Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 810: Appearance equals 'justice'


With the popularity of "Advent of the Son", online players are also discussing the content of "Final Fantasy".

Because what is shown still makes players very strange from the content point of view.

If it were just a movie, it would be nothing. But the key point is that after the news announced by Nebula Games before, many people know one thing, that is, "Advent of the Son" shows the world view of the game "Final Fantasy".

But the background of the worldview in the movie is simply too complicated.

It has the huge mechanical beauty of steampunk, as well as magic in a fantasy style, coupled with cold weapon sword skills and the setting of the so-called magic crystal. It looks like science fiction but also wants to be magical. This is very confusing.

Amid players' expectations and curiosity, the official promotional video of "Final Fantasy" has finally arrived.

In fact, during this period, players can also feel that Chen Xu attaches great importance to it, not just "The Advent of the Holy Son", a CG movie that seems to be a big money burner.

After the movie was released, it appeared on subway billboards and large-screen advertisements in commercial plazas in some first- and second-tier cities in China.

There were advertisements related to "Final Fantasy" and "Advent of the Son".

Although in terms of popularity, "Advent of the Son" is a higher topic than "Final Fantasy".

But no matter how you talk about the relationship between the two, it is like conjoined twins. When talking about the "Advent of the Son" movie, you can't avoid "Final Fantasy"

In addition, it is produced by Chen Xu, and until now, the game has been shrouded in mystery, and nothing has been revealed except the relevant worldview and background.

Many players who have been paying attention to this game, as well as viewers who were curious because of the movie, naturally couldn't wait to click in after the promotional video appeared.

They really want to see if Chen Xu will bring you any new surprises this time

… … …

Clicking on the promotional video, the logo of Nebula Games is still there at the beginning, and then gradually disappears.

Simple BGM sounds composed of arpeggios.

First, the C major chord consists of 4 ascending notes played back and forth, and then it becomes an A minor chord, the same as the previous sequence pattern.

This is the famous Crystal Overture in the Final Fantasy series.

At the beginning, it was only based on the limitations of fc and sfc functions, and only 3 tones could be used.

But later on the song evolved into a symbol of the Final Fantasy series.

After the darkness, a starry sky appeared in the video screen.

On top of the windmill water tower at night, young Cloud and Tifa were sitting there.

'What do you want to say to me? '

With his back to Tifa, Cloud put his hands on his thighs and said seriously.

'I'm leaving the village in the spring and going to Midgar... I want to become a Shinra warrior. '

'Become like Sephiroth, the strongest Shinra warrior! '

Following Claude's words, many viewers who had watched the CG movie "The Advent of the Son" were in a daze.

In Advent of the Son, it is actually said that Sephiroth and Cloud were once special forces of Shinra.

However, the fact that Cloud originally joined Shinra because of his admiration for Sephiroth was not mentioned in the movie, so many players were surprised when they saw this, and they were also surprised by the later relationship between Sephiroth and Sephiroth. Claude is curious as to why he became a mortal enemy.

The next second, the camera switched instantly, and Claude, who had become a Shinra warrior and carried a big sword, appeared in front of the Shinra Demon Furnace.

Beside him was Tifa and a girl in red who had never been seen in the movie.

I don’t know what it’s called, but just looking at this look has already made many players lose their temper.

A female character who is not inferior to Tifa at all!

As for the white-haired Sephiroth in front of Cloud, holding a 40-meter long knife in his hand, the players subconsciously ignored him.

"Is it really you? Is it really you?"

Looking at Sephiroth's back, Cloud looked a little unbelievable.

Next, the screen switched to various departments in Shinra.

It seems that Shinra is planning something.

But the next moment a scene that surprised everyone appeared.

The camera came to a nightclub.

A group of dancers dressed as bees are dancing on the stage, illuminated by lights.

A gay-looking man named Anian walked out of the crowd.

'Welcome to the House of Bees, Claude. '

'True beauty depends on what you think in your heart. '

'Claude, listen, beauty is not male or female. '

The brush painted on Claude's face, his hair was combed into two small braids, and he was also wearing a black evening dress.

