Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 124: Mr. Chen cast a spell?


Chen Xu is as stable as a rock. Regarding the topic of how to guide online players, he is still waiting and watching to find an entry point.

Because he can clearly see the relevant data of "Dark Soul".

However, for many designers in the game industry who have been paying attention to Nebula Games.

They were not clear about the relevant data of the game and could only judge the quality of this game based on the current online player reviews and the current surface content of "Dark Soul". They were filled with emotion.

"Sure enough, although Chen Xu is crazy about independent games, it is his first time to develop a large-scale game, so he is still a little unsure!"

"It can't be said that there are no problems with the art design at all, and the combat system is also relatively good. As for the plot, I don't know yet, but from the perspective of the world view, it shouldn't be too bad. The main issue is the numerical value."

"Well, I think so too. The graphics and art quality of "Dark Soul" are actually quite high, but the difficulty seems to be too high!"

"It's not just these! It's mainly about the level design and detailed experience. There is no mini map in the game, and the difficulty cannot be adjusted. Chen Xu is too willful this time."

"The player rating of "Dark Soul" has dropped to 8.3 points. Compared with Chen Xu's previous games, it is a world of difference!"

"Yes, this is Chen Xu's lowest rating record, right?"

"Chen Xu has encountered a waterloo this time. Not to mention the physical and mental injuries, with the scale of promotion and production cost of "Dark Soul", it is probably quite painful, right?"

"Actually, that's not necessarily the case. The main problem of "Dark Soul" at present is the difficulty and detailed experience. In the future, Chen Xu will appropriately reduce the difficulty, and it is hard to say what difficulty level can be selected."

"But it's a step too late after all."

"I guess many game manufacturers in the same period have a little regret now, right? I felt that the promotion of "Dark Soul" was very strong before, and I was worried that my game would be affected, but now "Dark Soul" has been delayed."

There are really many designers in the industry paying attention to "Dark Souls".

Nebula Games’ games have been hit in the past, but most of them were produced at a low cost.

"Dark Soul", as the first masterpiece of Nebula Games, has naturally attracted the attention of countless people.

But looking at it now, it is obviously full of controversy.

It might even fall short of expectations.

This has also made some game manufacturers and designers think carefully.

Previously, VR masterpieces from two major manufacturers, Tenghua and NetDragon, have clearly announced their launch dates, which are in early and mid-December.

It's obviously going to be a tough battle.

Although Nebula Games is not a large game manufacturer, its previous successful independent games and the popularity of "Dark Soul" have

It also makes many game manufacturers and designers avoid its edge.

After all, no one knows what this game is like, if the quality is good.

Isn't this a food delivery

But now the performance of "Dark Soul" has made some game designers and manufacturers think carefully.

Eagle Falcon Entertainment is a domestic game manufacturer focusing on ARPG and ACT fields.

Li Xiang, its chief designer and person in charge, has also been paying attention to "Dark Souls".

Because the new ARPG "Dawn of the Soul" led by him will be released soon.

Unlike some game manufacturers who specifically avoided "Dark Soul", they had announced the game's release date in advance, just two weeks after "Dark Soul" was launched.

But there are still some points of disagreement within the company, that is, whether to bounce the ticket.

After all, if the quality of "Dark Soul" is really excellent, it is likely to be reduced to a supporting role as an ARPG, which will affect subsequent sales.

But now the situation should be clearer.

Especially for the first time, Li Xiang personally purchased the game "Dark Soul" and experienced it carefully.

After experiencing it, he was completely shocked.

Just like the players on the Internet who complained about the difficulty of the game, Li Xiang quit the game in despair after experiencing the tyranny of Ash Guda and Crystal Lizard.

He only has one feeling, that is, there is really no problem with the difficulty of this game

When Chen Xu developed this game, were the values really correct

For an ARPG game, even if it is more action-oriented, the difficulty is too exaggerated, right

Especially after he checked some game-related information on the Internet and learned that the latter game was actually full of malicious traps, and the previous content was just an appetizer.

At this moment, Li Xiang felt confused.

With the design of "Dark Soul", Li Xiang could actually guess Chen Xu's idea to some extent.

That is to make this game into a more hard-core ARPG game.

This also makes Li Xiang believe that this "Dark Soul" will become a relatively niche game and will not be too popular.

And currently, according to an evaluation from online players, it seems that this is indeed the direction.

Then there is nothing to say. I was originally worried that "Dark Soul" might become a popular big project, so I was hesitant.

But now that we have the right time, right place, right people and the right people, if we don’t take advantage of this east wind to take off, we would be really sorry for ourselves!

Soon after Li Xiang made his decision, 'Dawn of the Soul' began high-profile publicity.

Not only their company, Falcon Entertainment, but also many games that were originally planned to be released during this period, but have temporarily avoided the spotlight because of the strong promotion of "Dark Soul", have also started pre-heating promotions.

After all, there will be two huge monsters in December. Even though it is a VR platform, it will definitely have a big impact on the PC platform.

And judging from the current reputation of "Dark Soul" players, it is obvious that this is a husky in wolf's clothing.

The early publicity looked very fierce, but after fighting with real swords and guns, it was over in an instant.

By the time their game is released, the reputation will probably be even worse.

… … … …

And in the Nebula game.

Chen Xu was discussing with Zhang Yida the follow-up popularity management of "Dark Soul".

Ruan Ningxue and Yang Xin, who had been paying close attention to the game data, discovered something that made them excited.

That is the player rating and reputation of "Dark Soul", which seems to be slowly turning around.

Although there are still many angry players who gave low scores and complained about the high difficulty of "Dark Souls" in the forum.

But through the data in the Nebula game backend, Ruan Ningxue and Yang Xin were very excited to discover.

Many players who previously gave low scores did not give up immediately, but continued playing.

The longest batch of games during this period has exceeded 12 hours.

Most of these players have also corrected their previous low scores.

Including in the official community forum, these players also stood up and changed their previous attitude, and said good things about "Dark Soul" one after another.

Such a change in attitude made them happy but also a little confused.

Player, what's going on

Mr. Chen cast a spell on them