Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 764: Full of malice


For Zhang Yi, playing the game "Silent Hill" brings not only fear, but also a very unique feeling.

This feeling was probably the same as when he first saw the giant snakes in the Forbidden Forest when he played "Bloodborne".

Because as the game's plot progresses, he also encounters more NPCs.

In a room similar to a kitchen, there was a body stuffed in a refrigerator.

In the middle toilet there was a fat man lying on the toilet vomiting wildly. According to the conversation, James learned that the man's name was Eddie.

He said he didn't kill anyone, and judging from his speech, Eddie seemed a little mentally unstable.

What made Zhang Yi collapse was that in order to collect clues, he needed to fish out things from a toilet full of filth.

Seeing James kneel on one knee in front of the toilet and then put his hand in, Zhang Yi couldn't help but feel nauseated.

Although this scene in the game is directly a cutscene, rather than letting the player gaze at the filth in the toilet.

In conjunction with this action, there is also the sound of moving the toilet when emptying it, and the vibration of the motor coming from the sensor in the palm of the hand.

There’s no way this won’t make people think about it!

Coupled with the immersive experience of VR mode, Zhang Yi is a little lucky that there is no smell sensor device installed on his VR game cabin.

Otherwise, he felt like he wouldn't be able to eat today.

Although the previous triangle head had a strong taste, it was still a monster after all.

Now James has staged a show of digging out feces with his bare hands, which is hard to resist.

Except for Eddie who vomited in the toilet before.

On the roof, Zhang Yi also saw the woman he saw in the cemetery at the beginning.

When I met her, she was lying in front of a floor-to-ceiling mirror in the room. According to the conversation, I learned that her name was Ahn'Qiraj.

Like Eddie before him, Ahn'Qiraj's mental state is also very unstable.

She was holding a dagger in her hand, and her whole expression was very negative, and she seemed to have some suicidal tendencies.

At the same time, she was also very easily frightened. Faced with James who invited her to explore Silent Hill together, Ahn'Qiraj refused and asked him to help her hold her dagger.

But when James wanted to take the dagger from her hand, the other party was so frightened that he ran away and left the dagger on the cabinet.

"No, why are you running away? You asked me to keep the dagger for you!"

Seeing Ahn'Qiraj running away, Zhang Yi in the room was stunned for a while, but compared to what he said before, he felt a little better at this time.

Because judging from the current performance, Eddie and Ahn'Qiraj before, although there are some mental problems, they seem to be normal people.

But next on the top floor, Zhang Yi encountered the triangular head again.

Like most chase bosses in horror games, this triangular head cannot be killed no matter how hard you shoot.

But after being hit a certain number of times, he would turn around and leave. He drove away the triangle head and left the apartment to return to the foggy scene. Zhang Yi didn't know whether he should be happy or sad.

When I am in heavy fog, I say I want to go to a darker environment, and when I am in darkness, I want to go to heavy fog.

This mentality made Zhang Yi very entangled. At the same time, on the foggy streets, he met the naughty and unlucky child he met in the apartment before.

And she learned from her mouth that this child seemed to know Mary, but before James could continue to ask, the little girl disappeared.

It felt very weird, especially when Zhang Yi controlled James to come to Qiangshui Park, the weird feeling became even stronger.

Because here he saw a woman who looked exactly like his wife Mary.

Maria, a stripper.

James told her about receiving Mary's letter and asked her if she had seen Mary.

The two had some conversation, and James thought of a place where he and Mary had special memories: the Lakeview Hotel.

But when James was about to leave, Maria also told him not to leave her alone in a place full of monsters. She wanted to go on the road with him.

So what was originally a solo journey turned into a two-person journey.

"No, no, I have to take it slow. If I keep playing, I feel like I'm not scared to death by monsters, but scared to death myself."

In the deathly silent foggy town, Zhang Yi took a deep breath and murmured softly when he heard the sound of two footsteps coming from his ears.

Logically speaking, as a horror game, it has changed from a single player to a two-player game. It is very joyful to have a reliable teammate.

Just like the previous "Fireworks", it's great to have Teacher Chen by your side.

But the key is that the Maria in "Silent Hill", from the dialogue, is exactly the same as the dead Mary, and her behavior also makes him feel a little weird.

Because compared to the previous little girls who played pranks, Angela had suicidal tendencies, and Eddie vomited in the toilet.

The Maria in front of her was really normal except for being a little flirtatious.

But it was this normality that made Zhang Yi fearful.

