Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 736: Doesn’t this bully me that Kui Baldy has never read a book? ?


During the days waiting for "God of War", for many players who have experienced the trial version, it can be said that the days are like years.

After all, the game shown in the demo version is really cool.

Of course, there are also some players who have not experienced it and are doubtful. However, after they actually tried it for a few hours, these players clearly understood that their wallets had been targeted by Nebula Games.

Compared with individual purchases, the three-in-one collection is obviously the most cost-effective way, and as a trilogy itself, the plot of "God of War" is actually very coherent.

Just like the original "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare", although each part is an independent story, the characters are connected online.

The same goes for "God of War", and after playing it in depth.

Players soon discovered that in addition to the ultimate violent aesthetics and epic boss battles.

The plot in the game is equally exciting. Kratos, who looks like a great villain, depicts his life experience extremely well.

In terms of plot arrangement, "God of War 1" revealed Kratos's life experience, and it also paved the way for the theme of the game.

Let players understand how Kratos' faith collapsed.

At the beginning, Kratos was a brave and capable Spartan army commander, but in a war, Kratos was attacked by a barbarian prince, and the defeat of the war put him in a deadlock.

Kratos then prayed to Ares, the god of war believed by the Spartans, and expressed his willingness to sacrifice his soul in order to defeat the enemy in front of him.

Ares, the God of War, also responded to his followers. He gave Kratos more powerful power and a Blade of Chaos.

The blazing and ever-extinguishing chains are wrapped around Kratos' arms, making him feel the pain of the flames all the time. This is the price the user needs to pay.

However, what Kratos doesn't know is that he, the barbarian prince and everything else are pawns of the gods. This is the core theme of Greek mythology.

The cause of the incident came from a trip to snatch the fairy fruit.

Kratos, who was a Spartan general before, gave birth to a daughter with the woman he loved his whole life.

But when the child was born, he was covered in puss. According to Spartan custom, such a sick and weak child could not survive at all.

So in order to save his daughter's life, Kratos went to the Well of Asclepius to find the fairy fruit that could cure all diseases. In the process, Kratos also encountered other warriors seeking fairy fruits.

Just like Kratos, they all found this place because they heard rumors about fairy fruits after their tribesmen or family members suddenly suffered from serious illnesses.

What they don't know is that all of them are just pawns chosen by the gods for a meaningless gambling joke.

The content of the gambling game is: Ares, the god of war, Hades, the king of Hades, Poseidon, the king of the sea, Helios, the sun god, Artemis, the moon and hunting goddess, and Hermes, the messenger of the gods.

These six gods each select a mortal warrior, and then quietly spread disaster to his hometown and then guide him to find the fairy fruit to see who can finally obtain the fairy fruit.

Kratos is the chess piece chosen by Ares.

It was just a boring joke at first, but soon the God of War Ares took a fancy to this heroic and good warrior because of Kratos' performance.

After Kratos sacrificed his soul, in order to make Kratos the most powerful fighting force under his command, he could overthrow the rule of Zeus.

Ares once again designed Kratos to kill his wife and daughter with his own hands, hoping to create a terrifying war machine, the purest warrior.

If you want to create the purest warrior, you must let it be stained with the blood of enemies, innocent people, and relatives.

Along with the fire, the corpses of Kratos's wife and daughter were turned into ashes and possessed Kratos forever, forming a ghost-like pale color, always reminding Kratos of what he had committed. sin.

The monster shaped by Ares himself was born - the Ghost of Sparta!

But this also violated Kratos's bottom line, which is his family.

So Kratos planned to kill the three goddesses of vengeance, but he also lost one of his best friends during this journey.

But this still did not relieve his nightmare, so he began to work for other gods, hoping to get rid of his sins.

Ten years later, Kratos, who had served the Olympus gods for ten years, asked Athena when he would be rewarded and let the gods cleanse him of the sin of killing his family.

But Athena told him that if he wanted to completely get rid of the nightmare, he needed to serve the gods again, and this time his mission was to defeat Ares, who wanted to overthrow the rule of Zeus and was attacking the city of Athens.

