Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 802: I hope players have a better liver


There is no doubt that "The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim" has conquered all players with its excellent quality.

During this period, new games such as "Crime and Law" and "The Vanishing Billions" from Atari and FOW were also launched one after another. However, new games that specifically avoided the previous "The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim" schedule were still robbed of the limelight.

The two games are not open world games, but Hakoniwa-style threaded GAME games. The former tells the story of a lawyer involved in a gang, and the latter tells the story of a gang man involved in a land worth 10 billion.

Similar gameplay and world view settings have allowed many players to see the ambition of zeus.

FOW has been acquired by zeus and became a subsidiary, and Atari also maintains a good cooperative relationship. The two consecutive games have somewhat similar gameplay and world view settings. It is obvious that they want to create a huge IP.

And the quality of the game itself, both in gameplay and plot, is remarkable.

But the key point is that the shock that "The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim" brings to players is too strong.

Dragonborn, vampires and Dawnguard, as well as werewolves and the Dark Brotherhood, countless forces and events.

The main scope of activities in the game is Skyrim Province, but players know that Skyrim Province is just the tip of the iceberg of Tamriel, which makes players feel the vastness of this worldview even more.

Whether it is the related demon quests, or the main plot with Dragonborn and Dawnguard, their quests run through the history of Tamriel in "The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim".

It gives players the feeling that they are making history and writing their own legend.

The combination of these elements makes the popularity of "The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim" never decrease at all.

A game always has its popularity period, especially stand-alone games.

After all, with the revelation of various plots and gameplay, most players have completed the game or have almost played it.

This peak period of heat will slowly pass.

But the popularity of "The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim" is extremely strong.

This reminds many people of "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild", a game from Nebula Games.

The only difference is that the game "The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim" does not have as many evil ways to play as Zelda.

Under such circumstances, it is really impressive that the content can still maintain such high popularity.

While industry designers are lamenting, the overall score of "The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim" is also rising.

Compared with other games, generally speaking, after release, the total score will slowly decline as players and more media rate and include it.

But "The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim" left many people stunned in terms of ratings.

Because instead of falling, the rating actually increased.

Although looking at the third-party comprehensive rating website, the rating only increased by 0.1, from the original 9.6 to 9.7.

But this means that after statistics, a large number of media have given nearly perfect scores.

And these reviews can be said to praise "The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim" to the sky.

In particular, GameSpot, the industry's most authoritative review media, did not issue a review immediately.

Instead, they gave their evaluation nearly two weeks after the game was released and after experiencing most of the game's content.

An expected perfect rating.

Especially at the beginning of the review, GameSpot said this.

'Following "Red Dead Redemption" and "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild", another benchmark for open world games was born. '

'We were a lot late in rating "The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim" because we were very entangled. We wanted to experience the content of this game to make our review more authoritative. '

'But the reality is that for a week in a row, our review editor spent more than 10 hours playing this game every day, but even so, he was able to continuously discover new content in the game after a week. '

'It is so charming and full of vitality, just like having immortal magic! '

'When you step into the Skyrim Province and see that beautiful world, you will be able to know where this immortal magic comes from. In terms of picture performance, "The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim" is indeed not as good as the original Shenhai and Detroit. Stunning, but that doesn’t mean it’s not outstanding enough. The beautiful clouds and mist on Hogarth Peak, the hovering dragons, and the prosperity of Dugu City are all so beautiful when they are displayed in front of you. '

"The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim" brings us an epic story. This story does not tell you in detail what the protagonist has done, but makes you feel like you are writing your own story. '

'Each NPC in the game does not serve as the background of the game. They have their own lives, their own experiences, and their own personalities and hobbies. They have thieves, robbers, and strange creatures, which make the whole world look very real. '

'Even if you complete the main mission in the game, you have only experienced a small part of the game content. '

'When you set foot in the huge world of Skyrim Province, you will understand the true meaning of this game: it does not make you like a river, the ultimate goal is to flow into the sea, but makes you like a gust of wind, free to do whatever you want. Places to go. '

'You can do many things in it, be a heroic warrior with strict self-discipline, be a thief, a magician, you can also pick locks and sneak in in the dead of night to steal things you can't afford... This is a magical world, It is also a real world. '

'Not since Red Dead Redemption and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild has a game been able to reach that top tier of open world again, but apparently The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim has done it. It is not a breakthrough innovation, but it is as mellow and charming as an old wine that has been stored for many years. '

Such super high reviews make players who like "The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim" extremely excited, while some players and designers who can't stand Nebula games can't say anything, because all players who have experienced this game , looking back at this review, I can only say one word, and that is: it deserves its name.

There is no doubt that this game has this charm. Even if the main plot is ignored, the huge and complex branch plots can still make people addicted to it, not to mention the high enough degree of freedom in the game.

… … …

However, while players and the industry are all boasting about "The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim", Chen Xu in the office of Nebula Games is making follow-up arrangements with the team, that is, tools related to MOD.

"The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim" is not famous for its MODs, but MODs do add a lot of color to the game.

As for MOD tools, just like the original "Warcraft" RPG map, Chen Xu is also preparing to release some official tools first to allow players to experience the changes that MOD brings to the game.

Of course, it’s definitely not a laboratory, and official communities like communities and workshops won’t allow these things to exist.

After all, Nebula Games is not a small workshop, and the impact of these things is still very large.

As for the players doing it privately

Then Nebula Games can't control them. After all, they are not gangsters. They can't implant detection tools in other people's VR game warehouses and scan other people's files, right

The best thing to do is to appeal verbally.

"Mr. Chen, do you want the player's life?"

In the Nebula game, Yang Xin couldn't help but twitching when he saw the first functional MOD created by Chen Xu using MOD development tools.

"The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim" gives players a very surprising thing, that is, the game is not full of malice.

Whether it’s gameplay or plot, whether it’s issuing knives or malicious traps with high difficulty, none of these are found in the game.

After all, as we all know, Mr. Chen likes to do some tricks in his game.

but now…

"How can you say that? The Internet-loving players and the Achievement Party players are so ecstatic!" Chen Xu chuckled. On the screen in front of him was a magnificent building located in Dugu City.

The sign at the door reads: 'Dragon Art Museum' in five large characters.

This is a relatively well-known MOD in the previous life.

The main focus is a collection. Various props in the game, ranging from special mission props to ordinary rewards, will be displayed in this exhibition hall.

"But obsessive-compulsive disorder players said they really fucked the Chihuahua!" Yang Xin sighed.

She can already imagine how desperate some obsessive-compulsive players who pursue full achievements will be by then.

It is already very difficult to achieve the platinum achievement trophy in "The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim".

But after adding this MOD, especially according to Chen Xu, in order to give players more fun, this official MOD will also be added to the Nebula game world and can be displayed to other players and friends.

Can these 100% obsessive-compulsive players tolerate this

Considering the huge content in the game, Yang Xin can only say that he hopes players have a better liver.