Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 34: What does the paper rabbit represent?


As Dong Zhen progresses, Johnny's memory moves from old age to middle age.

Johnny stood in front of Liva's window, and Liva was already terminally ill, with the platypus doll next to her bedside.

At the same time, there were lots of paper rabbits on the ground.

'Just enough. Even after paying for the surgery, there will be just enough money left... So, don't worry. ' Johnny said to Liva.

But Riva just looked at Johnny: 'White lie... You think it's a white lie, don't you? '

'No, I'm sure we just...' Johnny tried to explain, but was interrupted.

'Stop it... I don't like it when you lie. '

'I have calculated our assets and I know the actual situation. '

'Why do you want to persuade me to go against my will? '

Liva looked sad.

And Johnny was a little excited: 'We need that money to pay for your medical bills, Liva! '

'I understand Anya is very important to you, but this... this is outrageous! '

'I mean, not even she is... '

Liva continued to interrupt: 'Do you know what can make me happy? '

As Liva talked with Johnny, Dong Zhen and the audience in the live broadcast room finally understood what Anya was.

In the previous memory fragments, from Johnny's mouth, we can know that Anya is a very important thing to Liva.

But what exactly it is is completely unclear.

At first Dong Zhen guessed it was the platypus doll, but now he has a new guess.

The one named Anya is neither a platypus nor a human, but may be the lighthouse on the edge of the cliff.

Liva might have been curable, but she insisted that Johnny use the money from her treatment to repair the house and then go look at the lighthouse, saying that she would be happy in this way.

"What's going on? You don't want your life! A house where you can see the lighthouse is more important than your life!?"

Dong Zhen felt that his head was full of questions.

There were too many questions in his mind.

At this time, Riva in the game handed Johnny a paper rabbit.

It's the blue and yellow paper rabbit with two colors.

'What's this? 'Liva looked at Johnny and asked hopefully.

Johnny was a little surprised, but replied: 'It's a rabbit, just like the ones you made before. '

'Then what? 'Liva then asked.

'Then... uh...' Johnny was a little at a loss: 'Well, it's made of paper. '

'anything else? '

'Its body is yellow and the rest of it is blue. '

'Very good and what else? '

Liva was very eager.

But Johnny had no idea what Liva wanted to express, so he changed the subject and said that he had written a song and wanted to play it to her.

This song is the previous one "To Liva".

Liva laughed and joked about this, saying that the name was really earthy.

The memory time continues to move forward, and Johnny is worried at this time.

Because he faced a dilemma, that is, whether to treat Liva or continue to build Liva's wish, a house next to the lighthouse.

Johnny in the game was making a painful decision, but Dong Zhen and all the viewers in the live broadcast room, as well as Neil and Eva in the game, understood that in the end Johnny made a choice following Liva's wishes.

But why?

Based on Johnny's conversations with his friends Isabel and Nicholas, he got a lot of key information.

That's Anya, just like Dong Zhen thought, that's the lighthouse on the edge of the cliff.

At the same time, this lighthouse is also the place where Liva and Johnny got married.

But I can’t figure it out at all!

Why is Riva so obsessed with this lighthouse.

And based on their conversation, a key piece of information can be obtained.

That is, Riva may be suffering from some kind of disease, and the origami rabbit seems to be one of the symptoms of the disease.

But why is Liva so obsessed with that lighthouse

And what does this paper rabbit mean

"Jie Nima, I really can't think of it!" Dong Zhen's face was full of doubts.

At the same time, the barrages in the live broadcast room kept refreshing the screen.

'Hou Nao'er's capacity is not enough. '

'The CPU is overloaded! '

'By the way, what does this paper rabbit mean? '

'I always feel like there's something wrong with this game! '

'Hurry up, boss, hurry up and advance the plot! '

'+1, seems to know what happened next! '

Obviously the audience in the live broadcast room is also very curious about the plot behind this game.

At the same time, I also want to see how the game will answer these questions in the end.

As time memories advance, Johnny and Liva become younger and younger.

The two people in the middle had a romantic embrace. Just under the lighthouse named Anya, they were full of longing for the future.

But the only confusing thing was that Riva was still folding the paper rabbit, and brought the blue and yellow rabbit to Johnny and asked: 'What is this? '

Reminiscent of when Liva was seriously ill, she was still asking Johnny this question.

This makes it even more confusing.

"So, what does this rabbit represent?"

"Jenima, I feel uncomfortable!"

Dong Zhen remembered scratching his head and ears, it could be said that he was tortured by curiosity.

And what kind of disease does Liva have

Countless questions are all lingering in this head.

The next conversation with Nicholas and Isabel revealed more about Liva.

That is, Isabel and Liva suffer from the same disease.

It is this disease that makes Riva's language look so weird, and even confusing, making it difficult for people to understand what she wants to express.

"So Riva suffers from a disease that makes her unable to express herself clearly and has social difficulties?"

Seeing this, Dong Zhen was also making guesses in his mind.

With such a reason, Liva's previous weird behavior can be explained.

Why did Liva keep asking Johnny about the rabbit, why did Liva let Johnny throw the sandbag at Anya, and then risk her life by standing on the edge of the cliff to watch.

These are all explained.

Because Liva, who suffers from mental illness, cannot express her thoughts clearly, she can only use hints to express her inner demands.

But I understand, but a new problem has arisen.

That is what the rabbit represents, and why does Riva have a soft spot for this lighthouse named Anya, and is even willing to give up her life for it

Is it because this lighthouse is the place where he and Johnny got married

This doesn’t make sense!