Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 2: Wow, golden legend


Chen Xu looked at the virtual screen in front of him. The content displayed on it was very concise and clear.

An explanation button, something like a gashapon machine filled with gashapon, and a reward list next to it with the rewards listed respectively: [Common Occupational Skill Book], [Rare Occupational Skill Book], [Special Props] .

In addition, there is a row of numbers below: 473451.

First, he clicked on the explanation, and soon Chen Xu got the information he wanted.

Obviously this system is its own golden finger.

It’s a very simple lottery system, but of course points are still required.

The source of points is also very simple, that is, players, viewers, readers, listeners, etc. can be immersed in their works and become happy, joyful, excited, sad, angry, fearful, etc., and can obtain corresponding emotional points. of.

After converting into points, you can draw a lottery, and now there are more than 400,000 emotional points.

It was accumulated by Chen Xu in his previous life.

Seeing this, Chen Xu felt a little regretful.

"If I had known earlier, I would have done the level and plot design instead of planning the event." Chen Xu felt a little regretful.

It is different from the parallel world where players directly scold the game designers when they are unhappy.

Planning in the past life means taking the blame.

Your favorite character's stats have been cut off? Dog planning!

Did your favorite character get sent away? Dog planning!

The server of your favorite game crashed? Dog planning!

Regardless of whether it was the fault of the planner or not, it was definitely correct to scold him anyway.

"100,000 once? Even if there is no discount for ten consecutive 1,000,000, you won't get a free draw anymore? No pig factory games are as good at cheating as you!" Originally thought that he had quite a lot of points, but when Chen Xu saw the numbers in the lottery Silence fell.

With more than 400,000 points, he can draw four times in total

However, although he complained on his lips, Chen Xu didn't stop and started pumping his hands.

Chen Xu pulled the joystick cleanly four times and saw the gashapon machine in front of him whirling around and four gashapon eggs falling out.

Then a burst of golden light bloomed from the four eggs.

Originally, Chen Xu didn't expect to be able to reveal anything good. After all, he only had four chances.

And there are only three options in total for this gashapon.

but now

'Wow! Golden legend! '

Chen Xu dubbed a voice in his heart, his face filled with anticipation.


Common professional skill book x2, rare professional skill book x1, memory capsule x1

Looking at the four props in front of him, Chen Xu was completely speechless.

This fucking golden light is just a simple opening of the box... No, it should be the special effect of opening an egg

The system really belongs to you!

Chen Xu complained in his heart, but he still pointed at the ordinary professional skills book.

Next, Chen Xu saw the skill book, which turned into a group of purple light points like stars and integrated into his body, and there was also a line of prompts.

'Plot design +1'

As the purple light poured in, Chen Xu felt that his thinking was extremely clear, and at the same time, some of the original arrangements for the rhythm of the story seemed to be understood.

This feeling is quite strange, just like when I was doing math problems in school, I couldn't think of my sister when faced with a problem.

But when I saw a relevant mathematical formula, I suddenly became enlightened.

Then Chen Xu clicked on the other two books.

'Music +1, Painting Skills +5'

Music is a common professional skill book, while painting skills are rare professional skill books.

The degree of increase is different. I don’t know whether it is a different classification or a simple numerical value.

After all, I don’t have that many points to practice and summarize.

Finally, Chen Xu looked at the last prop that was opened.

'Memory Capsule: It can unearth deep memories within 1 hour after use. '

Looking at the last memory capsule, Chen Xu showed an expression of surprise.

This is good!

This is equivalent to a limited-time photographic memory.

As a person in the game industry in his previous life, Chen Xu can be said to have played many games, and not only played but also conducted research.

Take the famous game "The Last of Us" as an example. When ordinary players play it, they will say, "Wow, that's awesome," "That's scary," and "No, I'm going to die!" 'This kind.

But for people in the game industry like Chen Xu, they need to think and research in many aspects.

For example, why the story is told in this way, whether the distribution of monsters is reasonable or not, why the map and related bunkers are placed like this, and how to hint the players to discover the hidden details.

Therefore, with the memory capsule, Chen Xu can restore some games in his mind to the greatest extent.

The memory capsule is temporarily placed in the prop, and Chen Xu is going to save it first.

Before developing your first game, there is still some preparation work to be done.

For example, the related use of official game engines, as well as relevant game market surveys, current mainstream game types, and what platform the game should be released on when it goes online.

These all require preparation in advance.

"Well, let me take a look!" Shutting down the system and sitting in front of the computer, Chen Xu typed on the keyboard with both hands, searching for the content he wanted.

First, let’s take a look at the game engine tools of the parallel world.

Because I used to help game companies to outsource original painting production.

Chen Xu also has the official game engine software on his own computer, and has already registered the corresponding account.

In the parallel world, this area is relatively mature.

For example, original art paintings, modeling, music, and even voice actors can all be found through the platform in the game engine.

"Well, it's not very difficult, and it's not cumbersome. It's just that the resources are too few."

Chen Xu used the fast-forward mode to browse the introduction video, and at the same time searched the Internet for the corresponding text introduction.

Now that I have a basic understanding of the game engine, it is not difficult to get started.

The second is the platform. The development and prosperity of the cultural industry has also brought about a crackdown on piracy. Games developed using game engines also completely eliminate piracy technically.

Of course, there is no piracy without piracy, but the competition in the industry is also quite fierce.

As for game platforms, they are not much different from the previous life. There are domestic and foreign ones.

However, unlike the previous world where one foreign platform was the dominant one, in the parallel world foreign platforms do not have such great influence, but domestic game platforms are the mainstream.

This is mainly because unlike previous domestic games where blood was either green or gray, and skeletons had to grow flesh, real-name authentication in the parallel world is completely universal, and there is also a corresponding grading system for cultural products.

For example, games such as "The Witcher 3" and "GTA" in the previous life basically have a 0% chance of passing the review, but in the parallel world, they can completely pass the review, but they will definitely be rated at the 18R level.