After walking two steps, Zhang Yi had to stop and take a look at Maria behind him.

I was afraid that Maria would suddenly disappear while walking, or that I would turn around and see Maria behind me turn into a female ghost.

After all, this is a horror game!

… … … … …

Players like Zhang Yi can be said to account for the vast majority.

Entering "Silent Hill" again and again, they feel relieved, and then they find that there are more terrifying things unfolding in front of them.

I had just gotten used to the heavy fog, and then I was thrown into a dark apartment.

As soon as I got used to the darkness, the triangular head and all kinds of weird plots started happening.

But at the same time, while these points make players feel scared, they also reveal more secrets, making players unable to help but stop their curiosity.

For example, the various characters appearing in the game also make players curious about their encounters.

When James tried to enter the bowling alley, Maria, who was accompanying him, refused to enter.

After entering, you can find that the little girl who has been playing pranks before is chatting with Eddie.

From the conversation between the two, we can learn that the little girl is named Laura, and Eddie seems to be evading the police, but it does not seem to be a felony such as robbery or murder.

Laura suggested that he should apologize, but Eddie said it was useless because no one would listen to him.

After James came in, Laura ran away as if she was deliberately avoiding James.

James persuaded Eddie to chase Laura with him, but Eddie focused on eating pizza and said that following Laura would only drag her down.

So James had no choice but to abandon Eddie and chase him out, and got the information from Maria that Laura had gone to the back alley.

Following Maria through the back alleys and Paradise Night Club, the two saw Laura arriving at the hospital alone and opening the door and entering.

New monster types also appeared in the hospital.

The nurse lady looks very sexy, of course, as long as you don't look at her head.

Their heads were swollen like balloons ready to burst and wrapped in blood-stained bandages. No human features could be seen from them. The only facial features were bloody jaws and teeth.

As he advanced, his body twitched and twisted violently, as if every joint had an independent consciousness and wanted to break away from the body, and he waved a steel pipe that did not fit his identity to release violence.

It can be said to be quite weird, but if you cover their heads and just look at their bodies, it's actually pretty good.

You may even be unable to resist the urge in your heart, because this figure and clothes are simply full of some kind of XP.

But for players, after arriving at the hospital scene, the situation they encounter is much worse.

The first is a sense of gap.

Before this, when players first met Maria, they would basically feel a little suspicious.

After all, meeting a normal person in Silent Hill is not normal no matter how you think about it.

But in fact, Maria behaved quite normally along the way.

After arriving at the hospital, just when the player has subconsciously recognized Maria as a reliable helper for teammates, Maria will tell James in the hospital that she is not feeling well.

So James could only leave her to rest in the ward and go find Laura by himself.

If I had no previous experience with Maria, it would be nothing if I was alone at the beginning.

But now that Maria is used to this, the sudden separation creates a sense of gap, especially in this horror game with a very underworld atmosphere.

But this is just the beginning. What’s more terrible is the changes in the scenes in the game.

When James found Laura, she told him that she had met Mary a year ago. James was very angry and felt that Laura was cheating on him again.

Because Mary died three years ago, and Laura later said that she could prove it and lied to him that a letter from Mary was in the room.

But after James entered, Laura locked the door, and three monsters in cages appeared on the ceiling.

After killing these three monsters, the game scene completely changed.

Amidst the sharp sound of air defense sirens, countless crimson flesh-like substances appeared on the wall and spread at that moment.

There are water stains, blood stains and mold spots, and rusty iron mesh or iron can be seen everywhere.

Corpses can be seen everywhere here. Some roads that were clearly passable before have become impassable, and some roads that were previously impassable will be opened again.

But fortunately, it was located in the basement, and James found Maria who had escaped here.

Maria was very angry and scolded James for only caring about his dead wife instead of saving her.

However, after the quarrel, they reconciled and decided to search for Laura together.

But just when the player was glad that Maria had joined the team again, it didn't take long for the triangle head to appear.

It's different from the triangle head in the apartment that would retreat after hitting a certain number of shots.

No matter how the triangular head in the hospital attacks, it just moves forward slowly and waves its big knife.

James could only take Maria and escape all the way into the elevator, but before Maria could enter the elevator, the door was closed.

And no matter how hard James tried, the elevator door just wouldn't open.

In the end, James could only watch Maria being killed by Triangle Head.

Give players hope and then destroy that hope.

It can be said that in terms of level design and rhythm, the performance of "Silent Hill" is definitely full of malice.