Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 102: Brutal war


Faced with Freddy in her hands, although Anna is a doctor, it is difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without rice. Anna cannot treat Freddy's injuries out of thin air without medical supplies.

So Emil and the dog went deep into the German camp to find drugs that could treat Freddy.

Here Liuliu can clearly feel that the difficulty of decryption is much higher than before.

Not only do you need to pay attention to the timing of patrols by German soldiers, but you also need to cooperate with the dogs.

After a lot of effort, Liuliu finally manipulated Emil to find the medicine to treat Freddy.

By this time Byron Vondorf had already escaped.

After using the medicine they found to treat Freddy, Emil and the others were soon on the road again.

This time their journey will take them to Reims, and in Reims.

The German army carried out air raids and bombings, and the entire city was in ruins and the people were living in dire straits.

The once prosperous metropolis faced Zeppelin aerial bombings and countless houses were destroyed.

Countless French people fled for refuge.

Seeing the scene in front of him, the angry Freddy wanted to step forward to take a look at the situation, but another cannonball fell next to him. He could only hide in a nearby hole, and the hole was blown down by the explosion. Blocked by a huge obstacle, Emil, Anna and the others were separated from Freddy.

Freddy on the other side looked at the Zeppelin in the distance. After realizing that there was no way to join Emil, he chased after it alone.

Anna began to help the injured, but Emil could not push the obstacle away alone, and it took five people to push it away.

So you have to go with the dogs to rescue the trapped refugees, and then ask for their help to push away the obstacles and catch up with Freddy.

In Shark TV, watching the plot of this scene, Liuliu smacked his lips and thought deeply: "Why do I always feel that this plot is implying something?"

"It was Freddy who got bombed twice in a row. What an unlucky old man he is. And considering his skin color..."

At this point, Liuliu stopped talking.

Because the barrage in the live broadcast room will help her continue.

After glancing at the barrages in the live broadcast room, Liuliu returned his attention to the game.

When saving the suffering people in the city of Reims, Liuliu noticed a special detail.

That is, in the game, whether it is Emil as the protagonist or other NPCs, all characters have no eyes.

But in a little girl trapped in a room, she has a pair of bright eyes.

Obviously this comparison is also full of irony.

Well... except, of course, the dog that follows Emil.

After successfully rescuing the refugees, Emil and the dog immediately followed Freddy's footsteps.

Ended up meeting Byron von Dorff in the cathedral.

There are two consecutive BOSS battles here. In the first one, Emil and the dog have to attack through the windpipe of the pipe organ, which is very creative.

In the second game, Freddy is controlled to pick up the grenade that Byron Vondorf dropped but has not yet exploded, and attacks the Zeppelin propeller.

After blowing up the two propellers of the Zeppelin, Byron Vondorf escaped again, and at this time the pilot who could be seen on the airship turned out to be Karl.

On the other hand, Anna ignored Emil and Freddy and drove the car alone with the dog towards the direction of the Zeppelin's crash.

At this time, the player also understood the story of the last character, 'Anna'.

Nine months ago, Anna was training to become a veterinarian.

When she received the letter from her father, the German army was only 20 miles away from Paris.

Her father told her she was in good health and advised her not to return home to Belgium until the war was over.

But waiting patiently is obviously not Anna's personality, and she decides to go find her father.

But all taxis in Paris had been requisitioned to transport soldiers to the Marne front.

So Anna finds a damaged-looking car on the street, repairs it and heads to the front as its driver.

Just like rescuing Emil and Freddy before, here it is also a mini game of driving.

Especially with the background music called 'Cancan', it is even more cheerful than before.

The ringing of the car next to it and the trembling performance of the wooden barrel are all perfect touches.

What's even more amazing is that in the middle and back of the road, two cars suddenly appeared in the middle of the road, and Anna's taxi was placed in the middle twice, which fully demonstrated what it means to be a man.

At this time, the rhythm changes from the cheerful 'Cancan' to Offenbach's 'Barcarolle', as if the player is on the Venice River at night.

But before the player's emotions can sink in, the rhythm suddenly switches to a cheerful 'can-can dance' without any gaps.

Looking at this scene, Liuliu in front of the computer and the audience in the live broadcast room were also happy.

After all, this scene is so cheerful and full of joy.

