Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 756: Outside the pavilion, beside the ancient road, the green grass reaches the sky


In the game, the Tian family seems to be harmonious, but in fact there is an undercurrent.

On the surface, the Tian family seems to be prosperous, but in fact, the family is quite poor, because the Tian family's money was earned by Tian Xiangrong in the early days by robbing tombs and selling cultural relics.

But after Tian Yu got married, Tian Xiangrong washed his hands of the family. Without the source of income from reselling cultural relics, the Tian family gradually became unable to make ends meet.

During this period, Tian Xiangrong also tried to add some legitimate income to the family. He asked someone to find a job for his son, turned the first floor of his home into a public supermarket, and even developed the habit of buying lottery tickets. He hoped that these could change the Tian family's economic situation. .

But despite Tian Xiangrong's many attempts to change the Tian family's economic situation, there is still no improvement.

I spent a lot of money on my son's work but got no response.

The Gonghua Supermarket he ran did not bring income to the family, and the lottery jackpot did not hit his head.

Seeing his savings gradually disappearing, Tian Xiangrong knew that he could not wait any longer, so he once again contacted Wang Jincai, the canteen owner who had robbed the tomb with him, and decided to take a risk.

Tian Yu died of epilepsy not long after this, so Tian Xiangrong's wife He Guilan felt that everything was because Tian Xiangrong failed to rob the tomb and Yin De's son was implicated and died.

But in fact, it was because of the Tian family's own feudal superstition that they used various earthwork methods to treat Tian Yu's epilepsy since childhood, and never sent him to a large hospital for treatment, which led to the fact that Tian Yu finally had no cure.

The irony is that in the game, Tian Xiangrong has repeatedly said that he is not feudal and superstitious.

Unwilling to believe that his son's death was retribution for what he had done, Tian Xiangrong attributed his son's death to Ye Jingshan, a doctor at the town health center, rushed into the health center and broke Ye Jingshan's ribs.

Therefore, out of guilt, Zhao Xiaojuan often visited Ye Jingshan secretly and became friends.

Later, Tian Xiangrong and his wife met a goddess. He Guilan believed that this goddess could summon spirits and let them see their dead son.

Since then, Tian Xiangrong and his wife have made offerings to the goddess every week and talked to their dead son through the goddess's mouth.

Tian Fangfang met a new volunteer Chinese teacher. In Fangfang's eyes, the new teacher Chen was very different from the previous teacher. She was gentle and kind, would make Fangfang happy, and teach Fangfang origami.

This teacher Chen is Chen Qingsui. In order to investigate her grandfather Tian Xiangrong's reselling of cultural relics, he disguised himself as a support teacher and deliberately approached her. He used Fangfang as a breakthrough to investigate the Tian family's situation in depth.

After Tian Xiangrong and his wife met the goddess, the atmosphere at home became more and more weird. Zhao Xiaojuan was afraid that this weird atmosphere would affect Fangfang and wanted to take Fangfang away from this place, but the old couple kept blocking Zhao Xiaojuan for various reasons. .

Soon after, the so-called goddess was captured by the public security organs.

Tian Xiangrong and his wife were so anxious that they spent all their money to get the so-called method of "inviting the gods" from the goddess.

In this way, the son's soul can be possessed by the daughter-in-law and see their dead son.

For this reason, they began to keep playing tricks at home, trying to destroy Zhao Xiaojuan's spiritual defense line, giving Zhao Xiaojuan the illusion that Tian Yu's soul had returned to this home, so that they could invite their son's soul back to their daughter-in-law.

Zhao Xiaojuan was desperate and asked Ye Jingshan for help.

Ye Jingshan, who had been trafficked into Qingtan Town since he was a child, listened to the desperate Zhao Xiaojuan explain the matter, as if he saw himself trapped. He wanted to save her and wanted her to see this beautiful world on his behalf, so he gave her an idea.

Pretending to be possessed by Tian Yu, he used his identity to persuade his parents-in-law to allow Zhao Xiaojuan to take her daughter Fangfang out to study.

So Zhao Xiaojuan wrote down false information in her diary, bought cigarettes in front of Wang Jincai and claimed to be Tian Yu, and even did some things she had never done before.

On the other hand, Chen Qingsui, who had inquired about the news, also contacted Zhao Xiaojuan and explained his purpose, and the two reached an agreement.

Zhao Xiaojuan helped Chen Qingsui obtain evidence that her father-in-law Tian Xiangrong was reselling cultural relics, while Chen Qingsui helped Fangfang and Zhao Xiaojuan leave Qingtan.

Everything should have been perfect, but in this matter, there was another person who had witnessed everything but couldn't understand it at all - Tian Fangfang.

Since Tian Yu's death, and pretending to be Tian Yu's upper body, Zhao Xiaojuan has been under great mental pressure and needs sleeping pills to fall asleep. However, Fangfang accidentally looked at the medicine and asked her mother what it was.

Zhao Xiaojuan told Fangfang, "This is a medicine that makes people forget their worries. After taking it and sleeping, all worries will disappear." However, children cannot touch it.

Before Zhao Xiaojuan was about to leave Qingtan Town with Fangfang, Tian Xiangrong and his wife became increasingly dissatisfied with the need to see their son, especially how should Tian Yu get involved after Zhao Xiaojuan left

Tian Xiangrong learned that as long as the soul of the original owner was completely separated from the body, the soul would be attached to the body forever. In other words, if Zhao Xiaojuan was killed, his son's soul would be able to possess Zhao Xiaojuan.

So on September 15, the day of the incident, He Guilan asked Zhao Xiaojuan to buy cough medicine. While they were out, Tian Xiangrong and his wife mixed rat poison into the sleeping pills, hoping to take the opportunity to kill Zhao Xiaojuan.

