Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 114: It’s so outrageous!


As Zhang Yi rushed forward, the crystal lizard on the opposite side roared and then jumped up.

Seeing the transferred crystal lizard, Zhang Yi rolled over subconsciously.

But the time stuck was very embarrassing.

The rolling skill has an invincible frame when rolling.

During this invincibility frame, you can be immune to damage caused by monster attacks.

But this invincible frame only lasts for a short period of time.

So if you do it too early or too late, you will be hurt.

Zhang Yi rolled too late. Not only was the invincibility frame not blocked by the Crystal Lizard's attack, he didn't even roll out of the opponent's attack range.

With a 'bang', the crystal lizard fell to the ground, and a layer of blue crystal needles appeared on the surrounding land. At the same time, Zhang Yi lost nearly half of his health.

At the same time, '123' was also blown away by the powerful impact.

"Holy shit! What kind of harm is this?" Zhang Yi was shocked in front of the computer.

Isn't this damage too high

He was patted, so he lost almost half of his blood

At this moment, Zhang Yi panicked.

The two donkeys rolled continuously to distance themselves, then cut out an orange and took a sip to replenish the blood they had lost.

However, at this time, the crystal lizard on the opposite side rushed over again.

Looking at the crystal lizard rushing towards him, Zhang Yi did not choose to roll this time. Instead, he pressed the right button of the mouse and chose to use a small wooden shield to defend himself.

However, the energy that he had just rolled continuously had not yet recovered. Faced with two slaps from the crystal lizard that rushed over, the remaining energy bar was directly emptied.

In the game setting of "Dark Soul", it can be said that in some cases, the energy bar is more important than the blood volume.

The health bar looks good, but if the energy bar is gone, no matter how many lives you have, you won't be able to die.

Zhang Yi, who had emptied his energy bar, looked at '123' in the game and fell into a state of stiffness, standing motionless like a big fool.

At the same time, the claws of the crystal lizard also gave him a big ear of melon seeds, and '123' in the game was knocked away again.

"No! Why is my blood bar just like paper!" Zhang Yi finally felt that something was wrong.

If we say that the overwhelming force before was considered to be the skill of this monster, forget it.

But why can this ordinary big ear melon knock out one-third of his health

Although I am a blank slate, and my whole body is covered with big pants.

But the damage caused by this monster is too terrifying, right

"Didn't I tell you to turn back before? Obviously this is not a monster you can deal with!" Wang Han next to him smiled happily.

Because it will be her turn to play soon.

"Ouch! Why are you fighting back! Why are you always rolling around like a donkey!"

"The energy is gone again!"

"Fight back! Are you ready to wait for this monster to tire you to death?"

If it were in the past, Zhang Yi would definitely have to say something back, but now he doesn't have that time at all.

To sum up his feelings at this time in a book, the name of the book should be "Sense of Oppression".

It's simply too strong!

This feeling of oppression is simply too strong!

The crystal lizard in front of him was like crazy, attacking him crazily.

Charge, bite, fly, and a move similar to rolling wheels, and the attack frequency is very high.

It was simply impossible for him to guard against it.

"How do you fight this thing! Although it's not very fleshy, I can't touch it!" After drinking the last bottle of fruit orange, Zhang Yi watched the wheels rolling over his body. All desperate.

It’s so outrageous that his mother opened the door for outrageousness, it’s so outrageous!

Accompanied by a shrill scream from '123' in the game, he then fell to his knees, and the crystal lizard turned around with disdain.

The screen slowly changed from bright red to dark red to black and white, accompanied by a tragic death BGM.

In the center of the screen, a line of large characters appeared - [You are dead]

At the same time, an achievement prompt for the game bronze trophy popped up in the lower right corner.


In "Dark Soul", Chen Xu also added many collectible achievements.

Just like the previous PS, various trophies are made with different levels of bronze, silver, and gold. After all achievements are achieved, a platinum trophy can be collected.

This is a relatively large stickiness promotion effect for the game platform.

You must know that there were many players who collected trophies in the previous life, and many trophy games were even born. Some game developers specialized in making games that made it easy to obtain platinum trophies to make a living.

Looking at an achievement trophy that popped up, Zhang Yi in front of the computer felt a little novel, but he was still a little speechless.

How long has it been since he lost his first life

While sighing, Zhang Yi gave up his position.

This stool has just been heated up!

Next to him, Wang Han happily sat on it and simply tried out the relevant operations in the Ashes Cemetery.

But soon she screamed: "My money! Why did all the money disappear after I died!?"

I saw only an empty 0 in the lower right corner of the UI that displays the number of souls.

After looking at other content of the game, it is obvious that this does not mean that the file is loaded back, but that this is the setting of the game.

"I think this is the setting of the game, but if you go to the crystal lizard again, you should be able to pick it up." Zhang Yi guessed, even with a little hope.

"I'm not going!" Wang Han curled his lips.

Think she is stupid!

Even if you go there, you won't be able to defeat the crystal lizard, and you might not be able to see the fallen soul. Even if you pick it up and kill it, wouldn't it be the same as moving a grave

And more importantly, if she dies, won’t she be replaced again

"That monster is definitely not from the early stage. It has been prompted to turn back, so just rush in like a fool." Wang Han said as he happily chose another path to the cliff.

The enemies encountered on the way, those living corpses that seemed easy to deal with, were all weak chickens.

Successfully lit the first bonfire and continued to advance towards the back.

She also followed the system prompts and used a stick technique that fell from the sky, smashing the head of a living corpse.

Although the actions in the game are very simple and plain.

But I have to say that it is this simple chopping action.

When slashing on a monster, the feedback brought by the sound effects is simply very comfortable.

But soon Wang Han also experienced his first blood loss in the game.

That is, when she was near a gate, there was a living corpse of an archer standing there. She was not paying attention and accidentally hit an arrow.

The health bar dropped by about a quarter.

Looking at the health bar in the upper left corner, Wang Han suddenly had a bad premonition.

This one arrow dropped nearly a quarter of the health bar

With a bit of obsessive-compulsive disorder, she took a sip of the element bottle to replenish her blood.

"Isn't this normal? I was slapped by a crystal lizard just now and lost half of my blood. The main reason is that this useless person has nothing to wear. How can he be so fleshy?" Zhang Yi said next to him.

"It seems to make sense." Wang Han nodded.

That’s the truth!

Can this knife cut on armor the same as cutting on flesh

With his heart relieved, Wang Han walked through the ancient bronze gate and came to a courtyard.

In the distance was an Ash Guda with a spiral sword stuck in his chest. When they saw this BOSS, Wang Han and Zhang Yi, their eyes lit up.

They are familiar with this BOSS!

The BOSS who was beaten up in the video at the previous online press conference, no wonder he looked very weak at that time. It turned out to be the BOSS of Novice Village!

Instead of rushing forward to trigger the interactive button to wake up the BOSS, Wang Han looked at the courtyard first.

But soon, she noticed something that shocked her.

"Oh my god! This courtyard..."

Wang Han's eyes widened, God knows what she saw!