Anna, who is also in the game, is also very happy.

[On September 7, 1914, the taxi drove all night. Anna was proud and happy that she could help the soldiers go to the front line]

But the next second, the entire style of the game changed instantly.

[Until Anna arrived at the front line and saw the cruel facts with her own eyes]

Anna in the game, Liuliu who was playing the game in reality, and the audience watching in the live broadcast room all fell silent.

The battlefield was as silent as death, with corpses everywhere.

The bodies of dead soldiers and horses piled up like mountains.

Although it is a hand-drawn 2D style, you can still feel the heaviness through the screen.

Especially when paired with the cheerful scene before, the contrast is even greater.

Driven by compassion, Anna stayed on the front lines to care for the wounded.

Every life saved is a small victory in this war.

The necrotic arms of the wounded were sawed off. There were so many corpses under the bridge that they were dumped here as garbage.

But at this time, a cry for help came from the ruins.

A living enemy soldier, for whom Anna helped him remove the bullet and saved him regardless of friend or foe.

While rescuing the wounded, Anna heard the French officer next to her talking about Belgium, saying that the German army was going to test a new type of poison gas weapon near Ypres, and that was Anna's hometown.

So Anna, who was worried about her father's safety, decided to return to Ypres.

The governess who was rescued at home told Anna that her father was captured by Byron von Dorf, who wanted to use advanced weapons in the war, so Anna embarked on the road to find Byron von Dorf.

So there was the scene where Anna saved Emil and Freddy in a critical moment.

Emil, Freddy and Anna, three people from different countries, nationalities and identities, have a common goal.

At this time, the timeline in the game also returned to the past. Anna, who was chasing the airship, did not find her father when she arrived at the destination.

Instead, she saw Carl who was seriously injured and trapped. After helping Carl out of trouble, he learned from his mouth that her father had been taken away by Byron Vondorf through the emergency plane on the airship before it crashed.

The seriously injured Karl was then sent to a prisoner of war camp, while Emil was taken to a military court as a deserter.

However, thanks to Emile's performance in Reims, he was released.

It's just that the place where he was released was... the front line, a place name that everyone knew - Verdun.

After arriving at the front line, Emil fought fiercely with other soldiers for three months, and the time changed from autumn to winter.

On the battlefield, Emil, like all soldiers, suffered from the devastation of war and endured the cold winter.

The greatest comfort for all soldiers on the battlefield is letters from home.

Emil also received a letter from his daughter back home.

But there is no good news. Food is scarce, diseases are rampant, and the death toll is rising. There is only one ray of light in this desperate news, and that is the photo of his grandson Victor learning to walk.

During this period, the German army launched another attack, but fortunately Emil survived the war again.

And because of their outstanding contributions, they were awarded medals together with Freddy. At the same time, Anna also received good news from the other side, that is, the seriously injured Karl was almost recovered.

But correspondingly, the war became increasingly fierce, with the death toll rising steadily. With 70,000 casualties every month, Verdun was dubbed a meat grinder.

Facing the increasingly fierce war, Emil and Freddy were sent on a mission to retake Fort Duomond, where they met their old rival Byron Vondorf again.

Freddy and the dogs restrain Byron von Dorf while Emil goes to detonate the explosives in Fort Duomond.

Although the fortress was eventually detonated, the Germans held their position.

Mission failed.

Looking at the fortress in the distance, Emil felt extremely disappointed.

[Mary, my baby. The war took the life of a close friend who was like a brother to me, and his death hit me hard and unimaginably.]

[Let’s be happy. Karl has recovered and his physical condition is becoming increasingly stable. I will go see him during my next vacation. How are you? are you OK?]

But what Emil didn't know was that Karl also received a letter from Mary at the same time.

The letter said that Victor, his son, was seriously ill.

This made Carl want to see his wife and son, but he understood that this war would not end, so he made a decision to escape from the prisoner of war camp.

Watching the plot in the game progress bit by bit, Liuliu sitting in front of the computer felt extremely heavy.

She has fully experienced the cruelty of war.

"No way? Is Freddy dead? Is the dog dead too? And Carl is trying to escape from the prisoner of war camp. Is something going to happen?"

Although the character in the game has now been switched to Karl, Liuliu did not start immediately.

But the whole person is still immersed in the information he just got.