Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 40: Hot discussion


In the Magic City Game Club.

Different from the previous life, various entertainment industries in the parallel world are not determined by a general department.

Instead, it is broken down into different departments.

The game department is naturally responsible for game content.

Domestic agents are responsible for the agency of overseas games and the review of domestic games.

There are also games that have passed domestic review and are on the shelves but need to be exported overseas. These are all reviewed by the Game Department.

If we also review this area, unlike the one-size-fits-all approach in the previous life, the parallel world has a detailed grading system.

Of course, this is mainly due to the fact that some technologies in the parallel world are more powerful. At least the online real-name system in games can be said to be fully planned.

If you are underage, don't even think about seeing Noko, you will definitely not be able to find her.

It is precisely because of this factor that there are more relaxed review regulations than in the previous life.

Of course, if you have to use color, that won’t work.

Just like the first game "Magic Mirror" developed by Chen Xu, it can only be exported and sold domestically.

It is considered a gray industry. It is not supported but has not been eliminated directly.

In addition, the game department’s self-developed game engine is open to the outside world.

It’s almost similar to the Unreal Engine in its previous life.

It's just that one is commercial and the other is state-owned.

And the technology is not on the same level either.

At this time, the relevant leaders and judges in the Magic City Game Department, responsible for this science fiction travel competition, were meeting to discuss the corresponding situation.

Unlike ordinary players, these reviewers basically have to play every game, so they basically base their scores on a combination of some summaries given by the reviewers below and some of their own content judgments on the game.

After all, it can be said that it is completely unrealistic to face so many games in such a short time if you really want to get through the plot from the beginning.

At the same time, considering that the players' opinions are relatively large on the games recommended in previous years, this time the decision was made jointly between the players and the official rating.

After all, the purpose of the game department's tour is to better guide the domestic game market environment.

As for the game market, it is decided by players.

They have officially selected relevant games, but players don’t like them. How can this guide the market

"Let's start with voting for the highest first prize, and let everyone explain their opinions one by one." The judge leader sitting at the top spoke.

"NetDragon Games, "Galactic Heroes" developed by designer Meng Zuo, has some flaws in plot performance and numerical values, but the level design rhythm is very good." Everyone began to speak in turn, and the first judge said.

"Nebula Games, designer Chen Xu developed "To the Moon". Although there is nothing worth mentioning in terms of gameplay, the entire game uses a flashback mode, and it can be said that the rhythm is perfectly controlled."

"I also agree. Although Chen Xu's game is different from the previous "Undertale" in that it does not show such an amazing setting system, the pure story is enough to be shocking."

""Galaxy Heroes" is indeed excellent, but "To the Moon" is also very good, but from a personal point of view, I feel that compared to most ordinary game designers, they probably don't have the resources to make a game like "Galaxy Heroes" "To the Moon" is different, so from this point of view I think I am more inclined to choose "To the Moon"."

"Although I am sure this game is excellent, can "To the Moon" be called a science fiction game? Because essentially this game seems to be about love, right?"

"Strictly speaking, "To the Moon" is not considered science fiction, but by this standard, more than 40% of the works participating this time cannot be considered science fiction."

"If I have any doubts, I'm still more optimistic about "Galaxy Heroes"."

… … …

As the game review leader for this event, the selection of games got into fierce debate.

Also online, countless players have already experienced and tried out various participating games.

In terms of early stage promotion, many of the games participating this time were promoted.

But the most eye-catching one is Chen Xu.

After all, the popularity of "Under the Legend" was not fully over, and then Zhong Media, who had previously pretended to be dead, jumped out, and was murdered by Chen Xu.

So in terms of popularity, it can be said that Chen Xu has completely grasped it.

This also led many players to try out "To the Moon" for the first time.

And various forums and player groups are already full of their crazy Amway opinions and discussions.

"I urge everyone to play "To the Moon", Chen Xu's new entry in this competition. I was so moved that I cried!"

"What about my brother upstairs? He was so moved that he cried. Isn't this a game that Chen Xu made in more than ten days?"

"So what if the game is made in more than ten days? If it is good enough, it is awesome! And the plot is really touching. After playing it, you will understand what it means to make a macho man cry."

"Fuck, I'm going to burst into tears again when I see you discussing this!"

"Is it that exaggerated?"

"Won't you know if you play it yourself? This game made me understand that my tear point is so low!"

"So awesome? Damn it, I'll buy one to play with."

"Who do you want to vote for? Anyway, I decided to vote for "To the Moon". It won't work for anyone!"

"Similarly, I also decided to vote for "To the Moon"!"

"Although I am also very moved, I don't think "To the Moon" can be considered a science fiction game, right?"

"I don't care if it's a science fiction game or not? I'm going to vote for it anyway!"

These players who played "To the Moon" for the first time voted for this game without hesitation.

As for it not being considered a science fiction game in the strict sense

But after experiencing the touching plot, not many players cared about it at all.

After all, if this is a science fiction game, why do they care so much

If they think this game is great, if they think this game impresses them, then the vote is done.

As for whether you are qualified or not, that is a matter of official confirmation.

… …

Soon, the three-day sales figures for this batch of participating games were announced.

Among them, "To the Moon" took the lead, with 193,000 sales, followed by "Galaxy Heroes" with 87,000 sales.

This number is already extremely exaggerated.

However, the reason why sales are so far ahead is mainly due to two reasons.

That is, "To the Moon" is a dual-terminal game, with both mobile and PC versions, and a wider player base.

Secondly, the price of "To the Moon" is only 15 yuan.

"Galaxy Heroes" is 65 yuan.

Although the price of "To the Moon" is so low, it is also related to the process of the game.

After all, the entire game process, from start to finish, actually takes just over four hours.

But lower prices still have a big impact on sales.