. At this moment, she wished she could slap Xu Jing. Why did she go to make things difficult for Su Jing? It's okay now. People hold grudges and won't show any mercy. Otherwise, with her connections as university alumni, at least Su Jing's attitude would be better, right

"Xiaoting." Mengmeng looked at Mu Ting pleadingly.

"Alas!" Mu Ting shook her head helplessly. It was not that she was unwilling to help, but she saw Su Jing's attitude. It was useless to say anything now. Unless someone very important to Su Jing came forward to speak, it would be impossible. Make him change his mind. The emotional entanglement between Wang Yan and Su Jing made her understand one thing, and that was that Su Jing was extremely vindictive. Even though Su Jing seemed to ignore Wang Yan's past grudges, it was just a superficial appearance. It is almost impossible for Su Jing and Wang Yan to get back together, because Su Jing will probably remember that incident forever.

If Xu Jing had just apologized sincerely and not been careless, there might still be a glimmer of hope, but instead he tried to be clever and said it so beautifully, but he cut off the last glimmer of hope.

"Su Jing, don't bully others too much." Xu Jing became a little angry and humiliated himself. He came to plead for mercy, but the other party was so merciless and said angrily, "You put your personal grudges on medical treatment and avenge private grudges. I can sue you. "

"Then you should sue." Su Jing smiled.

"Don't think I can't do it. I'll give you another chance now and treat my wife right away. Otherwise, I'll sue you, avenge you, and charge you arbitrary fees." Xu Jing said loudly.

"I'm waiting." Su Jing said.

"Let's go." Mu Ting winked at Mengmeng.

"Let's stop talking and let's go." Mengmeng was not stupid and understood, pulling Xu Jing away. Before she came, Mu Ting warned her not to forget Su Jing's identity and background. Even if Su Jing didn't treat her illness, she must sincerely apologize. Otherwise, if Su Jing starts to blame, are you sure Xu Jing can bear the responsibility? Su Jing might be able to bring disaster to Xu Jing with just a finger. Moreover, with Su Jing's current reputation in the medical community, she might be able to directly make it difficult for Xu Jing in the medical community without any background forces.

However, it was good for Xu Jing. When he could not get treatment, he became angry and threatened to sue Su Jing. Isn't this just looking for trouble? How brave is it to be so confrontational with Su Jing

Xu Jing also wanted to threaten Su Jing, but was pulled away by Mengmeng and Mu Ting. They were very lucky that Su Jing looked calm and didn't seem to take it to heart, or maybe it was because this was his hospital and he didn't want to cause bad things here.

After leaving, Mengmeng and Mu Ting both advised Xu Jing to calm down, but what they didn't expect was that instead of listening, he actually posted on Weibo again, describing his situation in a vivid and colorful way, saying that Su Jing's treatment depends entirely on her mood. He avenged personal vendettas and charged arbitrary fees. Patients had to look at his face in front of him, which showed no dignity.

Xu Jing's Weibo has received a lot of likes and retweets. These days, Su Jing's reputation has skyrocketed. However, as the old saying goes, a tree that is beautiful in the forest will be blown away by the wind. He has also aroused the jealousy and jealousy of many people. dissatisfied. The extremely high VIP fees make many people jealous, and this is always a sensitive point and always controversial. For those who support it, this is robbing the rich to give to the poor. For those who are jealous, this is arbitrary charging.

Prior to this, due to Su Jing's rapid rise in reputation, some opposing voices were drowned out. Now, under the leadership of Xu Jing, there has been a wave of rebound. These opposing voices actually fought their way through the many supportive voices and caused quite a stir. Some of them were sick and wealthy, and could barely afford the treatment fees in the VIP area, but they were too distressed to give up, so they deliberately took the opportunity to cause trouble, hoping to get Su Jing to lower the price.

"He's crazy, why do he have to go against Su Jing?" Mengmeng looked anxiously.

"Alas." Mu Ting sighed. She could probably guess Xu Jing's mood. Xu Jing was originally arrogant and felt that in the medical field, he was an expert and Su Jing was a clown. As a result, Su Jing became a miracle doctor. He I became a clown and felt unbalanced. He lowered his posture to apologize to Su Jing, but was treated coldly and his dignity was completely ruined. At the same time, Mengmeng's hope of recovery has also been shattered, and she will face the pressure of divorcing Mengmeng... Under the impact of various negative emotions, Xu Jing is already on the verge of collapse. So he gave it a try and tried to force Su Jing to treat Mengmeng. However, no matter how he looked at it, it was just an egg hitting a stone.

However, maybe Mu Ting and Meng Meng are overthinking. At this moment, Su Jing did not pay attention to Xu Jing's Weibo, nor did she pay attention to the objections from the outside world. There is one sentence that can describe Su Jing's attitude, you Seeing me as an enemy and you as an ant, Su Jing didn't take Xu Jing seriously at all, and ignoring him was simply a loss of value.

Moreover, at this moment, the Supreme VIP area has welcomed an extremely special patient. It can also be said that it is a disease that he has been waiting for since he obtained the "Medical Scripture". All the previous treatments can be said to be just a preparation.