Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 108: Why are you so skilled, Mr. Chen?


After watching Chen Xu enter the game and recreate the character of a 'useless person', Qin Yi and others standing nearby looked at each other and showed a tacit smile.

Several people looked at the picture on the monitor in front of Chen Xu with wide eyes, as if expecting something good to appear.

Chen Xu, who was experiencing the game, naturally noticed the small movements of Qin Yi and others next to him.

However, Chen Xu didn't say anything, just smiled and continued to test the relevant content of the game.

There are no big problems with the related UI interface, including the face pinching system in the game, which is more refined than in the previous life.

After trying it casually, Chen Xu entered the game using a preset default image.

The first thing that catches the eye is the picture.

In the previous version of "Dark Souls", or all games in the Soul series, graphics were not the focus.

Players don’t praise the graphics, but praise the art settings of the game. For example, the fairy tale-like Cold Lie Valley in Soul 3 can be said to have stunned countless players who saw this scene for the first time.

There are also the Palace of Origin in Sekiro and the Temple Street in Bloodborne, both of which impressed countless players.

But when the technical level of the parallel world is stronger than that of the previous life, and the mainstream configuration is also higher.

Chen Xu couldn't explain why he didn't do it because he had a better picture, but he wanted to keep it the same as in his previous life.

After all, good game graphics can also bring players a better gaming experience.

As for the feeling the game has given him so far, he is very satisfied.

The entire picture presents a cold gray tone, and the scene is extremely desolate, with the ground filled with bones and ashes.

A vague mist floated in the air, looking a little cold.

Basically, it creates an atmosphere of the game.

For the opening animation of the game, Chen Xu still used the promotional title released at the previous exhibition.

It was just a few cuts. The gaps that were added to create an atmosphere for the exhibition made the entire opening story more compact.

After all, the entire CG cost a lot of money, so it’s time to make the best use of it.

Entering the game, Chen Xu was wearing big pants, holding a broken wooden shield and a chicken leg in his hand, and began to try some simple movements.

Just like in the previous life, there are specially prepared system prompts and advice on the ground, and living corpses are also placed nearby for players to use as training objects.

But for Chen Xu, there was obviously no need to watch.

After all, it can be said that he is very familiar with the system settings of the entire game.

Running, locking, normal attack, heavy attack, releasing combat skills, and rolling.

Chen Xu tried all the movements one by one.

Then Chen Xu opened the console in the game and entered a line of code to call up a shield that could use shield reverse.

The small broken wooden shield that chooses the useless person to appear in the game can only be used to impact and cannot deflect. Therefore, if you want to practice shield deflection, you have to change to a shield with blocking skills.

As for this code, it is only for testing the development version and will definitely be deleted after the official version is released.

Putting on the shield that was adjusted through the code, Chen Xu came to the side of the first zombie monster.

He didn't rush to take action immediately, but circled around it to awaken hatred and make it stand up from the ground.

I saw a roar coming from the mouth of the living corpse opposite, and then rushed over waving the broken sword in his hand.

Under the confused gazes of Qin Yi and others, a dull sound came from the speaker that came with the monitor.

Qin Yi, who participated in the entire battle system of the game, understood that this was the sound of a successful shield counter-attack in the game.

The character in the game faced a living corpse that was half-kneeling on the ground and was stuck in an erect posture. The wooden stick in his hand, which was like a big chicken leg, hit the living corpse's head hard, directly clearing the long health bar.

The execution scenes in the game are more detailed than in previous games.

Although different weapons in the previous "Dark Soul" had execution animations, except for the large categories of weapons, such as great swords, axes, long swords, bare hands and claws, almost all of them were applied to three or four types of weapons with one action. superior.

Therefore, Chen Xu has also optimized a lot in this area.

As for the content of the game itself, adding execution actions or not adding them actually does not have much impact.

But it actually has a direct impact on the player experience.

Because this execution animation is actually a game reward.

Just like in a fighting game, the average player accumulates an energy bar to use powerful moves, and if he successfully hits his opponent, he will perform a series of gorgeous moves.

This is a reward mechanism.

The same is true for executions in "Dark Souls".

For monsters that can be countered by shields, successful shield counterattacks are then executed. This is also a visual reward for players.

At the same time, this has another benefit, that is, when each weapon has its own execution animation, the player has to wonder what the execution effect of each weapon is like

What? Do you think the whip has execution animation? And this weapon

Seeing Chen Xu's easy and smooth defense, Qin Yi and others next to him were stunned on the spot.

Mr. Chen, why are you so skilled at this shield-reverse operation

The correct process, shouldn't it be to just go up and chop twice to kill the living corpse

What's going on here is the rebellion!

Although the combat system and action system of the entire game were designed and planned by Mr. Chen.

But whether it’s material production or game testing, they all started first. Why are you so proficient now

In the game, Chen Xu reached the first bonfire point with a very smooth movement and lit it, then ran and jumped to the top of another coffin step to pick up items that glowed with white light.

Chen Xu, who didn't lose a drop of blood during the entire process, has arrived in front of the first BOSS, "Ash Judge Guda".

Qin Yi and others, who originally wanted to see something nice, were all dumbfounded.

This is completely different from the picture they imagined!

But despite this, a group of people headed by Qin Yi still had a trace of expectation.

After all, mobs are different from BOSS. Even if Chen Xu is the producer, aren't they involved in the entire game

Knowing is knowing, but actually experiencing it is another matter.

Just like various strategies and high-end techniques, the text and videos are there. Will you know it after watching it

Not only don’t you know it, you also want to send a comment: This UP owner (author) actually thinks I can learn it.

Everyone looked directly at Chen Xu's next performance.

Especially Qin Yi, you must know that he was tortured miserably by this BOSS before.

Most of the BOSSs in "Dark Souls" have one characteristic, and that is their extremely large size.

This naturally gives players a strong sense of oppression.

At the same time, the weapons in the hands of BOSS are usually of amazing length, and can attack players from a long distance, and there are also attack methods such as sweeps with a very wide range.

Although the 'Ash Judge Guda' in front of me is the first BOSS, it looks really scary.

Moreover, the attack is also extremely powerful. Although you can raise your shield to resist the attack, a lot of energy will be deducted at once.

What's even more frustrating is that most BOSSs in "Dark Souls" have two stages, and the same is true for 'Guda, the Judge of Ashes'.

The second stage of the black giant snake-human pus form had been stuck on Qin Yi for a while.

In the eyes of Qin Yi and others who are still looking forward to it, Chen Xu in the game is also preparing to fight the BOSS.