Galactic Garbage Station

Chapter 981: incurable disease


In the VIP area of Zhongyun Kangfeng Hospital, Su Jing, Lu Qinming and others were receiving a special patient. A middle-aged man was sitting in a wheelchair, his limbs were limp, his neck was crooked, and he was supported by a brace. Behind him, stood a middle-aged woman, a young man, and a young woman. They all looked at Su Jing and others with hopeful expressions.

"Dr. Su, all doctors, please cure my husband." The middle-aged woman begged.

"I'm afraid there's nothing we can do about this disease." Lu Qinming sighed, and the other doctors shook their heads. They were all thinking that the 100% treatment success rate in the VIP area might be broken today.

The middle-aged man sitting in a wheelchair has an incurable disease, one of the five major terminal diseases in the world. It cannot be compared with the previous blue blindness, cough, infertility, etc. at all. This disease is called amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also called motor neurone disease, and there is also a more vivid name called amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

This is a malignant disease. Just like its name, the sick person is like being frozen by ice and snow, losing any ability to move. However, this process is not rapid, but the body shrinks and becomes weak in part. It is caused by damage to upper motor neurons and lower motor neurons, which leads to the gradual weakness and atrophy of muscles including the bulb (the so-called bulb refers to the muscles controlled by the medulla oblongata), limbs, trunk, chest and abdomen.

The Ice Bucket Challenge, which has been popular for a while in the past two years, aims to make more people aware of this rare disease called ALS, and also to raise funds to help with treatment.

The most famous ALS patient in the world should be the world-famous physicist Hawking. It is undeniable that he is a legend. He proved the singularity theorem of general relativity and the black hole area theorem, and proposed the theory of black hole evaporation and the theory of infinity. The boundary-bound Hawking universe model has taken an important step in unifying the two basic theories of physics in the 20th century—the theory of relativity founded by Einstein and the quantum mechanics founded by Planck. He wrote "A Brief History of Time" which caused a sensation in the world and sold nearly 10 million copies. He is recognized as one of the most outstanding physicists after Newton and Einstein, and is known as the "King of the Universe".

However, this genius could not resist the disease. Because of ALS, he was confined to a wheelchair for half a century, and no one has been able to cure him so far. Unfortunately, he suffered from ALS at the age of 21. He was originally only given two years to live, but he miraculously survived two years, and the deterioration of his condition gradually slowed down. However, the damage caused by ALS is permanent. He had only three fingers to move. The disease had severely deformed his body. His head could only tilt to the right, his shoulders were lower on the left and higher on the right. His hands were tightly together, holding a palm-sized onomatopoeia. The keyboard and legs are twisted inward, and the mouth is almost crooked into an S-shape. As long as you smile slightly, you will immediately appear "grining".

In short, ALS is a worldwide problem. Faced with this problem, Lu Qinming and others are helpless and helpless. They thought that Su Jing herself must also be helpless. Suddenly such a patient comes. This is also Too highly regarded.

But then, Su Jing said: "We will try our best to treat it, but I think you should also know how difficult it is to treat this disease. I can't guarantee that it can be cured."

Lu Qinming's eyes twitched when he heard this, and he looked at Su Jing in disbelief. Su Jing's words seemed to mean that he was really trying to cure this disease. It was not that he was not sure that he could be cured, but that he definitely couldn't be cured.

"We understand, it will be fine if Dr. Su is willing to try his best to treat her." The middle-aged woman nodded happily.

"Doctor Su, is it really possible for my father's disease to be cured?" The young men and young women all stared at Su Jing. Of course they hoped that their father's disease could be cured, but they also knew that it was not curable. disease. In fact, they didn't have much hope before coming. Su Jing's answer was beyond their expectations. However, they were a little worried that Su Jing might just be trying to make money as a temporary measure. It sounded nice, but in fact there was no possibility of a cure.

"To tell you the truth, I am researching a brand new treatment method, which has a high possibility of cure, but it has not been used before, so I can't guarantee it," Su Jing said.

"I haven't used it before. Doesn't this mean that my father is a test subject?" The young woman suddenly raised her eyebrows.

"Doctor Su, you have gone too far." The young man also said angrily.

"Xiaohao, Xiaodie, please calm down." At this time, the middle-aged man in the wheelchair spoke. Only his eyes and mouth could move in his body. He had difficulty speaking, so he rarely spoke and couldn't enunciate. Qing Di said, "ALS is an incurable disease. Only a miracle doctor like Dr. Su dares to say that there is a glimmer of hope. You still want to have a 100% success rate? I don't have a long time to live. Why not give it a try?" Fighting? Being able to make a contribution to conquering this disease before dying is worth it. It is better than waiting to die like this."

This middle-aged man, even though he was ravaged by disease, could still be so calm and have such a bearing, which made Su Jing nod in appreciation.

"Doctor Su, don't pay attention to them. I agree to treat me. I won't blame you if I can't cure it." The middle-aged man said, very decisively.

"Wait a minute." The young man said suddenly. Seeing the middle-aged man staring at him, he said, "Dad, I understand your mood and understand you, but please think about it for us. How can we let you try this?" A treatment full of unknowns? What if there are three pros and two cons? Of course, I’m not stopping you, I have a sure-fire plan.”

"What's the perfect solution?" the middle-aged man asked.

"I will bring over a few other patients who also suffer from ALS. Mr. Su will treat them first. If the cure is successful, he will treat my father," the young man said.

Su Jing narrowed her eyes, was silent for a moment, and said: "Yes, but there are two conditions. First, the patients you bring must agree with themselves and cannot be forced; second, the multiple patients you bring, I have put in many times the energy and medicine, and I will pay as many times the money as I have cured, 100 million for each, and as many as there are billions for."

"No problem." The young man nodded. The middle-aged man didn't speak, which should be regarded as acquiescence.

"Deal." Su Jing shook hands with the young man. In fact, it would be a good thing for more patients to try. After all, Su Jing had no treatment before and was not sure.

They did not plan to carry out this kind of unknown treatment for the time being, but they still stayed at Kangfeng Hospital for inpatient care. After arranging the middle-aged man's ward, Lu Qinming asked Su Jing uneasily: "A Jing, are you still here?" Really try to conquer this incurable disease, do you know this is a worldwide problem?"

"I know, so success or failure depends on this, and I need you to assist me next." Su Jing said, he took out a book from the drawer, and it looked like it was newly bound, with a big "Medical Scripture" written on the cover. Character. Lu Qinming was stunned. This seemed to be a copy of the Eastern Han Dynasty Medical Classics