Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 39: Then we will always meet on the moon


For the first time, the background music in the game has changed from pure music to a theme song with lyrics.

[Everything's Alright].

It was as if she was singing Liva's heartfelt voice.

Along with the sad melody, Riva was removed from Johnny's life little by little.

On the steps of the teaching building where Johnny thought he met Liva for the first time.

The platypus and Liva sitting on the steps have disappeared, leaving only a book about the lighthouse that made a clattering sound as the wind blew by.

Here Johnny's own good friend Nicholas walks through the hallway.

In the library management area, Liva was no longer there, replaced by Joey. The two brothers chatted about transforming warriors and aerospace.

The copy of "The Emperor's New Clothes" that Riva loved was full of dust.

In front of the movie theater where Johnny and Liva were watching together, Johnny and his brother Joey walked in happily.

Yes, although Liva was removed.

But Eva changed Johnny's memory and replaced him with his brother Joey.

At the same time, constant hints guide Johnny's dream and goal to become an astronaut.

Without Liva, Johnny had Joey by his side.

His future completely changed.

The racecourse where Johnny and Liva rode horses together was empty at this time.

In front of the lighthouse named Anya, there are only countless weeds instead of the original men and women.

There is no trace of the rabbit that was killed during the wedding.

In Johnny's memory, his future was completely changed.

Learn through continuous exercise.

Finally, Johnny received a job offer from NASA and went to visit the agency.

His goal is already close at hand.

'Going to the moon' seems to be only a matter of time.

What Eva did seemed to be working.

But all the players and spectators were silent.

Yes, Johnny will be able to go to the moon soon.

Eva and Neil are also about to complete their mission.

But is such an ending really what Johnny wants

To the moon, but without Riva.

Does this really make sense

In Johnny's memory of the future, they came to the space agency.

At this time, Dong Zhen and all the players who have played here.

They are just characters that mechanically control the game.

Uncomfortable, there is only one feeling, that is uncomfortable!

But Eva and Neil came to the space agency and followed Johnny to visit.

'Not here either...'

'what are you saying? '

'Let's go anyway. '

As Neil and Eva communicated, Dong Zhen seemed to have discovered something different.

"Wait a minute! Please, ladies!"

"It seems like you ladies are looking for something!"

In the waiting room, thinking about what had just happened and Eva's words, Dong Zhen made a bold guess, a guess that he hoped was true.

But he didn't wait for him to say it in the live broadcast room.

The originally sad background music of the game suddenly fell into silence and was replaced by the sound of a heartbeat.

Cheerful background music played.

A girl with an orange ponytail appeared at the door.

'ah! This is also our new recruit, right? Liva? It's great to have you here. ' said the unnamed NASA director.

'Hello, I'm Johnny. 'Johnny came up and said hello, just like before.

At the same time, the last fragment of memory was finally gathered.

Eva, who was standing by the window, let out a sigh of relief.

'call! I almost thought she was gone. '

'What? Eva! But you... deleted her! ' Neil said in disbelief.

'No, I told you, I just transferred her. How she plans her life still depends on... her'

'This new world... is built based on public data and Johnny's personal beliefs. Since Liva belongs to an individual, her data must not be recorded in the public data. '

As Eva explains, Neil also understands: 'So... it all comes from Johnny... '

Yes, Liva is still here!

Although life has changed, even though Johnny and Liva had no intersection before.

But in this fictional world, Johnny still remembers that promise.

'What if I get lost? Then we'll meet on the moon, fool! '

Yes, they will meet again on the moon after all.

The tears Dong Zhen had held back before started to flow out again.

In the space agency, the song is no longer "To Riva".

It has a brand new name, "To the Moon."

In the hall, looking at Johnny who was playing, Liva in the audience murmured: 'I like that name. '

… …

In Johnny's fictional memory, the two men had gone through years of training and preparation.

Finally the rocket is about to be ready for launch.

Neil and Eva also invited Lily, Johnny's nanny, her doctor and others to witness this scene.

Under the setting sun, countless people were on the bridge across the river, looking at the rocket launch base in the distance.

With a rumble, the rocket took off.

At the same time, a heartbeat sounded.

Very dull heartbeat.

This is the heartbeat of Johnny who is seriously ill in reality.

He is about to leave this world.

A rocket takes off during a piano piece called "To the Moon."

Ahead is the destination of their trip—the moon.

Inside the rocket, Johnny and Liva looked at each other in unison.

Then their hands held each other gently.

[Then we will always meet on the moon, fool!]

As the moon appears, the scene falls into darkness.

The next moment, Johnny's past memories appeared like a revolving lantern.

Looking at these memories, I recalled the story of Johnny and Liva in the game.

Finally, Dong Zhen, who was in front of the computer, couldn't hold back his thread. He covered his face with his hands, and then took out a napkin from the side.

What I wiped this time was not my nose, but my eyes.

'Hurry! The macho man sheds tears for the second time! '

'This damn thing made me burst into tears! '

'Can't see the screen through the tears! '

'What if you get really lost? Then we will meet on the moon, fool! '

'What if you get really lost? Then we will meet on the moon, fool! '

Along with the final credits screen of the game appears.

In Dong Zhen's live broadcast room, the barrage gradually changed to the same sentence.

At this moment, everyone was moved by the plot of the game.

Even everyone has forgotten.

This is actually a game that takes part in a science fiction expedition.

No one thinks about whether this is a science fiction game.

Everyone was immersed in the story of Johnny and Liva.