Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 103: What a cure! This is simply depressing!


Liuliu, who was in front of the computer, felt very heavy now.

From the cheerful humor at the beginning, to the coexistence of cruelty and humor in the middle, but now only the most cruel expression of war is left.

Three men, one woman and one dog, this is the complete lineup of protagonists in the game.

As a game that reflects the cruelty of war, the game adopts a graffiti-like 2D cartoon style.

The graffiti-style cartoon humor forms an extremely sharp contrast with the cruelty of war. At the same time, there are many objects that can be collected in the game, and all of them record real historical events.

It feels like this game is telling a true historical story.

Unlike most anti-war games, this game is not designed to show the external appearance of war, but to show the internal aspects of war.

It does not depict the war from a macro perspective.

Each character has nothing to do with the war, and everyone is forced to get involved in this world war caused by politics.

Carl, Emil, Freddy, and Anna care more about the happiness and peace of their small family.

No one actively wanted to contribute to the war effort.

For them, it was a war caused by tragic arrogance, cruel misunderstandings, failed diplomatic fraud, ignorant nationalism and long-lasting distrust and mutual hatred.

And these things have nothing to do with them except that they have ruined their humble happiness.

Freddy wanted to avenge his wife, Anna wanted to find her father, Emil and Carl were forced to join the army. On the battlefield, they did not care about winning the war, they only cared about the safety of each other as family members.

The game allows players to feel the pain that war brings to people from these little people.

As a small member of the battlefield, the protagonist will experience the rain of bullets, muddy trenches, icy winter, and the threats posed by various war weapons.

They all have the same wish, that is, they hope that the war will end soon and they can return to their families.

It has to be said that now Liuliu feels the emotion that the game wants to express.

Somewhat stupidly controlled Carl to escape from the prisoner of war camp, but Liuliu's heart was still thinking about Freddy and the dog whose life and death were uncertain, as well as Emil who was still trapped outside the fortress.

But the plot of the game in the next moment made her take a long breath of relief.

Because Freddy is not dead, he is still a dog.

Just like when he rescued Emil, the dog dragged Freddy out of the rubble.

And here, through Freddy's memories, Liuliu's guess about the story behind him is confirmed.

Why did Freddy hate the war so much, because the war took the life of his wife.

On Freddy's side, Anna's father, the old professor, also survived, and the two men repaired the damaged tank.

The two people driving the tank left the castle in a crushing manner, while Emil also successfully escaped back.

Although the mission failed, the French army was excited by bringing back the old professor and capturing a tank.

Several people took a photo together, and Emil wrote to Anna.

But the time they got together was very short-lived, and Emil and Freddy soon separated. Freddy went to the Somme, while Emil was sent to the Volva Mountains to fight in the mine tunnels with the German army.

Here both sides are struggling to dig tunnels, and the smell of gunpowder is very strong.

There may be only a layer of soil between the enemy and our troops here, so even the stethoscope used to treat illnesses and save lives has become a tool used in warfare here.

"It's really too heavy and depressing." Liuliu, who was in front of the computer, sighed while looking at the pictures in the game.

Canaries in cages to detect the level of poisonous gas underground, and mine soldiers who keep dying.

Although it still has the art style of cartoon graffiti, it now only brings depression.

At this time, a cry for help came from the right side of the screen, and Liuliu controlled the Emil in the game to dig to the right.

Compared to Emil, who had been holding a spoon before, at this time he had also changed his weapon. He had successfully evolved from a cook to a miner, and the spoon in his hand was replaced by a military shovel.

"Ah, this is a German officer, not one of our own."

After digging the tunnel, Liuliu saw a German officer who accidentally touched the cable and was suspended in the air, dancing and calling for help.

"Oh, they are all poor people in the war. Just wait a moment and I will come to save you."

Looking at the picture in the game, Liuliu sighed with emotion and used the wheel next to him with the dog to put the German officer down.

The German officer who was put down looked at the running Emil, put away the gun in his hand in advance, and then extended his hand in a friendly manner.

"Have I made a German friend?" Liuliu, who was in front of the computer, had a look of surprise on his face.

In the game, the passage on the left has been blocked, so Emil can only find a new way out with the German officers.

The two people cooperated with each other along the way and successfully escaped.

As Emil prepared to leave, a group of German soldiers discovered them.

But at this time, the German officer took the initiative to explain to Emil and helped Emil return to the army.

Watching the two people shaking hands and expressing friendship, Liuliu in front of the computer showed a smile.

"It's great. This plot is so healing! In such a cruel war, such heart-warming scenes are rare." Liuliu sighed with emotion: "I don't know if you have read a novel called 'War Horse' , there is a similar scene in it, it’s so good... I feel like I’ve been healed.”

"It seems that Chen Xu's statement that he is a warrior of love is not without purpose! This story is so heart-warming." Liuliu smiled in front of the computer.

The heavy atmosphere in the game had always made her feel a little uncomfortable.

But now this heart-warming scene can be said to be like the sudden appearance of the warm sun in winter, making her whole body feel warm.

But... the warm sun didn't last long.

Emil, who returned to the headquarters in the game, received a new mission to transport a box of things.

After transporting the things to the target point, the soldiers uncovered the white cloth, which was filled with explosives.

What's more important is that the next game screen gives a close-up of the environment above where the explosives are placed.

A familiar face appeared in Liuliu's sight.

"No way! Isn't that my friend? No way!"

Seeing this scene, Liuliu had a bad premonition in his heart.

What happened next confirmed her hunch.

The explosive exploded, causing heavy damage to the German army. Among them, the German officer who had rescued Emil was also killed on the spot.

[French officers were complacent about the heavy losses suffered by the enemy]

[The Emir thought this was a cowardly act, and he was so angry that he refused to be awarded the medal]

Emil threw the medal he had just awarded into the blazing flames, and at this time Anna also gave him a heavier blow.

Carr, who attempted to escape from the prison camp, was executed.

Just like Emil in the game, Liuliu in front of the computer and other players who played here were confused.

At this moment, Liuliu thought of her previous praise for Chen Xu. Now she just wanted to say one thing: Can I rewind

What about the heart-warming promise? What a cure! This is simply depressing!

The warmth in front is just to deepen my heart!

In the first move, both parties are still friends, but in the second move, I don't kill Boren and Boren dies because of me.

Even though you know, this is war.

It may even be said that real war is more cruel than this.

But emotionally, this is still very painful.