Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 35: Liva's illness


The entire game uses a flashback technique.

Basically all players understand it.

With full of doubts in my heart, time continues to move forward.

The night before Liva married Johnny.

Two people in formal attire chatted against the lighthouse while looking at the moonlight.

And on this day, this lighthouse got a name - Anya.

Under the moonlight, Liva and Johnny came to the lighthouse.

Under the reflection of the light, the shadows of Johnny and Liva were reflected on the wall.

Taking advantage of the moonlight, Johnny taught Liva how to dance seriously.

From night to day.

The soft and soothing piano music flows like a stream as the two people dance.

The whole atmosphere of the game is full of romance.

The graphics of the game may not be that great.

But with the music and atmosphere, this scene looks very romantic and beautiful.

"Good guy, let's dance all night long!"

Dong Zhen also said with emotion.

It has to be said that the doubts lingering in his heart before this moment were temporarily put aside by him.

Because at least at this moment, the game made him feel something called romance.

Time came to the next day, in front of Anya, the lighthouse who already had a name, Liva and Johnny officially became husband and wife.

On the way to the wedding, Liva saw a little white rabbit that was killed. Her behavior was a little sad and strange.

But Johnny didn't notice anything.

"So, is this the reason why Liva kept making origami rabbits? But what's the connection?" Dong Zhen was a little confused.

But there was no clue.

Continue to advance the plot.

Everyone was very happy at the wedding, but Dong Zhen noticed another detail.

That is, at the wedding, Johnny's mother called Johnny by another name.

Johnny's friend Nicholas in the game also expressed doubts.

Johnny's reaction was natural, saying that it was his grandfather's name, and his mother named Joey as her nickname in memory of him.

"Joy? I think there must be something going on with this name!" Dong Zhen narrowed his eyes.

Time advances little by little.

Came to the love period before Liva and Johnny got married.

At this time, they were playing in the racecourse.

Riding horses galloping in the racecourse, Liva, Johnny and the others played and laughed.

Because this is the advice given by the doctor, that is, Liva's condition may be relieved through horseback riding.

Like most couples in love, they engage in various intimate gestures.

At the same time, the players finally understood what kind of disease Liva had here, which confirmed their previous guesses.

"Asperger's Syndrome, is this Liva's disease?" Dong Zhen finally knew the name of Liva's disease from the clues in his notes.

But he had never heard of this disease.

Taking a glance at the barrage, it was obvious that the barrage in the live broadcast room was also completely confused.

"Patients suffering from this disease have such symptoms as difficulty in interpersonal communication, difficulty in language communication, markedly stereotyped behavior patterns, and stubborn persistence in some special and meaningless procedures and rituals."

“It’s indeed exactly the same.”

Somewhat suddenly, if she suffers from this disease, then some of Liva's strange behaviors before can be completely explained.

But the actions have been explained, but the meaning of those actions has not yet been answered.

At this moment, Dong Zhen was still full of curiosity.

Curiosity about Liva and Johnny.

What does the paper rabbit represent? What is the story between Liva and Johnny? Why does Johnny want to go to the moon so much

It has been almost two hours since I played here.

But why did Johnny go to the moon? Why did Liva give up her life to build the house where Anya could see her? Why did she fold paper rabbits and ask Johnny about it all her life after getting married

These issues have not yet been explained at all.

As the plot progresses, Johnny's teenage years are reached.

During this time, he met Liva.

And Dong Zhen noticed something, that was the platypus.

When she was in high school, Riva always carried the platypus with her.

It seems that this doll has some important information for her.

This was also the medium through which Johnny first chatted with Liva.

With the help of his friend Nicholas, Johnny was pushed to Liva who was squatting on the steps reading a book and struck up a conversation.

'Hello! '

'Uh... hello... '

'Can you hear me? '

Standing in front of Liva, Johnny looked a little embarrassed.

And at this time, Liva finally spoke: 'Yes. '

'Then why don't you... never mind... Well, this platypus is really cool. 'Johnny tried his best to find topics to strike up a conversation with.

But Liva just put down the book and glanced at the platypus next to her, and then returned her gaze to the book.

'Um... what are you reading? 'Johnny went on looking for something to talk about.

'Book...a book. '

'About the platypus? '

'no. '

'Oh... I, uh, I think that's not bad. '

Johnny looked very embarrassed. Apparently he felt that Liva was too aloof.

Judging from her performance, Liva is indeed not very likable at this time.

It can even be said to be inhumane. Even through the screen, people can feel how embarrassed Johnny was at that time.

The atmosphere at that time was so cold.

But through the flashback story in the game, everyone understands that this is not the real Liva.

She's just like this because she has Asperger's Syndrome.

'lighthouse! 'Liva, who had been silent for a while, spoke up, interrupting Johnny's words.

'The country retains a total of sixteen secondary Fresnel lens lighthouses. Nine of them are located along the coast, including one converted from an old kerosene lighthouse. '

'Oh, is this what you're reading? Well, actually... I want to say, would you like to watch a movie with me? '

'have no idea. '

'It doesn't matter, I can wait for you to think about it. '

'Can't think about it. '

'Why? '

'No date, no time. '

'Hmm... So, how about eight o'clock this Saturday? Is it ok? '

'Can. '

This made Dong Zhen, who had played here, feel even more uncomfortable, and even felt a little distressed.

As a normal person, there is absolutely no way to understand all this.

To be honest, he couldn't personally understand how painful Liva must be in the game.

How uncomfortable is this kind of disease that is clearly thought in the heart but cannot be accurately expressed through words and actions.