'very perfect! '

He looked at Claude, and then the fireworks on the stage exploded.

Tifa, Sephiroth and the girl in red are all gone. Cloud in female form is the only god!

Looking at the female version of Claude, all the players watching the video opened their eyes wide.

I never expected that Cloud, who tore Sephiroth apart at the end in The Arrival of the Son, would actually be shown wearing women's clothing!

And what's going on with this inexplicable little excitement

What follows is a series of mixed cuts.

The explosion of the magic furnace and Luo Xie's car chase.

Red Thirteen who can speak like a wolf and leopard.

The final scene once again returns to the scene before the magic furnace, when Cloud meets Sephiroth.

'What a touching reunion! '

Their eyes met, and they waved the sword in their hands.

A black feather slowly fell from the sky, and the next moment the camera gave a close-up of Sephiroth's emotionless eyes.

Then the video ends.

[I am...will not become a memory!]

Although there is no such line, thinking about Sephiroth's cold eyes at the end, this sentence involuntarily appeared in the minds of all players who have watched "The Advent of the Son".

After watching this less than three-minute promotional video for "Final Fantasy".

After countless players were briefly excited, they soon discovered a bigger problem.

That is, before watching it, their idea was to see if they could find something in "The Advent of the Son", but they did not understand the answer to the question.

But after seeing it, they discovered it.

Instead of clarifying the problems that had puzzled them before, this only created more problems.

The first is Shinra Corporation.

In the movie, Shinra Company is not very impressive.

Because at that time, Midgar had been destroyed a lot.

The most impressive thing about Shinra is the somewhat funny Reno and his brother Luther.

But in the game's promotional video, players can see Shinra in its heyday.

The huge steampunk city simply makes every player who sees it feel shocked from the bottom of their hearts.

In addition, there is an extra girl in red. There is not much mention here in the movie, but it seems that she also has a very important role in the game.

And the line between Sephiroth and Cloud: a touching reunion.

This means that Cloud and Sephiroth seem to have known each other before, and it is very likely that Cloud had sex with Sephiroth once before, and it ended in Cloud's victory.

This intricate relationship, as well as the huge world view revealed in just the promotional video, makes many players feel a little confused.

Of course none of this is critical.

The really key point is that the characters in the game are so attractive to players.

The handsome Claude, the long straight black tifa, the new girl in a red dress, and even the aloof Sephiroth.

Especially the BGM of "thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump."

Although in Advent of the Son, Sephiroth was killed directly in his own background music, this did not hinder his sense of oppression as the big boss.

Especially the line in The Advent of the Son: I will not become a memory.

It can be said that it is full of style.

This also allowed Sephiroth to fight with Cloud even though he only came out at the end of the Arrival of the Son.

But it is still very popular among many viewers, especially girls.

There is no way, who makes Sephiroth's appearance so good

The ugly boss is the kind of boss that deserves to be beaten to death by the protagonist. He wants to kill him and then resurrect and kill him again, and his ashes will be spread.

But even if a handsome boss is a villain, he will still have a large number of gangsters, and even if there is nothing too outrageous, he can be cleared up later.

Why are 99% of SSRs in card games composed of handsome and beautiful characters

That’s it.

Although the saying that appearance equals justice is a very wrong concept, it still makes sense that appearance equals sales.

Of course, a game cannot be all about pretty girls and handsome guys. There will also be some supporting characters who are not very good looking but can be said to be from the past to set off the glorious image of the protagonist. After all, contrast can highlight how handsome the protagonist is.

In a sense, Barrett, who is powerful and seems very reliable in the Avalanche team, plays such a role.

As for the final female costume, Claude, it made many players smile knowingly.

Because the games under Nebula Games still have many such spoof Easter egg contents.

For example, the female-dressed Link in "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild", the wedding princess worn by Mario in "Super Mario: Odyssey", and Hotaru in "Xenoblade Chronicles"...