Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 107: This is a real pleasure!


Hearing Qin Yi's words, Chen Xu showed a meaningful smile.

He didn't speak, but silently walked toward the Road to Living Sacrifice. This map contained a black knight holding a huge sword.

Is the game too difficult

In fact, Chen Xu has carefully considered this issue and conducted market research before development.

Why not do Dark Souls 1 first in the order of the game plot, but choose Dark Souls 3

It is because in terms of difficulty, Soul 3 is too friendly for novice players.

Besides, "Dark Souls" is not the kind of game that deliberately tortures players.

I only got started with "Dark Souls" and played it once or twice, and then defeated the enemy with my own efforts.

Only then did I realize that this game is so exciting that it can be said to be an out-and-out enjoyable game.

It's just the price of having fun, which is a little bit big.

But Qin Yi obviously didn't know these things clearly.

Looking at Chen Xu's expression and movements, Qin Yi knew what Chen Xu meant when he completely changed.

In this regard, he could only mourn for the future players in his heart.

Players, I tried my best!

At worst, when designing the game's death screen, he told the art team to make the word "death" look better.

There are also a few more death close-ups of various monsters, BOSSs, and mechanisms when killing characters.

Try to make the players' deaths unique and innovative.

… …

The entire game of "Dark Souls" has been in development for such a long time.

Most of the content is basically complete.

The rest is mainly the beginning, finishing and testing stages.

Mainly the various levels in the game, as well as the character controlled by the player using various weapons to fight the BOSS. These are all things that need to be tested after the game is developed.

Then, based on the content tested, we decide whether to make detailed adjustments, or whether to go online directly.

During this period, in addition to the development of "Dark Soul" and the participation in the tour activities of "Braveheart: World War".

"Three Kingdoms" and "Jelly Bean Man" are also full of action.

Among them, for "Jelly Bean Man", the follow-up is mainly for the operation team to carry out various linkages such as accessories and skins.

As for the map, in addition to the official theme map, the creative workshop can be said to have contributed most to maintaining the popularity of "Fall Bean Man". Secondly, compared with the previous life, "Fall Bean Man" has also launched several brand new modes.

Team, individual racing, simple level entertainment mode, and corresponding rooms open to players to customize rules.

However, compared to its peak period, the popularity of "Fall Bean Man" has dropped significantly, with the highest number of simultaneous daily online users falling to about 150,000 people.

On the contrary, the stickiness of players in "Three Kingdoms" is quite high, and the number of players has steadily increased compared with the data from the online period.

In addition to the new ones, the same period also saw the launch of a one-on-one battle field in addition to the 5-player field, a 2V2 dragon-tiger four-player field, and some new skin activities.

Nebula Games did not engage in krypton gold activities corresponding to revenue flow.

But the expansion of the player base will naturally bring about an increase in revenue.

The monthly revenue has stabilized at 11 million. It is obvious that "Three Kingdoms" will become a cash cow that can sustainably produce milk for a long time to come.

As for "Jelly Bean Man", continue to operate it well and maintain the vitality of the community.

The heat will not be as high as when it was first launched, but it will also maintain a long life.

The same goes for "Three Kingdoms". As a card board game, its lifespan can definitely be maintained for a long time.

In the Nebula Game Experience Store, Chen Xu and his team are also preparing for the next stage of promoting "Dark Soul".

In the project room, all employees involved in the development of "Dark Soul" are gathered here.

Qin Yi reported on the completeness of the game, some advantages and disadvantages of the current test, and the directions for improvement.

At the meeting, Qin Yi mentioned the difficulty issue mentioned before again.

With a very complicated expression, he looked at Chen Xu and hesitated for a long time before finally speaking: "Mr. Chen, are the BOSS values related to "Dark Soul" really not going to be adjusted?"

After the words fell, not only Qin Yi, but also the employees on the combat system and numerical levels all nodded subconsciously.

It was really touching to them.

After the numerical parameters of each BOSS in the game are completed, and then each monster and BOSS are inserted according to Chen Xu's requirements.

They also served as the first batch of game testers.

Each of them has experienced it since the beginning of the game.

Everyone is prepared for the difficulty of this game.

After all, the values, layout of monsters, and various traps on the map are all placed there.

But when they really got started, they realized that they were still too naive and too young.

The difficulty they imagined was completely different from what they actually experienced!

As a result, most of them were stuck for a long time just with the first BOSS, "Ash Judge Guda".

There were only a few relatively talented players in the team, and it took a few fights to defeat 'Guda, the Judge of Ashes'.

And this is just the beginning.

Not only the BOSS, but also the mobs such as the Crystal Lizard and Dao Brother, most of the people in the team died at first sight.

Even Brother Fengxin inside the Fire Sacrifice gave them a good beating after three consecutive attacks triggered hostility.

This directly makes them doubt their life.

As for the Lothric knights on the high wall of Lothric behind them, whether they are those with swords or guns, or the treasure monster, the fat winged knight, and the human pus.

Except for those zombie skeleton soldiers, they all feel like BOSS!

Even for those skeleton soldiers, unless they were singled out, if two or three of them were attacked together, along with some living corpse dogs, they would most likely die.

Hearing Qin Yi's words, Ruan Ningxue, Yang Xin and the employees responsible for music, scene construction and other content next to them all showed surprised expressions.

Is this game very difficult

Are you questioning whether there is something wrong with Mr. Chen’s numbers

After all, Mr. Chen's image is quite tall in everyone's mind, not to mention that what is being questioned is not the details, but the core of a game: data.

"I'll test it later." Chen Xu smiled and said to Qin Yi.

After hearing Chen Xu's words, Qin Yi scratched his head with his hands, and then continued to report the corresponding content.

Zhang Yida from the marketing department recorded everything in his notes.

About twenty minutes passed.

Chen Xu, Yang Xin, Ruan Ningxue, and Zhang Yida, who wanted to determine the publicity plan based on the actual game content, came to Qin Yi's project team.

As soon as I arrived, I saw three big words 'You are dead' appearing on a large presentation screen hanging on the wall.

Apparently he died during testing and has not exited the game.

Looking at these three familiar words and the gray and dark red UI interface, Chen Xu also smiled.

"Let me take a look."

Pulling a chair, Chen Xu sat in front of the computer, exited the game again and then entered it.

Qin Yi and others next to him also looked at Chen Xu expectantly, wanting to see the scene they were looking forward to.