Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 737: Simply can not stop


Recalling the desperate Kui Tuzi who jumped off the mountain to end his life, Zhang Yi was also full of emotion.

In the end, it is because of the cultural disadvantages that a reckless man cannot compete with a scholar.

Kratos wants the gods to make him forget his past memories, but the gods say that they have forgiven you. As for whether you forgive yourself or not, that is your own business.

Combined with the past of Kratos being played by the gods, it can be said that Zhang Yi has no good impression of these gods at all.

As the protagonist in the game, if you really want to look into it carefully, then Kratos is actually a complete scumbag.

As a Spartan general, Kratos believed in the iron law of the jungle, so he ignored the lives of innocent people who died in his hands.

But even so, there is something worth appreciating about Kratos, and that is the importance he attaches to his wife and daughter, which is why the story of searching for the fairy fruit came about.

And it is precisely because of this importance that Kratos, who seems to be a macho man, has always chosen to escape from the past of killing his wife and daughter, instead of facing it bravely.

In comparison, these famous gods in Greek mythology have a different look.

After becoming the God of War, Kratos was able to discover more secrets. In Atlantis, Kratos found his mother and younger brother, but his mother turned into a monster due to the curse and could only be killed by Kratos himself. After killing him, his younger brother also died fighting in the abyss of hell. The seeds of hatred have been planted in Kratos's heart.

After returning from Atlantis, Kratos, who lost all his relatives, relied on the power of the God of War to help his people conquer territory everywhere.

This made the gods of Olympus quite dissatisfied with the new god who was originally a mortal, but Kratos was also very disdainful of the gods.

After ignoring Athena's advice, Kratos came to Rhodes Island to help the Spartan people who believed in him in the conquest.

But at this moment, a white eagle used a spell to turn Kratos's body back to the size of a mortal, and activated the colossus of the Sun God in Rhodes Island. Kratos, thinking that Athena had plotted against him, fought all the way to the Sun God. In front of the colossus.

Zeus appeared in front of the Colossus and said he was here to help Kratos, and gave him his Sword of Olympus.

But in fact, Zeus's real purpose is to deprive Kratos of his divine power and kill him.

Because Kratos abused his personal power without restraint, it finally became difficult for Zeus to accept his existence. At the same time, Zeus was also afraid that Kratos' power would surpass him.


With Kratos' angry roar, Kratos, who lost his divine power, was ruthlessly killed by Zeus.

From first believing in God to doubting God, and being betrayed by Zeus on Rhodes Island, Kratos now only has the anger of revenge in his heart.

There are more colorful boss battles and more ways to play, in addition to the Blade of Chaos given by the God of War Ares at the beginning.

Kratos will also be able to get a variety of weapons in the game later.

The Barbarian Sledgehammer, the Spear of Destiny, the Bow of Apollo, and the Claw of Hades, combined with a variety of magic skills, can be said to be an adrenaline rush.

Especially as the plot of the game progresses, the scenes that players come into contact with become larger and larger.

The gods of Olympus have become the target of Kratos' revenge.

Of course, the game plot is only part of the gameplay. Use a variety of weapons and various magic skills to kill the boss with combos.

This is the God of War experience that excites players even more.

In addition, compared to the more numerous and complex puzzles in his previous life, Chen Xu has also appropriately optimized them a lot.

Of course, there is also the red soul-squeezing mini-game that players love the most.

On a stormy night with thunder and lightning, after killing a bunch of minions on the ship, Kratos relaxes through the cabin.

After killing the huge stone statue in Rhodes Island, Kratos washed away his physical and mental fatigue in a hot spring.

Of course, in the years when Kratos helped the gods before taking revenge on Ares, his impressive record of "one against eight" shocked countless players.

However, these mini-games serve more as a mental adjustment for players.

What really matters to players is the extreme beauty of violence.

If we say that before becoming the God of War, Kratos was already very violent.

So after being framed by Zeus, Kratos fully demonstrated what madness is.

A series of interlocking plots make players unable to stop at all.

It's like a volcano about to erupt.

Players can clearly feel all this when experiencing the content of "God of War".

Even players can resonate with Kratos in the game.

The scene became louder and louder, and the anger grew stronger.

The rage of revenge continues to burn in Kratos' heart.

After being deprived of his divine power and killed by Zeus, Kratos did not die, but met Gaia, the mother of the Titans.

Gaia told Kratos about the battle between the Titans and Olympus. They have a common enemy Zeus.

And this is also the reason why Gaia saved Kratos, after telling Kratos these things.

Gaia told Kratos that if he wants to restore everything and take revenge on Zeus, he must find the three goddesses of fate and rewrite history.

Harbis, Minotaurs, Gorgons, Griffins, Cyclops, and countless monsters and heroes from Greek mythology appear on Kratos's journey to Destiny Island.

However, nothing could stop Kratos, who was bent on revenge, and all of them were killed by the furious Kui Ye.

After finally defeating the three goddesses one after another, Kratos successfully returned to the past, arrived at the time when Zeus plotted against him, and snatched back the Sword of Olympus and fought with Zeus for dozens of rounds.

However, at the last moment when Zeus was about to be killed, Athena suddenly appeared and blocked Zeus's knife, allowing him to slip away.

And Athena also told the truth before she died, that is, Kratos was actually the son of Zeus. Zeus was afraid that Kratos would follow the old path of patricide like him, so he planned to kill Kratos.

However, Athena's death did not extinguish the anger in Kratos's heart. After that, Kratos joined forces with Gaia and other giants to return to the era of holy war.

There is only one purpose, revenge on Zeus and Olympus!

The Greek gods also gathered in Olympus, preparing to deal with the threat of Kratos.

Under Olympus, Kratos raised the Sword of Olympus and roared loudly.

Previously, Kratos' opponents were ordinary sea monsters and various monsters or heroes in Greek mythology. Gods were quite rare.

But in this final revenge, Kratos' opponents have all become the Olympus gods.

… … …

I have to say that the feeling God of War has brought so far is absolutely explosive.

The exhilarating feeling brought by the increasingly exaggerated violent executions is simply difficult to describe in words.

However, in addition to the variety of weapons and magic, Zhang Yi was also impressed by the plot of the game. It seems that God of War is about the adventures of mortals killing gods.

But Zhang Yi feels that there are many things worth pondering. For example, in the plot, Kratos and his younger brother are separated. The main reason is that Zeus knows a prophecy that his dominance as the god king will be overthrown by a tattooed Spartan warrior. .

Kratos's younger brother had a tattoo since he was born, so he was taken away by the gods. However, in memory of his younger brother Kratos, he got himself the same tattoo.

In other words, although Zeus's actions took away a warrior with tattoos, he created another warrior with tattoos.

There is a more crucial point, that is, Kratos is actually the son of Zeus.

Of course, this is also in line with Greek mythology. Incest and blood killings are common things in Greek mythology.

The place that really made Zhang Yi think was Kratos.

Kratos's previous performance was extremely violent, but he also had a weakness in his heart, which was his wife, daughter, brother, fish and mother, this kind of family connection.

Moreover, during the previous adventure to break the blood oath of Ares, Kratos also had a good friend. From these points, we can feel that Kratos has feelings.

So the question becomes, is Kratos’ extremely violent side his human side or his divine side

Of course, these questions worth thinking about only passed through Zhang Yi's mind in a flash, because when he entered the final chapter of God of War, Zhang Yi was shocked.

Zhang Yi had been wondering before if this kind of violent aesthetics would have further manifestations when it shifted its target to the gods of Olympus.

The answer is yes, and it is even more unconstrained and shocking.