Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 113: Found a big treasure


With harsh words in his mouth and his hands on the keyboard and mouse, Zhang Yi officially began his journey of spreading fire.

Now he is still quite excited.

Nebula Games is his favorite game manufacturer.

Although the games he launched are all a bit entertaining, such as "Kitchen", which makes him wash dishes to this day, and "Braveheart: World War", which not long ago made him shed a lot of tears.

But you have to say that these games can touch the hearts of players.

The "Dark Soul" in front of him, as the first masterpiece of Nebula Games, can be said to have made him extremely looking forward to it.

It is very exciting to think about conveying the fire of hope to a desperate world.

Although it may still kill him with many tears, what does it matter

He is ready.

In the game, on the road ahead, there are many incomprehensible symbols left like blood.

Zhang Yi is no stranger, because Chen Xu has already introduced this special system at the previous online live broadcast conference.

Including players can also leave suggestions in various scenes of the game map.

This is a major feature of "Dark Souls". Simply put, it is a message board.

Of course, there are certain format restrictions when leaving messages, and the content left behind will also be subject to special review.

If you leave some bad comments, you will be warned, and players who commit repeated offenses will be banned from using the Internet function.

Looking at the system advice that now belongs to the game, Zhang Yi followed the prompts and performed various operations.

Rolling, normal attack, heavy attack...

It is different from the gorgeous attack methods in other games.

It gives him a very heavy feeling in "Dark Souls".

The feedback from rolling, slashing, and directly hitting the stone is quite powerful.

The only thing that made Zhang Yi uncomfortable was that the energy bar was consumed too quickly.

After a few rolls and a few cuts, it's gone.

Including running also consumes energy bars.

It’s a bit unsatisfactory!

But Zhang Yi didn't care, because he estimated that there would be upgrades or equipment to increase the energy bar later.

After all, he is just a blank slate now.

Soon on the way forward, he encountered the first mob.

Like skeleton minions, creatures called living zombies.

But it's very easy to deal with. Just take the chicken legs in your hand and hit them twice.

The opponent's health bar is immediately cleared.

"The difficulty of this mob is so easy! But doesn't this game have a mini map?" Wang Han next to him gave his opinion from time to time.

Zhang Yi, who was playing, was also a little puzzled.

Because even though he had just started the game, he also felt that the game "Dark Soul" was different from other games.

There is no difficulty adjustment before entering the game, and this mob is too easy to deal with, right

No challenge at all.

As for the mini map, although he was not used to it, he had a guess.

"We haven't reached the plot point yet. We should meet an NPC later and give us a map." Zhang Yi said his thoughts.

Continuing forward, I saw a corpse in a fountain-like place, and Zhang Yi got a bottle of blue medicine from him.

"Element bottle? Orange, blood, blue and magic, fruit orange and pulsation." Zhang Yi said while looking at the introduction about the element bottle.

"Is there anyone who changes their names randomly like you?" Wang Han next to him was speechless, but I have to say that it seems to be quite smooth and vivid

Continuing to move forward, there are some advice on the ground teaching players how to raise a shield and other knowledge.

It's basically a tutorial for beginners.

Combat skills, dual-wielding, and some basic operations are all learned here.

There were little miscellaneous soldiers along the way, their movements were slow, stiff, and extremely brittle.

The chicken legs that the Useless Man comes with are basically two and one, and there is also a small wooden shield that is particularly useful for defense.

"How difficult is this game?" Wang Han next to him looked at Zhang Yi who was killing zombie monsters in the game. He was a little depressed when he thought that the store interface had a high difficulty label before.

She wouldn't really sit here all afternoon, would she

Hearing the complaint from his girlfriend next to him, Zhang Yi chuckled: "I can't help it, the technology is here, it's hard to die!"

After killing all the miscellaneous soldiers, the soul in the lower right corner kept rising again.

Although he didn't know what it was, Zhang Yi estimated that it should be money or experience bars in the game.

But I don’t know what it is used for yet.

Continuing forward, as the cold sunshine shines, two forks appear on the rugged mountain road.

One leads directly to the edge of the cliff, and there is a huge stone door that is half open. The surrounding buildings are in ruins, and they are obviously old.

The path on the right is a narrow path.

"This side of the cliff should be the final path of the main plot. There should be collectible props hidden in this narrow path."

As an old game player, Zhang Yi quickly analyzed the different characteristics of the two lanes.

After all, playing games for so many years is not in vain. I still have the experience I should have.

"My intuition tells me that there must be a big treasure here!" Zhang Yi looked complacent and glanced at his girlfriend next to him.

Wang Han next to him rolled his eyes: "Genius treasures are usually accompanied by accompanying spiritual beasts. With your little arms and legs, I'm afraid you will die on the spot."

"How is that possible? Even if there is a monster, it should be a little more powerful than the living zombies before." Zhang Yi was very relaxed. After all, his previous experience of torturing living corpses gave him great confidence.

Going deeper, the rugged path was covered with dry vines. At the same time, Zhang Yi also found a piece of advice on the ground ahead.

Click to open the door, and there are three words written on it: "Turn back!" '.

Turn back

It's impossible to turn back. You've come here, why don't you go in and take a look

Ignoring this advice, Zhang Yi continued to move forward.

After passing through a pool of water, we came to a place similar to a cave.

Not far away there was a huge crystal lizard lying there.

Zhang Yi's eyes widened when he saw this huge crystal lizard.

Because this thing is really too big.

"You seem to have indeed found a big treasure." Wang Han's voice appeared appropriately.

At this time, the crystal lizard over there seemed to have discovered that an uninvited guest had come to its territory. It stood up from the ground and stared at Zhang Yi in the game.

"It's not a big problem. This is probably a little elite monster. The health bar on its head is so short. Watch me smash it to death with my two chicken legs!" Zhang Yi took a deep breath, but as he spoke, he believed it.

Yes, the health bar is so short!

It's definitely not the BOSS, maybe it's a powerful person from outside but a powerful person from the inside

Thinking of this, Zhang Yi bravely rushed forward with a chicken leg and a broken wooden shield.