Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 63: Easy game development


The art style of the game, as well as the image requirements of the character.

The core gameplay of the game, as well as the numerical control of the player's psychology.

The design of different scene maps and expanded creative workshop gameplay.

Including the experimental nature of this game for platform promotion.

Chen Xu did not fully analyze all these contents, but only gave a rough outline.

After all, it is just a concept draft, and subsequent development is needed to really get down to the details.

Moreover, everyone present needs to participate in the music, levels, values, art, including market operations and platform, so it is not good to talk about it in too much detail.

"Do you have any doubts in your mind?" Chen Xu asked, looking at everyone.

Ruan Ningxue, Yang Xin and the others shook their heads.

They do art and plot design here.

According to the content of the design concept draft, the plot of this game is basically a tack, and there is not much work to do.

As for the art, the concept drawings have already been released. It can be said that what kind of cartoon style it will adopt has been determined.

Just need to finalize the details later and that's it.

The rest of the people basically shook their heads and said they had nothing to say.

In fact, the people present were also very surprised.

Because although it is a conceptual design draft, the prototype of the entire game has already been created.

In the future, you only need to develop according to this model and you will be done.

As for the effect, we need to wait for the DEMO to come out before we can judge.

After all, it is difficult to determine what a game is like just by looking at the design concept draft. No matter how good the design concept draft is, it is still theory.

There are basically no problems with the development team, but Zhang Yida, who is in charge of the operation, has something to say.

Zhang Yida said: "Mr. Chen, are we planning to launch this game during the Spring Festival?"

Chen Xu said: "To be precise, it will be launched on Valentine's Day."

Zhang Yida continued: "In this case, Mr. Chen, I suggest that we can adopt the mode of issuing coupons for the game so that players can get lower price discounts on the Nebula gaming platform."

"At the same time, we can use the couple game as a publicity stunt. According to market research, we should be the first, and from the gameplay mode of the game, this is indeed a cooperative game."

"To feel the sweetness of love, come to "Kitchen". This can be used as the slogan of the game."

Unlike the R&D team, Zhang Yida will not directly participate in game development.

And as a veteran in the workplace, Zhang Yida had almost gotten to know Chen Xu somewhat during this time.

Game matters are not negotiable, but the promotion and operation outside of the game is a matter of brainstorming.

At present, the development cycle of "Kitchen" is only more than two months.

In this case, it is still important to finalize the publicity, especially since "Kitchen Kitchen" is an experimental game to promote the Nebula gaming platform.

It cannot be done in silence and then thrown into the market.

If this is really the case, at least during the Spring Festival when many games gather, there will definitely be no splash.

Therefore, we must determine the promotion plan from now on.

"If you want a discount, just buy one get one free. "House Kitchen" itself is a multi-player cooperative game. As for slogan promotion, don't just limit it to couples. Although we have chosen to launch it on Valentine's Day, brothers Love, sisterhood, and strong friendship can all be used as keywords for publicity." Chen Xu nodded after hearing this.

… … … …

The concept draft of "Kitchen Kitchen" has been explained, the direction of publicity has been decided, and the entire team has begun preparations for the development of the game.

While others were deeply understanding the concept draft and improving the art, plot and related designs, Chen Xu was not idle.

In the office, Chen Xu used a memory capsule to record some excellent level designs.

The development difficulty of "House Kitchen" mainly comes from the design of levels and numerical values.

If it is too simple, the game will lose a lot of charm.

Just like Souls games, difficulty is not the only core of Souls games, but it is definitely a major feature.

If the Souls game becomes a Musou game, then many of the original designs will not become exquisite designs, but become a burden.

Although "Kitchen" is an ordinary small-scale game, the same is true. If the difficulty curve is not grasped, the flavor of the game will be lost.

For example, cutting vegetables, washing dishes, preparing dishes and cooking, including the possibility of fire in the kitchen and the need to use a fire extinguisher to put out the fire.

These belong to the gameplay, but what is more important is the arrangement of the values.

If the time value and score are too high, it will appear to be difficult for the player.

But if the value is too loose, then these settings of the entire game will not be very important.

Therefore, Chen Xu needs to control the difficulty carefully.

As a casual game, it needs to allow players to pass the level smoothly.

But to achieve a three-star rating, it requires a certain degree of cooperation between the two players.

Finally, there is the networking system. "House Kitchen" can be regarded as the first networking game developed by Nebula Games.

The server must be taken care of.

You must know that "Kitchen Kitchen" is a game whose selling point is online.

… … …

The plans and plans for the entire game were finalized, and under the leadership of Chen Xu, the entire R&D department was operating efficiently.

On the art side, Chen Xu explained the key points of "Kitchen" to Ruan Ningxue and the artists who had worked before.

"The style of the entire game is warmer. Even the zombies in the background should give players a cute feeling. This is a game for all ages, a casual simulation game. We don't need it to be too realistic. It should match the background, but it must be able to make men, women and children not hate it.”

"Understood." Ruan Ningxue nodded.

As artists, she and Chen Xu have participated in the development of four games.

It can be said that he completely understands it, but the newcomer artist next to him is just confused.

Because she feels that her task is like an assembly line!

The style, even the sketches and requirements of the characters, couldn’t be more detailed.

Give it directly to the outsourcer, and resources will be available immediately.

Isn't the position she applied for art design? Why does it feel like she only needs to check the quality of outsourced resources and doesn't need to design at all

The same situation also happened to Qin Yi and others.

However, with the previous experience of "Escape", no one was too surprised this time.

Just one feeling, that is relaxation.

Although it is inevitable to work overtime, the key is that there are rarely wasted designs.

Where we have to tear things down and start over again, there are more problems with the details rather than problems with the general direction.

Don’t be too relaxed!