Galactic Garbage Station

Chapter 984: Sensational to the world


The young man and the audience in the live broadcast room were all stunned.

I saw two middle-aged men next to Su Jing and Lu Qinming in the VIP area. They were holding the old man on the handrail and walking with difficulty. Maybe it was too painful to walk, so they screamed. The appearance of these two people has long been exposed, and everyone knows that they are the two ALS patients that Su Jing tried to treat.

However, aren't they all paralyzed due to ALS? How come they can walk now? Even if they are holding the old man's handrails to walk, even if it is painful to walk, they are indeed walking. , how is this possible? Moreover, looking at their complexions, they all looked very good.

"Oh my god, what's going on? Aren't the two of them patients with ALS? Aren't they both paralyzed?"

"Who said one person is already dead? Stand up for me and I promise not to beat you to death."

"It's the two of them, right? Why can they both leave?"

"Are they really recovering?"

"This is impossible, this is ALS."

"If they are really recovering, doesn't it mean that Su Jing has really found a way to treat ALS? He has really conquered the incurable disease?"

The audience was very excited, but the young man was astonished. This plot development was completely different from what he imagined. He did secretly photograph Xu Jing's request, but the problem is that what Xu Jing wanted to see was the miserable plight of ALS patients so that Su Jing could fall. Seeing this scene, Xu Jing shouldn't be happy, right

The young man couldn't care less. After filming for a while, he hurriedly exited and got into the car. When he saw Xu Jing, he was startled. I saw that Xu Jing's face was ashen, and his expression was very scary, as if he was crazy. He was staring at the live broadcast replay, looking at the two ALS patients who were trying to walk as if they were ghosts, and murmured to himself: "This is impossible , how is this possible, it’s all fake, it must be fake, haha... "

"Is this guy going crazy?" The young man curled his lips. Now he just wanted to take the money and leave, staying away from this madman. He said cautiously: "I did everything you said, should I give you the money? "

"This is not the result I want. You are helping him with publicity, and you still want me to give you money?" Xu Jing turned his head and glanced at the young man, and suddenly became furious.

"This is none of my business, I'm only responsible for taking secret photos." The young man was also anxious.

"Don't want the rest of the money, get out." Xu Jing was extremely unhappy and said viciously.

"If you don't give me the rest of the money today, I won't get out of the car." The young man was angry. They started arguing, arguing, and then started fighting. The car was shaking, and people outside thought it was a legend. The car was shaken.

"Something serious has happened. Two ALS patients at Zhongyun Kangfeng Hospital can now walk." A doctor from Zhongyun Huakang Hospital who was taking time to watch the live broadcast suddenly shouted. The news spread quickly. When Liu Wei and other doctors heard about it, they were shocked. The two patients who were so paralyzed that they could not move and were almost in a vegetative state were actually able to walk

"Oh my god, can he really cure ALS? Who is he?" A doctor said excitedly.

"I want to know too." Liu Wei sighed. Even though he vaguely felt that Su Jing was not simple, he did not expect that Su Jing was so awesome. It seems that the back figure that looked like Su Jing was seen in the hospital that day, and it should be him. The vegetative Pan Qiao, who was basically impossible to wake up, suddenly woke up miraculously, it should be Su Jing's credit.

"Dr. Wang, Dr. Wang, we have good news." A middle-aged doctor hurriedly walked into a consulting room.

"What's wrong?" Wang Kangyun asked.

"The two ALS patients Su Jing is treating are now able to walk," the middle-aged doctor said.

"What?" Wang Kangyun was so startled that he almost threw the medicine in his hand on the ground. Even if he supported Su Jing and felt that it was a rare courage to dare to treat ALS, he did not dare to have much hope, even more Unexpectedly, in just a few days, there would be such great progress. Two paralyzed patients could actually walk

"Is the news true or false?" Wang Kangyun couldn't believe it.

"It's true, someone is broadcasting the live broadcast. Most of the time, the two patients have to support the elderly with handrails to walk, but occasionally they can walk normally for a short period. Although the live broadcast has stopped, the replay has been left. You Do you want to take a look?" the middle-aged doctor said, preparing to turn on his mobile phone.

"No more, I'll go to Kangfeng Hospital in person." Wang Kangyun said.

"I just got news that the two ALS patients treated by Director Su are in the rapid recovery stage." Wang Zhuo, Zheng Nan and others at the Super Dimension Group Corporation were having a small meeting, and the secretary came in to report.

"This guy really did it for him." Wang Zhuo was excited. He knew that this was not only a major event in the medical field, but a major event for the whole people.

"I finally understand. His real purpose in buying Zhongyun Kangfeng Hospital is probably this. The previous ones may seem shocking to us, but for him, they are just a small foreshadowing." Zheng Nan said with emotion. Several other people at the meeting were dumbfounded. They felt that the chairman, whom they rarely met, was becoming more and more formidable.

"This is going to heaven!" Director Zhao, the former president of Zhongyun Kangfeng Hospital, was stunned for a long time after seeing the news. He knew that Kangfeng Hospital, which he regarded as a hot potato, would probably be destroyed from now on. I want to follow Su Jing and become a legend.

"This... is he really going to overcome ALS?" Mu Ting was stunned after seeing the news.

"..." Wang Yan couldn't say a word. She felt that Su Jing was becoming more and more strange and distant now.

This news was so explosive that it spread like wildfire and quickly caused a huge sensation. First, it shocked the medical community across the country, and then detonated the whole country. Then it quickly spread to Japan, South Korea, the United States, the United Kingdom... and it was a sensation all over the world.

United States, a medical graduate student.

"The latest news from China is that Kangfeng Hospital has made another breakthrough and seems to have found a way to treat ALS."

"How is this possible? Is the news accurate?"

"With the video as evidence, it should be true."

"I don't believe it. Buy a plane ticket immediately and go to China to verify it in person."

In Japan, when the medical community was still studying how Su Jing could treat blue blindness, how to make adults grow taller, and how to improve the success rate of treating infertility, the news of Su Jing's treatment of ALS came in, and it was like investing in A depth charge.

"How is it possible? Why did China's medical skills suddenly advance by leaps and bounds?"

"It seems that all the treatments coming in and out are from Zhongyun Kangfeng Hospital, from that Su Jing."

"Then Su Jing is only in her twenties, so who is she?"

Laboratory of Physics, University of Cambridge, UK.

"Oh my God, that Chinese miracle doctor really found a way to treat ALS."

"Could it be that God has opened his eyes and Mr. Hawking can still stand up in his lifetime?"

"Go and tell Teacher Hawking quickly."

The world was shocked and the whole world was boiling.

The ice bucket challenge a while ago was so popular, but compared to the real cure for ALS, the ice bucket challenge is nothing. It is not an exaggeration to say it is child's play, right

As for the forces organized by Xu Jing to oppose Su Jing, they collapsed instantly and were wiped out. Even though the controversy such as the high fees in the Supreme VIP area still existed, this time, they did not dare to stand up and argue. Because they all knelt down one after another, they felt that the people on earth could no longer stop Su Jing.