Fangfang, on the other hand, secretly put sleeping pills into her family's meals because she wanted her family to "forget their troubles."

So when Zhao Xiaojuan returned home, all she saw were three poisoned corpses.

Zhao Xiaojuan was disheartened when she saw Fangfang's death. She hanged herself and ended her life, leaving a suicide note.

After sorting out all the clues, we finally came up with such a cruel truth.

After playing this, Song Ren felt mixed emotions, but he was still a little confused, that is, what role did Ye Jingshan play in this incident

And what about that arson case

With these confusions, Song Ren advances the subsequent plot.

After leaving the Tian family, Chen Qingsui suddenly said that something had been left behind at the Tian family and asked Lin Lizun to wait for her.

At the same time, the phone rang again in Tianjia Public Telephone Supermarket.

The voice on the phone when I picked up the phone was the call record between the newspaper and Chen Qingsui. It said that the account book involved too many people and some of the upper-level people, and some names could never be made public.

This also means that most of Chen Qingsui's efforts have been in vain. At the same time, the newspaper also reminded her that once the account books are released, many people will definitely come to the Tian family and related personnel to protect themselves.

But what really shocked Song Ren was the four words "pay attention to safety" in this sentence. It was obvious that the emphasis on the other end of the phone could be heard.

And does this mean Lin Lizun's psychic ability

Song Ren's heart skipped a beat, and at the same time he thought of an obituary he saw on the bulletin board when he started the game, combined with Chen Qingsui's identity as a volunteer teacher hiding from reporters...

At this time, Song Ren had a bad feeling, and subsequent developments seemed to confirm his thoughts.

After walking out of Tian's house, Lin Lizun still couldn't wait for Chen Qingsui to come out. It was getting cold, so he decided to report the information about Tian's case to the police first.

On the way, he saw a missing person notice on a telephone pole: Chen Qingsui, a support teacher in Qingtan Town, disappeared on September 23. When he disappeared, he was wearing a blue skirt and white shirt, a red hairband on his head, and a red umbrella.

This image was exactly the same as Chen Qingsui's before, and he had seen a red umbrella in the Tian family's house before.

On the notice board in the countryside, there is an obituary at the back, which reads: "Qingtan Town support teacher Chen Qingsui died due to some reasons at the age of 27."

Then we walked forward and came to a small river. A few primary school students put lanterns there. They said that people in the village said that Teacher Chen accidentally fell into the water on the day of heavy rain on the 23rd, so putting lanterns here can guide people who fell into the water. People come back.

Lin Lizun was stunned for a moment, and after a moment of silence, he stepped forward and offered to help. After putting out the lights, to the melody of the children's song "Farewell", he seemed to see Chen Qingsui again in the starry sky.

'This is a vacant lot behind my house. '

'When I was young, I was playful and accidentally fell into a dry well in the open space. It was already night at that time. I was scared at first and no one heard my cry. But suddenly I found that the starry sky I saw from the well was very strange. Beautiful, so beautiful that I forget to be afraid. '

'At this time, someone suddenly threw a rope down. I climbed up step by step along the rope. The closer I got to the wellhead, the wider my field of view became. '

'Until I finally climbed out, the person who threw the rope was long gone, but my field of vision was filled with brilliant stars. '

'I thought it was just an unforgettable experience, but after spending some time in Qingtan Town, I understood. '

'Actually, the children here are just like me in the well, they can only see this galaxy. I want to be the one who throws the rope and take them to see the wider world. '

After saying that, Lin Lizun found himself and Chen Qingsui in a deep well. There was a rope at hand. Chen Qingsui asked Lin Lizun to go up first and then pull him up.

Grasping the rope and climbing up, I saw the scenery that Chen Qingsui had seen before.

But when he turned back and looked down, the people were gone, leaving only the well water reflecting the stars.

After that, Lin Lizun fell into coma again, and when he woke up, he found himself in the medical room.

Zheng Ming and the forensic doctors from the police force are all here, so is this the real real world now

Song Ren was guessing in his heart.

Combined with the previously found clues, all the truth was finally revealed.

The bizarre fire case that brought Lin Lizun and the others here in the first place was planned by Ye Jingshan, a doctor at the clinic.

Ye Jingshan, a doctor who once advised Zhao Xiaojuan, could not accept that his advice to Zhao Xiaojuan made her suffer the stigma of parricide after her death.

So he deliberately left traces of his practice, deliberately hinted to the police and patients that he had a smoking habit, bought a large number of fireworks, and directed the police to discover that this bizarre fire was caused. The body that was burned to death was actually not Ye Jingshan, but because of Wang Jincai died of illness.

He wanted to use these clues that were deliberately investigated by the police to make the police believe that Tian Jia's death was due to him poisoning Tian Jia in revenge for Tian Xiangrong.

"When you look at this mountain, its clear gray texture is like the thick ash after the fireworks burned out, burying the entire town."

At the end of the game, Ye Jingshan was successfully arrested.

Fireworks are set off in Qingtan Town. According to local custom, it is said that this can help the souls of the deceased find their way home.

And at the last riverside, Lin Lizun found Chen Qingsui's unsent resignation letter and the photo sticker.

The story finally settled on a river bank covered with reeds. Lin Lizun held the only remaining memories with Chen Qingsui, looking at the last fireworks set off by the town for the deceased, silently saying goodbye to her or them.

With the farewell music of "Outside the pavilion, beside the ancient road, the grass is green and green...", the game has come to an end, but the length of the process is only three and a half hours, but it makes Song Ren sigh.