Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 105: Tears


After the Carl family of three reunited, the screen fell into a brief black screen.

[Mary, who had never heard from Emil, finally received a letter from her father a few weeks later.]

The sad BGM sounded slowly, and the camera came to the cell where Emil was being held.

The door to the cell was opened and an officer came in to tell Emir that time was up.

Here the emir was dressed in rags and had a pair of shackles on his feet.

Without any prompts, you can only keep moving forward.

At this time, Liuliu, who was in front of the computer, had a terrible guess in his mind.

On the way forward, all the soldiers showed no contempt for the emir.

They would salute the emir as he passed by, take off their hats, or turn their heads away from him to avoid looking at him.

Even when the Emil is manipulated to stop in the game, the soldiers and officers escorting him will not be impatient, but will stop and wait for him.

There was no violent urging or pushing, just standing there quietly waiting for Emil.

Accompanied by melancholy piano music, Emil's narration slowly sounded along with his footsteps.

[Dear Mary, for me the war is over. I have no regrets in my heart. I have witnessed too many tragedies]

[I hope fate can be kinder to you]

[Although our living days are so short, my life is full of happiness, and I can only be grateful]

[I have received so many blessings, especially thank God for bringing you into my life]

[This letter is my last letter]

[I was found guilty by a military court for killing an officer]

[Even though I don’t actually want to kill him]

[War makes people crazy]

[Although I let Carl down, I know my sacrifice was not in vain]

As the emir advanced, one soldier after another took off their hats and saluted.

Freddy was among them. Looking at Emil who was about to go to the execution ground, he took off his hat and looked sad.

Memories of the past also reappeared one by one.

Dog, Anna, Carl, his daughter and grandson.

[I fought for my country and my freedom, and I defended my dignity]

[Since fate makes us part from life and death here]

[Then I will pray that we will be reunited in heaven in the future]

[Please continue to pray for me]

[I will always love you—Dad]

Standing in front of the judgment cross, Emil had only indifference and no fear on his face.

The screen faded into darkness.

'boom! 'There was a gunshot, followed by the sound of a body falling to the ground.

The next moment a sad melody sounded, and the scene came to a cemetery.

Under the setting sun, wooden crosses stretch as far as the eye can see, and the French flag flutters in the wind in the distance.

[Although their bodies have long since turned into clay, they will always live in people’s hearts]

[We must cherish these memories and never forget them]

Finally, in front of Emil's grave, Dog, Carl, Mary and their son stood there quietly.

At this point, the entire game has officially come to an end.

Liuliu, who was in front of the computer, was completely in tears at this time.

Her eyes were red as she watched the ending scene on the screen, and she took a napkin from the side and wiped it a little.

"Emil... Emil didn't know until he died that Karl was actually not dead. He still felt that he had failed Karl." Liuliu's tone was choked with sobs.

It's not like she hasn't played tragic games before.

Even last year, "To the Moon" staged a regrettable but wonderful love story for countless players.

But the core of "To the Moon" is different from the game "Braveheart: World War".

To describe it in one word, it is heavy.

There is no plot to incite the player's emotions, it's just the kind of boiling a frog in warm water that breaks the softest part of the player's heart through a little bit of foreshadowing.

What it shows is so cruel that it even makes players feel heavy.

In the last words of Emir, there was no complaint about his own fate.

Some are just love for relatives and no regrets in life.

Unlike some large-scale war games, "Braveheart: World War" does not have any gorgeous content.

There is no realistic picture to depict the cruelty of war.

Some simply allow players to get closer to families that have been torn apart by war, as well as those who have been tortured by war.

On the contrary, these have a greater impact than the visual picture.

And Emil is just a microcosm of countless people.

It can even be said that Emil and Karl in the game are lucky enough.

But it is precisely this that makes people feel the cruelty brought by war even more, and that makes them feel the heaviness.

… … …

Not only Liuliu, but all the players who have cleared "Braveheart: World War" are completely in tears.

Because there are really too many places in the game that can make them cry.

Emil on the front foot became friends with a German officer, and the German officer on the back foot was killed.

There is also a search and rescue dog dog who just met his original owner, and then the owner was killed by a bomb.

Karl's family of three has just been reunited, but Emil is about to go to the execution ground and be executed.

There are many other examples in the game that just warm people's hearts and then stab your heart with a knife in an instant.

Not only the plot, but also the overall performance of the game.

"Braveheart: World War" is not a large game, and the whole process only takes about three hours.

In terms of sales, "Braveheart: World War" was not very high at the beginning. After all, it is a small-scale game, and it is also a game participating in a tour activity. Many players are still waiting and watching.

But the score of the entire game went straight through the sky, reaching a score of 9.8.

Thanks to this super high rating, the game "Braveheart: World War" also began to spread quickly among the player community.

There are also more and more comments and related topics from players.

'Chen Xu always knows how to fool us! This game allows us to see what a warrior of love is. It is said to be a heart-warming work, but after playing this game, I was immediately confused! '

'Although I really wanted to beat up Chen Xu, I have to say that I really cried at the end of the game. The ending was really touching! '

'At first I was skeptical about how such a small game could embody anti-war ideas, but I have to say that Chen Xu did it! '

'There has never been a good war, nor a bad peace! '

'There is indeed a brave heart in the game, but unlike another translation of the English subtitle 'The Great War', this war born out of politics and interests cannot be linked to greatness in any way! '

Of course, there are also some players who don't like this mode. After all, it's hard to agree with everyone, and the differences in player tastes are very significant.

It is impossible for Chen Xu to make a game that is comprehensive and can cater to the tastes of all players.

But compared to the player groups who all have their own preferences, the industry game media have all given this game a very high rating.