Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 118: This is just for people to play with! ?


[you are dead]

It’s still the familiar death scene with three big characters.

At the same time, Wang Han's two words full of joy came from the side.

"That's it?"

Looking at Ashes Guda, who had only lost about a third of his health, Wang Han couldn't help laughing.

Zhang Yi was expressionless in front of the computer.

Because he found that reality is still very different from imagination.

In his imagination, rolling to dodge attacks and shielding to counterattack should be done in one go, just like the live demonstration video at the previous online press conference.

But after he thought about it, he realized that it was almost the same as using useless people before.

Facing the huge Ashes Guda, this fight felt inexplicably oppressive.

Although I remember to fight and retreat, I keep my energy bar high.

But when the fight actually started, it was completely panicked.

Facing Ash Guda's hand-raised attack, the only thing to do was to frantically press the roll and dodge button.

What's more important is that sometimes if you roll too early, you not only waste your energy bar but even avoid damage.

As for the shield counterattack, the price is two element bottles, and it has not been successful yet.

Turning to look at Wang Han with a smile on his face, Zhang Yi, who was sitting on the chair, silently left the office with a smile on his face.

"It's your turn!"

After the words fell, Wang Han's smile froze on his face.

One person and one life, the two people started to compete with Ashes Guda.

During this period, Wang Han also boldly proposed an idea.

That is, since Ashes Guda is too oppressive in melee combat, why not try long-range combat

So a profession called magician came into their sight.

A soul arrow, a big soul arrow.

Just hearing the name sounds fierce.

The damage is indeed very high, and one shot of Ember Guda will cause a small tube of blood.

That's right... this accuracy and reading are too slow!

Moreover, even though Guda, the Judge of Ashes, is so tall, his attacks seem to be a little slow.

But after opening the distance, Ashes Guda's effectiveness at close range should not be too high.

One move, a jumping chop with the force of splitting Huashan Mountain, and one move, a sweeping move, all made the mage who read the message understand what it meant to be approached by a warrior.

At this time, Wang Han also understood why this special meow was obviously a mage and was equipped with a short sword and a metal buckler.

In addition, there is also a spellcaster character. The action of throwing fireballs is indeed very handsome, but it has the same shortcomings as the magician. The spellcasting action is too slow.

And it is quite fragile. Several times when he was throwing fireballs, Ashes Guda jumped and sent him flying to the west.

Wang Han and Zhang Yi tried each profession one by one, and found that the knight was the best.

At least in terms of fault tolerance, the Cavaliers are much higher.

And the attack is not low either.

As for funerary objects, the two of them currently find the most useful ones to be the ring that increases the upper limit of health, the goddess's blessing that can restore all health, and the black flame pot.

Other gadgets may be useful later, but they are completely useless in helping them defeat Guda, the Judge of Ashes.

In addition, after the two people have exceeded double-digit death experience together, they also summed up some special aspects of the game "Dark Soul".

That's four words: Don't be greedy!

A very important thing in the game is the energy bar.

Having no energy bar almost means being at the mercy of others.

In the game, basically all actions consume energy bars.

Normal attacks cost money, shield counterattacks cost money, running costs money, rolling costs money, and blocking also costs money.

And if the energy bar is consumed directly, the replenishment speed will become slower than before.

Therefore, when attacking, you need to grasp one of the rhythms, once you are greedy for the knife.

Let the energy bar be empty and face the BOSS's counterattack, then you can only let it be slaughtered.

As for the funerary objects, the two of them came to the same point of view, which was to choose the black flame pot.

Although it is difficult to hit the Ash Judge Guda, it will cause 120 damage after hitting it.

At the beginning, he had 5 black flame pots. If he hit them all and combined with one or two normal attacks, he would directly knock out half of the Ash Judge's health.

Wang Han and Zhang Yi, who had been educated many times by Teacher Guda, finally felt that they had found the correct way to pass the level this time.

Fight while retreating, make full use of props, and maintain your energy bar.

When faced with moves that are difficult to roll and dodge, just use a large shield to resist.

Finally, this time, with only one Black Flame Pot wasted, Ash Judge Guda's health was directly knocked out in half.

At this time, Zhang Yi still had three oranges.

"Victory is right in front of you! Come on! Be steady!" Wang Han, who was watching the battle from the side, was also a little excited.

"I know!" Zhang Yi replied, his eyes fixed on Ash Guda's movements on the screen.

But at this moment, the Ashes Guda in the game suddenly squatted down and remained motionless, in front of Zhang Yi's horrified eyes.

A large black unknown substance suddenly erupted from Ashes Guda's body.

These black substances intertwined with each other like flowing asphalt, and then formed something like a vine.

In the end, the vines spread and intertwined behind Guda, and finally turned into a dragon-like, snake-like monster with horns and claws.

Scarlet eyes stared straight at the character in the game. After the transformation, the Ash Judge Guda was even taller than before.

Second form!

Why the hell does the first BOSS have a second form!

Before Zhang Yi could react, the human pus in front of him swiped his claws, and his blood volume dropped by one-third.

Then, before Zhang Yi could distance himself and drink blood, another impact directly cleared his remaining blood volume. It was obvious that after transforming into his second form, Guda not only changed his moves, but also became more violent in his attacks.

"Old thief Chen Xu... is this just for fun?"

"I asked you why only half of the live demos at the online press conference were played. This Novice Village BOSS has a second form!"

Zhang Yi's somewhat desperate cry came from inside the room. In one sentence, that was: He was a little bit compromised.

In fact, Guda, the Judge of Ashes, is considered the bottom-ranked BOSS in "Dark Souls".

In terms of difficulty, Gray Guda is not ranked at all in Dark Souls, and even some powerful mobs are stronger than him.

Because his moves are very obvious, and there are no fancy tricks.

This also makes his moves very easy to dodge and easy to counter, which is also the origin of Guda's name as shield counter teacher.

But for many novice players who have just come into contact with soul games, this guy is definitely an unforgettable existence.

Because this is so difficult!

I was full of passion and wanted to contribute to the great cause of Chuanhuo, but I was directly educated by the caretaker on the Chuanhuo Road, Mr. Guda, for half a night. Who can withstand this!

The only thing that gives players some comfort is that every time they go to Crystal Lizard and Ash Guda under the Internet, they can know through the blood stains on the ground that there are still countless players in this world who are dying like them.