Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 59: Sales of Escape


On live broadcast platforms, video platforms, and major player communities, the popularity of "Escape" continues to rise.

Even some media websites have successively conducted score evaluations for "Escape".

According to the media, they all gave a score of about 8.5, while for players, the overall score was about 9.1.

This is the lowest score among the three games currently developed by Nebula Games.

Of course "Magic Mirror" is not included.

But in terms of popularity, "Escape" is completely different from the other two games.

"Undertale" has the credit of opening up the meta-game genre, and it can barely be said to be the founder.

It's understandable that there would be so much enthusiasm.

"To the Moon" gained a lot of attention because of the science fiction expedition.

Moreover, in the two previous games, Chen Xu’s online literary battles also attracted a lot of attention.

In comparison, regardless of these factors, the topic of "Escape" is actually more popular, and this game is also the fastest fermenting among several games.

Of course, "Magic Mirror" is still excluded, after all, the fighting power of gentlemen is always unknown.

But compared to the popularity of "Escape".

In terms of sales, many designers in the game industry just discuss it.

Only Chen Xu knows the true sales volume of "Escape", but there are also statistics compiled by a third organization.

According to statistics released by a third organization, the sales volume of "Escape", which has been online for a week, is about 250,000.

If you just look at the sales volume, it can be said that it is already not low.

Before "Escape", the horror game with the highest weekly sales was an old IP, with weekly sales of 120,000.

Of course, the price of that game is as high as 149 yuan.

And there are also series fans and players, as well as feelings as support.

But the key point is that "Escape" is so popular that it is the most sensational horror game in recent years.

But it achieved such a sales volume.

It also got designers in the industry talking a lot.

'It's a pity that Chen Xu was a little messed up this time! "Escape" is so popular, but its sales are so low. '

'Yes, it can't be compared to the original "Undertale" and "To the Moon". '

'No way, the market for horror games is too small. '

'I really can't figure out why Chen Xu chose to do "Escape"'

'Yes, I can't figure out why Chen Xu chose to enter the horror game genre. '

'Yes, making horror games is really thankless. I thought Chen Xu would continue to make games like "To the Moon" and "Undertale". '

'I guess I wanted to challenge a high-cost game, but the competition in the traditional field of RPG is too fierce, so I had to choose the horror game type, right? '

In an industry game forum, a group of designers posted a discussion, and the topic of discussion was Chen Xu and "Escape".

And when they were discussing in full swing, a piece of information instantly stuck in their throats.

'Weekly sales are 250,000, and the price is 65 yuan. The development cost of "Escape" has been completely recovered! And based on the current popularity and player reviews, it shouldn’t be difficult for “Escape” to sell millions, right? In this case, the revenue of this game Nebula Game seems to be over 100 million! '

The designers who were still discussing this topic fell silent for a moment.

Where did this person come from

Do you have eyesight

As game designers, how could they not know that "Escape" is a very successful horror game

They just want to brag and express that Chen Xu and Nebula Games are just like that.

Who is this!

So blind

… … … …

In the office of Nebula Games, Chen Xu leaned on the sofa and put down his phone, looking at the UI interface in front of him with regret.

The effect of the special item obtained previously has been destroyed. The 5 million points marked on it refers to the number after the conversion, not the number before the conversion.

Of course, having said that, 5 million points for fifty draws in a row is still a huge gain.

Unfortunately, after the number of points converted by this card reached the upper limit, the accumulation speed immediately slowed down.

It's even a bit inferior to "To the Moon".

After providing the converted 5 million, we still haven't even collected enough for one Ten Company. This is still provided by the previous "To the Moon" and "Undertale".

And this is why Chen Xu came to the Fifty Company.

Not powerful!

Chen Xu also reflected and summarized this.

Finally came to a conclusion.

He cut the leeks too hard.

Although the emotion of fear is very powerful.

But the key is for players to dare to play.

And now

A large number of players who bought the game got a refund, and a large number of others went in and walked around the entrance of the mental hospital before quitting.

How can this provide fear

Ultimately, "Escape" is too scary.

"What a mistake!" Chen Xu couldn't help but sigh.

I originally thought that by relying on "Escape" and [Fear Converter], not to mention getting fat, at least I would get rich.

But looking at this direction, it’s really a bit difficult to give birth!

Forget it, let’s collect all these points first.

Getting up from the chair, Chen Xu went to the toilet first and then came back.

First, close the curtains and then turn off the computer display.

The lottery still needs to have some sense of ceremony.

As the points were consumed, golden light shone in front of Chen Xu.

After a while, all the points were consumed, and Chen Xu fell into silence.

Such bad luck!

After fifty consecutive draws, the special props like [Fear Converter] did not come out, but a lot of memory capsules came out.

As for skill books, there are only two rare skill books, one for level design and one for numerical design.

He obviously washed his hands after going to the toilet.

The final harvest: 7 books on original art, 11 books on level design, 9 books on system and numerical planning, 3 books on plot interaction, 3 books on music and sound effects, and 4 books on camera use.

The rest are all memory capsules.

The memory capsule was placed in the item inventory, and Chen Xu kept it temporarily.

We will wait until we need to use it in the subsequent development of new games.

After all, Chen Xu has used this thing a lot, and I have to say that the effect is really good.

As for the remaining skill books, just use them all.

Anyway, if you keep it, you won't be able to earn interest, otherwise you can still save it.

"But next time, we need to consider a new direction."

Chen Xu, who was leaning on the chair, was also thinking in his mind.

In terms of money, "Escape" is also very profitable.

Although the capital currently available is not much, it is enough.

On the contrary, there is still time for the company's planning and the operation of new projects and platforms.

Holding his mobile phone to browse some recent news in the gaming industry, Chen Xu was thinking about it in his mind.