Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 26: Follow-up arrangements


With the success of "Undertale" in word-of-mouth sales, the keyword META has also attracted the attention of countless game designers in the industry.

In terms of plot alone, "Under the Legend" is indeed excellent, but it definitely cannot achieve the results and praise it has today.

But with the addition of the META element, everyone who played it had only one feeling, and that was shock.

Not only designers in the independent game circle, but also some intermediate and senior game designers, as well as some designers who focus on VR games, are paying attention to the game "Undertale".

After all, from a certain perspective, it teaches a lesson to all game designers.

It tells everyone what a META element is, and how this element should be inserted into the game.

However, compared to the attention of many designers in the game industry.

At this time, Chen Xu was very relaxed.

The success of "Undertale" can be described as a double harvest.

Fame and fortune are gained.

In the office, Chen Xu held a bottle of Wangzai milk in his hand and looked at the system UI interface that only he could see.

'It's not exciting! Although it provided more points than the previous "Magic Mirror", it only made up 2 ten consecutive games. '

After deducting the fraction, Chen Xu's accumulated points now only amount to 2.1 million, which is enough for 21 draws.

Compared with "Mirror", "Undertale" does provide a lot, but not too much.

In the end, Chen Xu also summarized the reason.

Players must buy it and feel the emotions while playing it to count.

To put it simply, it means spending money and having strong emotional fluctuations, which can be included in the points.

And if you just watch it, it won't be included in the shock.

The most shocking thing in "Undertale", apart from the META elements that I felt at the first contact, actually most of them come from the massacre line.

But there are very few players who are really willing to play the Slaughter Line. Especially after the various video guides came out, many players couldn't bear to play, but chose to play through the video cloud.

Therefore, the large number of points accumulated so far is mainly due to the shock of players at first sight.

While thinking about it in my heart, I was also conducting a lottery.

With a total of 2.1 million points, Chen Xu does not have ten consecutive points.

Anyway, there is no such thing as a ten-consecutive guaranteed SSR or a ten-consecutive discount in this lottery.

All single draws are the so-called miracles of single draws, and single draws also have a sense of ritual.

There is one thing, can this golden light be replaced

Looking at the golden light flashing in front of him, Chen Xu's heart did not waver.

The light dissipated, an ordinary plot +1 skill book.

The most shining golden light and the most ordinary products are really yours!

With a sigh, Chen Xu ordered them all at once.

After drawing for 21 consecutive times, Chen Xu felt that he might not have washed his hands before drawing the card.

Except for the two memory capsules, the rest are all ordinary skill books, not a single rare one.

As for the genre, art, music, plot, levels, and values, it can be said that none of them are missing.

After taking a sip of milk and sighing, Chen Xu used up all the skill books and then shut down the system.

Opening the official game engine background on the computer, logging into the partition of the Magic City Game Department, Chen Xu checked his permissions.

Compared with the previous 1024, the resources that Chen Xu can now use have been increased to 2048, which is almost doubled.

Apparently, even though they did not receive a notice of job title promotion, the game department also noticed the "Undertale" they developed and raised their designer level.

"Next, we have to think about the follow-up game." Leaning on the chair, Chen Xu fell into a tangle.

A AAA level game

This point was directly ruled out by Chen Xu.

Because it's not realistic.

Regardless of resources, manpower, funds, and Chen Xu's current capabilities, it is still difficult to develop 3A-level games.

After all, low-cost games are about creative gameplay and plot performance, and for AAA games, the test is more about overall performance.

Therefore, in the next direction, Chen Xu decided to focus on games produced at a small scale and cost.

During this period, we will form a team and get Nebula Games on the right track as soon as possible.

After all, in this entire company, Yang Xin, Ruan Ningxue and him are the only three people developing games.

Now that we have money, we naturally need to recruit people.

In addition, you can better accumulate points and improve your abilities.

As for krypton gold games, Chen Xu currently has no such idea.

Because it can easily have a huge impact on his reputation with Nebula Games.

The huge success of "Under Legend" proves one thing, that is, the market in the parallel world is completely different from that in the previous life.

It is still possible to make profits by relying on buyout games. In this case, Chen Xu is naturally prepared to take the route of high-quality products.

… … …

In the conference room, looking at the people sitting in the seats, Chen Xu briefly talked about the achievements brought by the "Undertale" and "Mirror" DLC.

At the same time, we determined with everyone that the next main development direction would be to expand the team department.

As well as some related regulations, as the boss, Chen Xu inevitably made two pots of chicken soup for everyone.

I have to say that the feeling of drawing flatbread and making chicken soup by yourself is completely different from having the boss stuff the flatbread and chicken soup into your mouth.

At this moment, Chen Xu also understood why so many people liked to draw big cakes and feed chicken soup in his previous life.

It's really cool.

After finishing talking about administration and personnel matters, Yang Xin and Ruan Ningxue were left in the conference room to discuss the game.

"So, are we going to launch a sequel to "Under Legend" next?" Yang Xin looked forward to the future in the conference room.

This is her ideal gaming industry!

Ruan Ningxue next to her also looked excited.

When she first joined, on the one hand, it was because of the relationship between Chen Xu and Yang Xin, and on the other hand, it felt good to make games, and she felt there was some future.

but now

Not that it has a future, but that it has a great future!

Especially when she saw on some websites that people had drawn some fan stories about "Undertale" and "Mirror", this gave her an even more wonderful feeling.

After all, these are all projects she participated in. In the past, she was the one who painted, but now she can see others painting.

Listening to Yang Xin's question, Chen Xu smiled and nodded: "There must be a new project, but it is not a sequel to "Under Legend", and it is not a META type game."

Not a sequel to "Undertale", or even a META type game

Yang Xin and Ruan Ningxue were stunned.