Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 747: Fake wine harms people!


Looking at the Chaos Chain Blade in his hand, Zhang Yi felt as if he had taken a sip of Coke with ice in the summer, his whole body became clear.

Leviathan axe? The dogs don’t even play!

A true god of war should play chain blade.

Wielding the Chaos Chain Blade in his hand, he slaughtered various mobs along the way.

Fight your way into the underworld of Helheim and rip out the heart of the gatekeeper.

Although there was no Atreus along the way, Mimir's head was used as an accessory, so it was not lonely.

Like Atreus's 'Father, be careful', this Mimir's head also acts as a cheerleader, often giving Kratos spiritual encouragement during battles.

And although the difficulty is the same, without Atreus's bow and arrow assistance, Zhang Yi clearly felt that the difficulty of the game had increased, or maybe he was a little uncomfortable with it.

"Sure enough, Mr. Kui is an old illiterate old father, and his son is the true god of war." After a fierce battle, Zhang Yi was exhausted and finally couldn't help complaining.

Without Atreus, fighting the mobs felt super strenuous.

But fortunately, this journey without Atreus was not very long.

After obtaining the heart of the gatekeeper of the underworld, he returned to Freya's residence and successfully cured Atreus.

Here Kratos also apologized to Freya. I have to say that seeing Kratos's expression of wanting to apologize and express what he meant really made Zhang Yi feel very interesting.

Leaving Freya's residence, Mr. Kui and his son embarked on a journey again.

In the cellar, Kuiye gave Atreus another dagger, saying that he had recognized Atreus' ability.

A bottle of wine was then handed to him, which in Spartan tradition meant that Atreus had also become a man.

This scene makes people feel warm.

But Zhang Yi soon discovered something different.

Although Atreus was a naughty kid before, you will find that along with the adventure of the journey, he is actually not annoying, and he is even very reliable like Ellie in "The Last of Us".

But after drinking that bottle of wine and knowing his identity as a god, Atreus's temperament seemed to have changed.

When facing the younger brother of the dwarf brothers who had helped Kui Ye and his son, Atreus showed an extremely impatient side.

'Let me guess... your brother is not as talented as you and his work is rubbish. '

'You say this every time, over and over again. '

'Take action for change or shut up. '

'yes! We're tired of hearing about little people's petty annoyances! '

After learning that he was a god, Atreus was like a nouveau riche.

It began to swell, and it felt as if it was omnipotent and superior to others.

He even refused to listen to Kratos and became impulsive, reckless, and arrogant.

Facing the beaten and dying Modi in the underground palace, Atreus wanted to kill him, but was stopped by Kuiye.

'No, he has been beaten badly enough, there is no need to kill him. '

Now Mr. Kui is no longer the Mr. Kui who couldn't control his anger and wanted revenge and killed everything in front of him.

But after knowing his identity as a god, Atreus was not as calm as Kui Ye.

'He must pay for speaking ill of his mother. '

'We are gods and we can do whatever we want. '

After saying this, Atreus inserted the dagger into Modi's throat and kicked him into the abyss.

'You killed him despite my attempts! You are out of control! Master Kui looked at Atreus in front of him as if he had seen himself before, and finally showed an angry expression.

'Aren't you always teaching me how to kill? 'Atreus looked very puzzled.

'I'm teaching you how to survive. We are gods, child... and therefore we will be targeted. You will be targeted from now until the end of this world, so I am indeed teaching you to kill. … But at that time, in order to allow you to protect yourself, rather than act arbitrarily. '

'No one cares about him anyway, so what's the difference? 'Atreus was unmoved.

'There are many hidden dangers in killing God! '

'Why? how do you know? How did you know? '

'Be careful what you say, kid. '

'Whatever you say. '

A hint of gunpowder emerged from the words of the two father and son.

Moreover, during this game journey, there was also a difference in the game experience, that is, Zhang Yi found that sometimes he controlled Atreus to shoot arrows and use skills without listening, but instead held the Gong rushed forward to engage in hand-to-hand combat with the monster.

"What's going on? Why did this naughty kid change all of a sudden?"

Zhang Yi was so angry that he gritted his teeth. Fortunately, he had some changes in his attitude towards the naughty kid before, but now the naughty kid started to do it again!

But although I am angry, if I think about it carefully, this change is not sudden.

Just like a person who is used to being poor, and suddenly one day someone tells you that you are actually a rich man, you are a rich man.

A few hundred million is your monthly pocket money, and most people will fall into the loss of control caused by sudden wealth.

What is most likely to happen is revenge consumption. You want to get your hands on all the things you never dared to dream of before to see what they are like.

And Atreus, who had always thought that he was just a stronger human, found out that he was actually a god. His mentality also changed like this, but it was just too much!

Especially at the top of the mountain, Kuiye and the others once again encountered Badr, who had caused trouble for them at the beginning.

Atreus, who thought he was a god and was omnipotent, even wanted to kill Baldur alone. Faced with Kratos who tried to stop him, the naughty boy not only did not appreciate it, but also shot a belt at Kratos. Arrows with the power of thunder and lightning.

It is obvious that in anger, Atreus has been carried away by anger and completely lost control regardless of everything, just like Kratos who was once sent to hell by Zeus.

As for Atreus, the naughty kid, he was naturally no match for Baldur and was directly captured by him.

Although he was angry, Atreus was still his son after all, so Kratos immediately chased after him and started an earth-shattering battle with Baldur on the back of the flying dragon.

Finally, seeing that Baldur was about to activate the Rainbow Bridge to return to Asgard, Kratos could only temporarily activate the Rainbow Bridge to teleport a few people to Helheim.

After being temporarily safe, Kuiye finally became angry when facing Atreus.

Before this, Mr. Kui had been suppressing his anger.

But now Mr. Kui finally got mad.

Grasping Atreus's hand fiercely, Kui Ye stared at Atreus with wide eyes.

"Listen to me! Don't reply even a word."

"I am your father, and you kid is a different person now."

"Too easily angered, reckless, disobedient, and out of control."

"We can't go on like this. If you want your mother to be proud, just give up on the path you have chosen now."

"It's still too late..."

"Remember! We're all here because of you, kid."

"do not forget."

Atreus, who was scolded by Mr. Kui, didn't say a word and lowered his head like a quail.

Looking at the plot of this scene, Zhang Yi felt happy.

That's right, this naughty kid should be severely punished like this.

It's a pity that it's not the right time, otherwise it would be great to give this naughty kid a meal of fried shredded pork with belt.

Looking at the pitiful Atreus, Zhang Yi expressed great regret.

Atreus, who was severely scolded by Master Kui, obviously realized his mistake.

This change made Zhang Yi happy and reminded him of the previous plot.

"It feels like Atreus's mutation appeared after drinking that glass of wine."

"Could it be that Atreus is easily drunk, or is fake wine harmful to people?"

Taking Atreus to explore the kingdom of the underworld, Zhang Yi couldn't help but wonder.

Don't say it, the more you think about it, the more it makes sense.

Where did Atreus's character change begin

It seems that Mr. Kui recognized Atreus before and gave him a bottle of wine. After that, the naughty boy's temperament became unpleasant.

Although the wine became more fragrant as it aged, I don’t know how many years it had been stored, and I still didn’t know if it was real wine. Atreus drank a pot of it with a bang, so he couldn’t be crazy about drinking too much.

Now the freezing weather, coupled with being frightened by Master Kui's angry rebuke and the previous battle with Badr, have frightened this naughty boy out of his drunkenness