Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 29: Player discussion


The next day, in the Nebula Games office, Chen Xu handed over the completed conceptual design draft, as well as the image requirements for the main characters such as Johnny, Liva, Eva, and Neil, to Yang Xin and Ruan Ningxue.

Looking at the design concept draft and the script in their hands, Yang Xin and Ruan Ningxue were both touched.

But at this time, it was obviously not the time to be immersed in the story of the game. The two people raised the questions in their hearts.

"Isn't it a science fiction game? Mr. Chen's core theme is obviously love!" Ruan Ningxue had a question mark on her head, and even the title was changed.

"Yeah, where's the sci-fi that we agreed on?" Yang Xin also agreed.

In the conference room yesterday, Chen Xu described the background to them.

It’s going to the moon again, and it’s technology that transforms memory.

The two of them also communicated privately, discussing brain in a vat, dystopia, cyberpunk, etc.

Then now, after getting the design concept draft, they discovered it.

The good guy was completely led astray!

This is actually a romance film disguised as science fiction!

"Why isn't it science fiction? Look at this technology that transforms memory. Isn't this science fiction?"

"At that time, we will add a little sci-fi background. For example, when the two doctors drove to Johnny's house, we changed it to a sci-fi one."

"And that's not important. What's important is that the content of the game can touch the hearts of players."

"Okay, okay, everyone is in the state, and the time left for us is limited!" Chen Xu coughed twice.

… … … …

At the same time, the topic about this event on the Internet is gradually becoming more and more popular.

After all, this is close to the time.

For the activities held by the government, the government will naturally have corresponding publicity.

At the same time, some game designers who participated in the event also promoted it on their official blogs.

But most of them are PC and mobile games.

The main reason is that the development cycle is relatively short.

Some well-known domestic game manufacturers, such as NetDragon, are also participating.

Of course it's not a core studio.

After all, these big factories also have many studios under their banners.

Under such circumstances, many player groups also got the news and discussed it one after another.

'By the way, the [Science Fiction Travel Contest] is about to start! '

'Science fiction travel contest? What the hell is this? '

'It's the competition organized by the game department before. '

'Well, I forgot about it. This travel competition is so bad, what kind of damn games are being selected. '

'That's right, it doesn't require to be like "Under the Legend", but at least something decent? '

'This time is a little different from before. Players can also make selections this time. In the past, the main selection targets were the leaders of the game department. Those games that are rushing to win awards must be taking care of the leaders. '

'So this time it's about having fun with the people? '

'Anyway, that's pretty much what it means. This time it will definitely be biased towards the players. '

'Be skeptical. '

'But do you think there will be a lot of META games participating this time? META elements are really popular recently. '

'It shouldn't be possible. After all, when the tour started, "Undertale" had not yet been launched. '

'Do you think Chen Xu will participate? '

'Are you dreaming here? I didn’t even look at the time. Chen Xu was going to participate, so I chopped off everything! '

'Is my brother so fierce? '

'Nonsense, you know it's impossible even if you think about it with your butt! During the time when Zhengyu was launched, Chen Xu was working on "Magic Mirror" and "Undertale", so he had no time to develop new games to participate in this event. '

'Damn it, brother, your insurance is no longer guaranteed. Check Chen Xu's official blog quickly. He really participated! '

'? ? ? what's going on? Just kidding! ? '

'I feel sorry for the cock of the brother upstairs for a second. '

'Damn it, it's actually true! ? '

… … … …

As an independent game, "Undertale" is not as popular as an independent game at all.

The main reason is also because this game shows what is called META elements.

Coupled with its impressive sales performance, this game has directly become a model of the combination of art and business.

Naturally, it has attracted the attention of countless designers in the game industry.

As for the media, let alone that.

An ordinary game designer has produced such a game. What does this mean

It represents traffic and hot spots!

Regarding what projects Nebula Games and Chen Xu will develop for subsequent games.

Basically, the game industry and players have the same opinions.

That is probably a sequel to "Undertale", or other META games.

But who would have thought that Chen Xu would publicly state on the official blog that Nebula Games was developing a special game to participate in this event.

As for what kind of special game it is, Chen Xu didn’t say anything on the official blog.

However, players, designers and media in the industry do not pay much attention to it.

After all, no matter how special it is, isn’t it still a game

The key is time!

It only takes half a month from the publication of the article to the deadline for game registration. Can Nebula Games make it in time

You must know that based on the previous project arrangements of Nebula Games, it is obvious that the game participating in the competition was definitely not prepared in advance.

After receiving this news, many game designers in the industry felt that Nebula Games was just child's play this time.

Zhong Media, who had been silent because of "Under the Legend" before, didn't know if he was staring at Chen Xu all the time.

Less than four minutes after this official blog post was posted, he forwarded it and commented on it.

'Success in the moment does not mean success in a lifetime. It's a pity that some game designers fail to understand this and even treat official travel activities as child's play. I think the works of such designers may not even pass the review. ? '

Obviously Zhong Media was feeling bad. After seeing Chen Xu's official blog, he immediately jumped out and wanted to divert the firepower on himself.

Not to mention that although the comments below were filled with all kinds of weird barrages, this time my words also received some support.

After all, it took more than ten days to develop a science fiction game that participated in the competition

This is simply unreliable!

As for Zhong Media's reply, what Chen Xu did here was very simple.

A screenshot that Zhong Media had previously deleted from his official blog, along with a picture of the ratings and sales of "Undertale", and finally an emoticon.

The content of the emoticon pack is the recently popular image of a bunny looking at a clown with a look of disgust. At the same time, Chen Xu added a line of words next to it: Stop looking for me, I don’t want to talk to the clown.

Seeing the emoticon that Chen Xu responded to, countless players instantly became happy.

Good guy, it’s so heart-wrenching to kill people!

Not to mention that Zhong Media's popularity in the gaming industry is very poor, both among players and in the industry.

Under this emoticon package, there are many happy responses from players.