Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 126: Heat spreads


As players look at the game "Dark Souls" more and more objectively.

On the major Dark Souls game communities, players are no longer as angry as before when talking about it.

At the same time, the game's ratings also began to rise little by little.

Although there are still many players buying and refunding.

But this is a very normal phenomenon in Chen Xu's opinion.

Because even "Dark Souls" has a very unique elemental charm.

Of course, not all players like this kind of relatively difficult hard-core challenge.

For some players, "Dark Souls" is obviously not their favorite game.

For players who can persevere, after defeating Ash Guda and passing the Wall of Lothric.

The fragrance of this unique bottle of wine completely spread out, and they were deeply fascinated.

Secondly, in terms of communication, "Dark Soul" is like a replica of the original "Escape", and it is even more popular.

The main reason is that there has never been any game as special as "Dark Souls" before.

Many players who have experienced "Dark Soul" have their own "good intentions" and recommend this game to their friends.

"Dark Soul" released by Chen Xu, I recommend you to play it! What kind of game is it? Cut the grass! It's so cool!"

"Have you seen this big sword? Have you seen this BOSS? Isn't it handsome? Let's play "Dark Soul" together! It seems that we can also fight the BOSS together in the future."

"A shield, a long sword, let us spread the flame in this desperate world! If you are a brother, come to Lothric and spread the fire with me!"

"Does the fireproof female sister look good? Is this knight handsome? Do you want to pass the fire together?"

Many players have tried their best to persuade their surrounding friends to join the cause of spreading fire.

In addition, Chen Xu’s photos at the exhibition a few months ago and photos from the previous online press conference were also unearthed by players.

In conjunction with the phrase 'love warrior' in an interview with the media a year ago, it has once again topped the topic list among players.

Especially thanks to the creations of some PS bosses, Chen Xu was even made into an emoticon pack.

In the photo at the exhibition, Chen Xu originally held a microphone in his hand, but this time it turned into the game icon of "Dark Soul".

At the same time, there is a line of subtitles next to it, cordially greeting the players: Do you want to spread the fire

Under Chen Xu's official blog announcing the launch of "Dark Soul", countless players who said "I want to spread the fire" and "I must spread the fire" also expressed their opinions again at this time.

They all said that whoever wanted to spread the flames could spread it, but they couldn't spread it anyway.

In addition, in the game so far, there are Ash Judge Guda, ordinary living zombies, Lothric Knights, Winged Knights, Knife Fighters, Crystal Lizards, and Mimic Monsters, monsters that have caused countless players to be killed.

Everyone has a corresponding emoji, such as 'Have you felt the producer's fiery enthusiasm? ''This is my love for players! '.

The spread of this meme has also promoted the secondary spread of the popularity of "Dark Soul".

This added fuel to the game’s sales.

Of course, underneath these flames are full of players' resentment.

While the popularity continues to grow, many players have started to have some weird ideas. They have posted Aite Chen Xu's personal account on the official blog, expressing their hope that he can come to serve as the leader of the fire spread and lead everyone to spread the fire together. .

Although it is said that at the original online press conference, the very awesome promotional video was produced by Chen Xu.

But after all, it was said that many players still wanted to see Chen Xu suffer and added fuel to the fire.

Despite the major video and live broadcast platforms, countless UP hosts and anchors are suffering.

But the identities are different, and the excitement and freshness they bring are also different!

… … … …

Nebula Games' office.

"Mr. Chen, what are the follow-up arrangements?" In the marketing operations department, Zhang Yida was a little unsure.

Although I am quite confident in the quality of "Dark Souls".

But Chen Xu also knows that the success of a game does not all depend on the quality of the game itself. The corresponding market operation and promotion can also be of great help to a game.

To put it simply, the quality of the game itself is more of a lower limit to ensure sales, but we want to achieve higher sales and impact.

In addition to the quality of the game itself, promotion and creation of popularity are also very important.

There are many such examples in previous lives, and the most familiar one is Titanfall 2.

In terms of quality, its reputation is explosive. Except for the short main line process of the single-player part of the game, it has no shortcomings and surpasses the previous game in every aspect, but in the end it died suddenly.

Its main core is that its competitors are too strong. Battlefield 1, COD13 and Overwatch are all powerful FPS competitors of the same type, and their main focus is multiplayer online mode.

In addition, it has not received any publicity resources, so naturally there is only a dead end waiting for it.

Therefore, in response to the mixed reviews from online players after the release of "Dark Souls", although the data shows that there is no big problem.

But Chen Xu still made some follow-up preparations with Zhang Yida, including guidance on hot gaming topics.

It's just that they haven't taken any action here yet. The voluntary maintenance of players online has actually made "Dark Soul" change in a good direction.

"Maintain our official game forum community. In addition, the creative workshop of "Dark Soul" can also be ready to open by then. As for the operation, it will be stopped except for advertising." Sitting on the chair, Chen Xu thought for a while He said to Zhang Yida.

Then Chen Xu chatted with Zhang Yida about matters related to "Dark Soul".

Mainly, it will be some later figurine products and the like. However, Nebula Games will not participate but will authorize them. It will only be responsible for the subsequent quality review.

After Zhang Yida left the office, Chen Xu also sat in front of the computer and opened "Dark Soul".

He also noticed the various information about players on the official blog on the Internet in his free time.

But for live broadcast, he has no plans in this regard.

Because so far, most players are still in an exploratory state about the game "Dark Soul".

So he tried not to interfere too much in this area.

But I still have to rub in the heat for a while.

If you are not planning to live broadcast, you can record a video clip related to "Dark Soul". This is still no problem.

It just so happens that it can also provide some guidance and comfort to the players.