Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 115: This damn oppressive feeling!


The current location where Wang Han is located is a circular courtyard, with a cliff on the right and numerous tombstones and lit candles on the left.

In the middle is Guda, the Judge of Ashes, who looks like a sculptured stone statue.

But what really attracted Wang Han was not these, but the blood stains on the ground.

Located next to Ashes Guda, there were at least twenty or thirty blood stains in Wang Han's field of vision.

In "Dark Souls", if players play online, data will be automatically uploaded to the server.

One thing that is different from other games is that in addition to admonishment, the scene where the player dies in the game will also immediately appear in the world of other players.

Of course this is ad hoc, with the highest priority being given to information about recent deaths.

The main reason why there are so many settings in Ashes Guda is to give players some comfort.

Let them know that they are not alone in this desperate world.

I was also taught by Uncle Gray Guda when I first entered the game. This was not my only experience.

The twenty or thirty blood stains currently in front of Wang Han mean that twenty or thirty people have fallen on this land.

"Oh my God! How many people have died!" Wang Han's bad feeling before became stronger and stronger.

Wang Han controlled '123' in the game to walk to one of the pools of blood, and then pressed the interaction button.

Then Wang Han saw the blood on the ground turned into a red shadow, rolling twice on the ground continuously, and then saw being stabbed into the sky by something, then falling down and struggling to fall.

Then continue to look at some blood stains nearby. The state of death is basically all kinds of strange.

Some were knocked away directly, some seemed to be flattened directly, and some seemed to be stabbed through.

But the only thing they have in common is that before they die, these shadows basically roll around on the ground.

"It's over, I feel like this Ash Judge Guda looks very powerful!"

Wang Han felt a little scared when he saw it.

Zhang Yi next to him also felt that the water temperature was a little wrong, but he still analyzed: "I think you have been fooled if you think like this. Why can you only see the moment of death?"

"This is Chen Xu's conspiracy! This method interferes with the player's judgment and makes the player more and more nervous. After all, the unknown is the scariest thing, just like the original "Escape"." Zhang Yixin vowed said.

Wang Han thought thoughtfully: "So you mean that Ash Judge Guda may be a weakling, but Chen Xu just designed it like this?"

Zhang Yi shook his head: "No... I mean you hurry up and kill the BOSS. If he dies, I will take over."

"Go away!" Wang Han was speechless.

With some nervousness, Wang Han took a deep breath and controlled the character in the game to step forward to trigger the plot.

I saw the character in the game grabbing the spiral sword inserted into Ash Guda's chest with both hands at the waist, and then slowly pulled it out towards the back.

'Puch... '

A stream of black blood spurted out from Guda's chest, and at the same time, the spiral sword was slowly pulled out from Guda's chest.

When the spiral sword was completely pulled out, the screen trembled, and then Guda, who was kneeling on the ground like a stone statue, stood up with his long sword.

In the previous online press conference video, Wang Han had already met the BOSS, Ash Judge Guda.

But watching a video and playing it yourself are two different concepts.

The huge gray-white body stood up, taller than the three '123' characters in the game put together.

The huge body blocks the cold sunlight, making it look shocking.

As Guda stood up, the majestic background music in the game and the low singing gradually sounded, and an atmosphere called "epic feeling" was created, which made Wang Han in the game inexplicably excited.

At the same time, right at the bottom of the screen, a long health bar appeared, as well as the name of the BOSS—Ash Judge Guda.

This is only the first BOSS battle in the game, but it gives Wang Han the same atmosphere as when facing the final BOSS in other games.

It can only be said that from the perspective of atmosphere rendering, this "Dark Soul" is already a blast!

"The next step is a life-and-death struggle! Don't even think about stopping me from spreading fire!" Listening to the vast and majestic background music in the game, Wang Han felt that his whole body was on fire, and something called 'play' suddenly came into being. Welled up.

At this time in the game, the awakened Ashes Judge Guda was the first to launch an attack.

I saw Guda, the Ashes Judge in front of me, pacing towards Wang Han.

Smoke and dust were everywhere, and the huge halberd in Guda's hand was as light as a swipe.

Wang Han subconsciously rolled back twice. After all, with the small broken shield in her hand, she doubted whether it could withstand the halberd of Ash Judge Guda.

After all, she had seen the scene of Zhang Yi's first life before, and she already knew the importance of the energy bar in the game.

If the energy bar is emptied directly, the whole person's situation will be more dangerous, so she feels that the error tolerance rate should be higher if she rolls.

Guda, who had swept through the first halberd, was unyielding and followed up with a jumping chop towards Wang Han.

This time Wang Han's luck was not so good.

Being hit directly, the blood bar was lost by half as if a major artery had been stabbed.

"Oh my God! This attack is too high!" Wang Han was shocked.

This time she finally understood why the death scenes she had seen before were all tumbling and then dying.

Is this BOSS in front of me really a newbie BOSS

Writhing on the ground in embarrassment, a question appeared in Wang Han's mind.

When she watched Zhang Yi fight the crystal lizard before, she was able to give pointers.

But watching and playing are two different things. When she actually got started, she realized that there seemed to be something wrong with the game!

Forget it about the Crystal Lizard, after all, there is a 'turn back' prompt at the door.

But what happened to the Ash Judge Guda in front of him

Why is this damn oppressive feeling so strong!

That's right!

It’s just a sense of oppression!

For Wang Han, who was exposed to "Dark Soul" for the first time, this BOSS battle only brought her a sense of oppression.

The huge and powerful Guda, the halberd in his hand swept across all directions, showing his domineering power with every move.

Especially with the halberd slashing on the ground, combined with the sound effects and the special effects of smoke and dust, it can only be said to be full of oppression.

Facing the Ashes Judge Guda in front of him, Wang Han was basically running around with his head in his arms the whole time.

I plucked up the courage and went up to take advantage of the interval between Guda's attacks to touch him twice. Then, because my energy bar was not enough, I was unable to continuously roll to the ground to distance myself and was nudged by the halberd.

And this is half a life.

There is not a bottle of orange juice left on my body anymore.

We have run out of ammunition and food, and we are running out of mountains and rivers.

He looked at Guda, who had lost about one-tenth of his health, and then looked at himself, who only had a bloody skin left.

Wang Han controlled the game character '123' and bravely rushed over.

It's a perfect massage for Guda's feet.

Needless to say, he actually lost quite a lot of blood.

After dropping the drumstick two sticks, Ashes Guda's health bar dropped by about one-tenth visibly to the naked eye.

But the next moment, the halberd in Ashes Guda's hand was an upward move.

Accompanied by the game character flying up, and a miserable cry of "Uh-huh".

Three words appeared in the center of the screen - 'You are dead'