Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 20: Breaking the fourth wall


What does it mean

Does it know I loaded the file

It's talking to me, isn't it talking to a character in the game

Has everything he done been accounted for

Wu Tian suddenly felt a creepy feeling, and even subconsciously looked back at the empty office.

Obviously, the little flower in the game is not talking to the protagonist in the game.

Instead, he was talking to the player sitting in front of the computer.

It knows what it has done, and it even knows how to load files and start over.

Although Wu Tian knew very well that this was the setting of the game.

But he was still shocked.

And what do the words in Xiaohua’s mouth mean

Does it also have this power

What is determination

While exploring the castle, he encountered diagrams that shone like stars.

After going up to explore, you will basically get a sentence in the end: it makes you full of determination.

For a moment, he felt countless doubts in his heart.

But there is even more of a surprise.

After all, it was just an ordinary RPG game at the beginning.

But with the appearance of Xiao Hua, it was like the fourth wall was broken.

What kind of content will there be later

With this mood, Wu Tian continued to push forward.

Characters full of unique features appear in the game one after another.

Shansi shook hands with him with a fart pad in his hand, and Papyris was keen on blocking him with puzzles. These two skeleton brothers left a deep impression on him.

Shansi, who looks very lazy, likes to tease his brother Papyrus by telling puns about skeletons.

And his brother is very keen on using puzzle mechanisms to block the protagonist.

But the interesting thing is that if you are trapped by a puzzle, this skeleton will actively reveal the answer to the puzzle.

A murloc Undein, who seemed to be a bit of a bad guy, chased him all the way. When he finally came to the lava map, he fell to the ground due to lack of water. There happened to be a drinking fountain next to him. At this time, you can choose to save her or not.

In the laboratory, Dr. Aifes looks a little dull and shy, and he has the image of a homebody.

Later, during the question-answering battle with the robot she created, the doctor will also use his hands to indicate the correct answer to prompt the player.

And according to the answer to the last question of the robot, we can also know that she also likes Undine, the fish-man who is chasing the protagonist.

Also, Yue Xia’s performance before her duel with the robot was simply jaw-dropping.

But what really shocked Wu Tian was the conversation he had with Shansi in the splendid corridor before facing the final BOSS in the game.

From the beginning, Wu Tian simply believed that the settings of "Under the Legend" were applied to the settings of general RPG games.

Although the appearance of Xiao Hua made him feel shocked and amazed for the first time.

But in fact, he still played the game according to the RPG gameplay throughout the whole process.

Isn't it normal for an RPG game to defeat monsters and upgrade

Miss Spider, some of the monsters he met on the road were pleasing to the eye but he didn't kill them. Some of the more troublesome ones that he didn't find very pleasing to the eye were killed by his horse.

But now Shan Si's words made Wu Tian understand that he had completely misunderstood.

EXP is not the so-called experience value, but the abbreviation of execution points, and this word is translated as execution points.

Similarly, the so-called LOVE is not the so-called level, but the abbreviation of Level of Violence, which translates as violence index.

Whenever he kills a monster in the game, his execution points and violence points will increase.

At this moment, his LV level has also reached level 11.

At this moment, Wu Tian also thought about what the sheep mother said at the beginning about making friends with monsters. Obviously, various hints have been given in the game from the beginning.

In the final battle, the boss king didn't seem evil but very friendly. Before the battle, he repeatedly asked himself if he was ready.

If he said he wasn't ready, he would kindly say that he wasn't ready either.

But once you walked through the final door and made sure you were ready, everything changed.

The exciting BGM resounded.

[A strange light illuminates the room]

[The light of dawn passes through the barrier]

[Looks like your journey has finally reached its end]

[You are now full of 'determination']

The narration subtitles slowly disappeared, and the king opened his eyes, accompanied by the words "Goodbye human beings".

In an instant, it was like the god of war descending to earth, his scarlet cloak raised, and he waved the trident in his hand to smash the button with mercy written on it.

Shatter your mercy, and my mercy, without escaping, this fight will last until the death!

The difficulty of the last level is very high. Although Wu Tian has played some similar barrage avoidance games, it is still full of dangers.

After successfully defeating the king, you can choose to kill or spare it.

At this moment, Wu Tian thought of the words of Yang Ma and Shan Si, and he chose to forgive.

Faced with the protagonist who had forgiven him, the king also seemed very surprised and expressed his willingness to take care of him with the sheep mother. Together, they would form a new family in the underground world. Everything seemed so warm and beautiful.

But the next moment, a sword flashed, and with the king's astonished face, Xiao Hua appeared.

It killed the king.

'You idiot, you still don't have a long memory. In this world, you either kill or you are killed.'

Accompanied by Xiaohua's ferocious laughter, under Wu Tian's confused eyes, the entire game suddenly flashed back.

what's the situation? BUG? Why is the game gone

But before Wu Tian was confused for long, the game automatically restarted the next moment.

And the opening animation of the game also becomes weird.

Entering the archive interface, what's even weirder is that this archive is not his.

It says: Xiaohua, lv: 9999.

This is the archive of that little flower.

Choose to continue, and your character in the game appears with a dark background.

When you come to the save point representing the star, your own save information appears in the game interface.

But the next moment, the screen suddenly trembled, and bloody cracks spread from the archived information.

Finally, five words [Archive deleted] were displayed above.

As the archive was broken, the little flower reappeared on the screen.

The little flower that swallowed the souls of six human children now claims to be a god.

But the image in the game is that of a strange and grotesque monster. This is the real final BOSS battle.

This battle was even more difficult than the previous battle with the king.

After death, a gameover sign appears in the game, along with a line of subtitles.

[This is all just a nightmare and you will never wake up.]

In addition to the subtitles, there was also Xiaohua's frightening laughter. The game screen was covered with the words 'Hahahaha', and then the game crashed again and closed automatically.

After reopening the game, Xiaohua will continue to say some desperate words to her in front of the computer.

For example, "Do you think I will be satisfied if I only kill you once?"]

[There is no perfect ending in this world.]

The only way to defeat Xiao Hua is to persist until the other human souls swallowed by Xiao Hua are awakened, and finally lose the ability to extract archives, so that this terrible boss can be successfully defeated.

After successfully defeating Xiao Hua, you can choose to kill Xiao Hua or spare it, but whether you kill or forgive it, the outcome is the same.

The only difference is that if you forgive the little flower, you will get the method to open the peace line from its mouth.

As the final credits appear, the game officially ends.

But Wu Tian in front of the computer has not yet fully recovered from the shock brought by the game.

Amazing, he only has one feeling now.

That's amazing.

Breaking the fourth wall, deleting your own saves, closing your game, and setting up Xiaohua’s lines.

Even at that moment in the game, Wu Tian felt that there really was such an underground world, and characters like Xiaohua really existed.

And after this surprise, there is even more curiosity.

In the splendid corridor, talking to Shan Si has already revealed everything.

It turns out that the so-called LOVE is the violence index, and EXP is the execution points.

So what are the other two endings in the game like