Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 746: The monster named Father


Riding on Freya's flower boat, magic pulled the rowing boat and carried Kratos slowly towards his home.

There were lightning and thunder along the way, and the sky was filled with bright red blood, as if it was the end of the world.

Strong winds, lightning, and the shrill cries of crows.

When the ship passed through the tunnel, a figure appeared in front of Kratos' eyes, that was Athena in the state of revenant.

'Athena... get out of my head! Taking a deep breath, Kratos suddenly opened his eyes.

With Kratos's roar, when the ship passed through the tunnel, the dead soul Athena also disappeared.

This scene made Zhang Yi a little confused. The dead soul Athena also came to Northern Europe. Or is this just Kratos's hallucination

Under the magical guidance of Freya's flower boat, Kratos went down the stream and finally returned to his home.

On the journey home, there were all frost undead warriors along the way.

Putting the Leviathan battle ax away, Zhang Yi controlled Kui Ye to punch these undead warriors.

Because the ice attribute attack of the tomahawk not only does not cause damage to these mobs, it also triggers the mechanism of flicking the knife. In addition, Zhang Yi’s previous points were basically axes, so now they are a little more effective. A little strenuous.

After a wave of punches, looking at the accumulated energy bar, Zhang Yi directly activated Spartan Fury, then activated the slaughter mode and reached the door of the house.

Stopping at the door for a second or two, Kratos took a deep breath before pushing the door open.

There was a big hole in the ceiling, which was left when Kratos fought with Baldur.

Arriving at the center of the room, Kratos lifted off the fur on the ground.

Below is a basement that was used to hide Atreus, but Kratos's goal is not the basement.

Kratos reached out and took out a package from the compartment between the basement and the floor and slowly placed it on the ground.

Next, Kratos looked down at his bandaged hand, which represented his past.

Having made up his mind, Kratos took a deep breath and slowly opened the lid.

A chain blade was placed there quietly.

"It is indeed the Blade of Chaos!"

Looking at the familiar Blade of Chaos, Zhang Yi felt goosebumps all over his body.

He only has one feeling now, and that is excitement.

He thought that Mr. Kui who came to Northern Europe no longer had this chain blade.

But I never expected that it would be hidden here.

Not only Zhang Yi, but all players who have played this game are extremely excited as long as they have been exposed to the previous trilogy.

Everyone knows what this Chaos Chain Blade means to Kratos. This powerful weapon represents Kratos' dark and painful past.

After coming to Northern Europe, Kratos obviously wanted to forget everything in the past and start a new life, but now Kratos is once again facing this dark past.

Deafening thunder exploded in the sky, and a flash of lightning flashed across the bloody sky.

The bright light of lightning created daylight for a moment, and then the light dissipated, only to see Athena in a state of revenant at the door of the house once again.

But this time Athena did not remain silent like she was on the boat, but actually spoke.

'You have nowhere to hide, Spartan! '

'No matter how far you distance yourself from your past, you can't change it. '

'You could pretend to be someone else... a husband... or a father?' '

Following Athena's words, Kratos was neither furious nor crazy. He just silently took off the bandage on his arm, and then re-wrapped the chain of the Chaos Chain Blade around his arm.

As the chain attached to Kratos' arm, the curse-like flame ignited again.

After wrapping the chains, Kratos slowly stood up and walked out of the house expressionlessly, passing Athena.

'There is a truth, you can never escape, you can never change, you will always be! 'Athena looked at Kratos coming towards her and spoke.

'I know...but I'm not your monster anymore. '

Listening to Kratos' words, Zhang Yi was filled with excitement and even more emotional.

If you haven't played the Greek trilogy in "God of War" before.

So for most players, this is just a weapon with special attributes.

For example, the previous ax was of ice attribute, and this chain blade was of fire attribute.

It's just that the game adds a more unique weapon gameplay to players.

Just like the gloves, bows, arrows, hooks and other weapons in the trilogy, they all play such a role.

There is nothing special about it.

But for Zhang Yi, there are still some players who have played previous content.

The Chaos Chain Blade definitely does not simply represent the function of a new weapon.

What is Kuiye's symbol

Bald head, tattoos, bad temper

But there is also another symbol, and that is this weapon.

Although this is just a weapon, it symbolizes Kui Ye's past life.

At this moment, this simple Blade of Chaos appears, and it depicts the entire character of Mr. Kui at once, which is amazing!

This means that Kui Ye truly begins to face his past.

He had been serving the Olympian gods for ten years, hoping that they would help him escape these sins.

Including after becoming the God of War, helping his own people, Sparta, was also the point of Kui Ye escaping from the past.

When facing Zeus in the final battle, Kuiye fell into a fantasy.

His daughter and his wife appeared in the illusion, but in the end Kratos broke the false illusion and successfully killed Zeus.

This was the first time he faced his past.

But after killing Zeus, he had a new past that he didn't want to remember.

That is, no matter what the truth is, he did kill his father and the Olympus gods who were related to him.

Although from the player's point of view, these gods are all to blame.

But the truth will not change.

But, that was Kratos from before.

The former Kuiye had been trying to avoid the past, using bandages to cover and tie his arms that had been burned by chains and leaving permanent scars, and faced Atreus's many inquiries during the journey.

He is covering up the past. His life is a tragedy caused by God, so if he could choose, he would rather not be a God.

So Atreus always thought that his father was just a slightly stronger human being.

It was this cognitive difference that prevented Atreus from exerting his godly power and fell into a coma.

But now he no longer escapes, he chooses to look directly at his past.

But for Atreus to dig out the Chaos Chain Blade again and face his past.

This is the shaping of the plot and the character of Kratos.

For players who have experienced the Greek mythology trilogy, the meaning of this weapon is obviously not that simple.

In particular, Kui Ye's words "I'm no longer your monster" were even more shocking. It also reminded Zhang Yi of a classic character from Nebula Games: Ethan.

A mortal and a god of war, Kuiye and Ethan are obviously very different in terms of combat capabilities.

But now Kuiye and Ethan have one thing in common.

They are both 'monsters', a 'monster' named father

After pushing open the door, countless undead warriors emerged from the earth outside the house. The next moment, the chaos chain blades wrapped around his arms burned with the cursed flames of hell.

Familiar operations, familiar moves.

Zhang Yi looked excited.

With a wide range of AOE attacks, the undead mobs that previously required a punch to kill were directly taken away by a set of combos.

Holding the chain blade in hand, Kratos headed towards Helheim.

The ever-burning chain blade in his hand was stained with the blood of innocent mortals, the blood of monsters, the blood of Greek heroes, and the blood of his relatives and gods.

Kratos once held this chain blade for revenge, but now he wants to use this weapon that represents his dark past to save his son.