Because Zeus has a commandment, the Olympus gods cannot start a war after the Holy War, and the task of destroying Ares is naturally handed over to Kratos, who has broken the blood curse between himself and Ares.

When he remembered that Ares was the initiator of the death of his wife and daughter, Kratos accepted this mission to both revenge and forget the nightmare.

After arriving in the city of Athens, I saw the 'giant' Ares who was raging everywhere.

Kratos learned from the prophet in the temple that if he wanted to defeat Ares, he had to obtain the powerful magic power in Pandora's Box, and embarked on a journey to find Pandora's Box.

The city of Athens, the Desert of Lost Souls, the Temple of Pandora, Hell, the large temple built by Verdes III...

Scenes of unique scenes appear in front of players.

Entering the center of the Desert of Lost Souls, Kratos met the ruler of the previous generation, the Titan King.

Because the Titans were defeated in the Holy War, all Titans were banished by the Olympians.

As the Titan King, he was no exception and was exiled to the boundless Desert of Lost Souls by his son.

Having lost his soul, he was carrying the huge Pandora Mountain on his back, crawling like a zombie in the desert of lost souls, and Pandora's Box was on the mountain.

After many tests, Kratos finally found Pandora's Box, but at this time Ares also learned the news. He used divine power to kill Kratos and ordered his vulture to bring back the box. .

After being plotted by Ares and falling to hell, Kratos met the captain he had killed again on the way.

So Kratos used the captain's body to stop his fall towards hell and gradually crawled to the surface.

In the end, Kratos successfully climbed back from hell and returned to the city of Athens.

Looking at Ares in the distance, Kratos, who came back from hell, took Pandora's Box back from Ares and opened it.

The powerful force makes Kratos become as huge as Ares.

In the end, the angry Kratos used the huge bridge as a divine sword to pierce Ares's chest, completing the impossible task of killing a god for a mortal.

Kratos’ journey to Greek mythology can be said to be a series of links.

And the whole story is advancing bit by bit towards a magnificent epic.

In God of War 1, Kratos first faced some monsters from Greek mythology.

For example, with entities like Hydra, it wasn't until the very end that Kratos actually faced Ares, the God of War.

And with the help of Pandora's Box and the power of the gods, he completed the great feat of killing gods by mortals.

But this is just the beginning.

Kratos killed Ares to avenge his wife and daughter.

At the same time, the mission of the gods was completed.

However, after all this was over, Kratos received a disappointing reply.

The gods can help Kratos eliminate his guilt, but the fact that Kratos killed his wife and daughter cannot be eliminated.

In other words, all this is simply a deception by the Olympus gods. They just played a word game.

So there is the scene at the beginning of the prologue of God of War, where the despairing Kratos jumps off the cliff in an attempt to seek relief through death.

But with such a good 'helper', how could the Olympian gods let Kratos go

So when Kratos fell into the sea and was about to die, Athena used her divine power to save him.

At the same time, Athena told Kratos that the position of the twelve main gods of Olympus is indispensable.

After the death of Ares, the position of the God of War is vacated. Kratos will become the new God of War and ascend to heaven. This may also be a way of relief.

So Kratos set foot on Mount Olympus and eventually took the position of God of War.

Zhang Yi, who has not recovered from the previous battle in the game, couldn't help but smacked his lips when he saw Athena's narration to Kratos in the game.

"Isn't this bullying? Bullying me, the bald Kui, for being uneducated? Are you engaging in this kind of word game?"

As for Kratos, at least until now, Zhang Yi doesn't like this protagonist very much. After all, this bald guy can be said to have done all kinds of bad things. Of course, it was still good when he played the red soul-squeezing game with the young lady from Athens, Greece.

But although I don't like Kratos, I completely hate Zhang Yi of the gods.

Especially what Athena is saying now, isn't this a word game

Isn’t this deceiving people?

Isn't this bullying me, Kui Baldy, for not having read a book