Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 812: Working as a worker, working as a soul


After feeling deeply, Song Ren was very happy again.

Isn’t playing games a sense of immersion

Do you want to put yourself into the protagonist of the game and go on an adventure with him

It's obvious that Claude's appearance makes him feel very connected.

It doesn't matter what he looks like, as long as he has a substitute, that's all.

"But now, does Claude just know Barrett?"

Song Ren turned his attention to the conversation between Claude and Barrett.

The Mako Reactor is going to be blown up as soon as it starts, and Barrett talks just like in the movie, he's still rushing!

Watching the interaction between Claude, Barrett, and the Avalanche trio in the game, Song Ren also had some expectations and curiosity.

Although Barrett didn't show much face in the movie, Song Ren knew that he was also a member of the protagonist group.

There are also characters such as Red Thirteen, Vincent, Yuffie, and Tifa. Song Ren is also very curious about how they interact with Cloud.

The beginning of the game is nothing to write home about.

It is almost the same simple process as usual in the game, and the related tasks are explained by the way.

Cloud is a mercenary and knows Tifa.

Tifa is a member of Avalanche, so Barrett and the others hired Cloud to blow up the Mako Reactor.

But at this time, Barrett didn't really trust Claude.

The combat system of the game is not the pure action gameplay that Song Ren thought of before, but is similar to "Xenoblade Chronicles" but does not automatically attack. Players need to control Cloud to dodge attacks. In addition, the game also has Players can choose to release magic and martial arts settings.

Although it looks like an action, it actually has more of the attributes of an RPG. As an experienced player, Song Ren came to a conclusion instantly after trying it out.

If the technical operation is good enough, it can make up for some data gaps, but the most important thing is the improvement of data, as well as the arrangement and selection of skill strategies. The game also includes settings such as attribute restraint.

Of course, if you don’t want to operate manually, the game also has automatic combat instructions. After selecting it, it will be the same as in "Xenoblade Chronicles".

Song Ren, who has played "Xenoblade Chronicles" before, easily got started with this combat system.

Especially in the game, unlike "Xenoblade Chronicles" where you can only choose one character to control and switch between up to three Xenoblade Chronicles, in the game players can control the two currently controlled characters, Cloud and Barrett. Switch between each other, and the division of labor is also very clear.

Monsters on the ground are easy for Cloud to deal with, while some flying monsters are more effective for Barrett to attack.

In the elevator, Barrett also recounted the news about Shinra and the Mako Furnace.

These are also contents that are not fully introduced in 'The Advent of the Son'.

To put it simply, the flow of life is extracted and transformed into magic energy, which becomes a new energy source like oil and coal.

But the cost of these new energy sources is that the planet’s lifespan is reduced and the land loses its nutrient vitality.

This is also the reason why there are almost no green plants in Midgar, while in 'Advent of the Son' most areas of Midgar are covered by green vegetation.

It was precisely because Shinra, or Shinra's magic furnaces, were all blown up at that time that the earth began to exude vitality again.

"So Shinra Company is a large-scale group company. On the one hand, it creates social wealth through Mako and squeezes ordinary people, and on the other hand, it destroys the planet's environment."

"Xuebeng, on the other hand, is a private environmental organization that wants to purify the environment and target big capitalists!"

Song Ren briefly summarized the content of the Advent of the Son and the information collected so far.

In addition, as the game progressed, Song Ren also discovered something different, that is, Cloud's character currently feels very cold, a bit like Sephiroth.

However, Song Ren's initial impression of Claude in The Advent of the Son was not like this.

To describe it as a feeling, Claude in The Coming of the Son felt guilty and unconfident at first.

He was not confident in his abilities, so Cloud left Tifa and the others, but in the end, with the encouragement of his friends, Cloud regained his courage and faced Sephiroth.

But now Claude gives Song Ren a very cold and awesome look.

This is especially proven by the talked-about No Interest and Shinra 1st Special Forces Soldiers.

So the plot of the "Final Fantasy" game mainly revolves around the battle with Sephiroth, and then the story of Cloud's character slowly changing

Just like the light turning into flames in "Xenoblade Chronicles"

Song Ren was speculating in his heart along the way, but this speculation soon disappeared as the plot officially entered the inside of the magic stove.

Because his attention was completely attracted by the spectacular scene.

Thick copper pipes and huge machines in operation continuously draw the flow of life from the bottomless underground world and transform it into magic energy.

And a mechanical boss as huge as a scorpion.

It fully demonstrates the unique mechanical beauty of steampunk.

I can't find any other words, I can only use spectacular to express it.

Then the escape scene where the magic reactor exploded gave Song Ren the illusion that he was playing "Uncharted".

Fighting along the way, accompanied by the collapse of the Mako Reconnaissance equipment, and the immersion brought by the VR perspective of the burning flames, is simply thrilling.

Through the arranged path, Claude and his party successfully escaped. On the chaotic street, Song Ren finally met another game character, the flower girl Alice. However, at this time, Claude only interacted with the other party. I bought a yellow flower.

Next, Claude followed Barrett and the others on the subway and went to their secret base, the Seventh Heaven Bar in the ghetto.

The bar owner is Cloud's childhood playmate Tifa.

"Tifa! This is too awesome!"

Compared to the flower girl who didn’t know the role yet and was only glimpsed in photos and Claude’s memories in The Advent of the Son, she didn’t even know her name at the time.

Obviously, Song Ren was more excited by Tifa's appearance.

With black shawl hair, exposed waistcoat line and black skirt, Song Ren could only let Ah Wei, who was already in the grave, die again.

"Fuck! Bad review! Why in Detroit Become Human, players can control the character to lie down, but in Final Fantasy, apart from level interaction, there is no way to do normal squatting!"

Song Ren, who had some bad thoughts and wanted to take a peek at the special angle, expressed that he was very disappointed.

The following plot does not have many ups and downs, but a very dull narrative stage.

At this time, Tifa wanted to ask Cloud to help Avalanche, and used a very common memory kill.

'If Cloud really becomes a great hero like Sephiroth, then come and save me when I'm in danger, okay?'

Faced with this warm memory, Claude then showed a rather 'hard' side.

"Sorry, I'm not a hero, and I don't have a reputation... so I'm afraid I can't keep my promise."

Damn iron will.

Claude, you won't have a girlfriend in the future!

Listening to what Claude said in front of him, Song Ren was extremely anxious.

This has the feeling of playing galgame.

The protagonist's direction is completely different from the imagined strategy direction!

Obviously Tifa didn't expect Cloud to be like this at all.

At this time, Barrett also appeared, but the reward given to Claude was much less.

Chen Xu here has also improved a bit compared to the original version. At least the tuition fees for the little loli Ma Lin will still be retained. After all, no matter how poor you are, you cannot afford education.

Tifa here also asked Cloud to take a look, and said that she would make money immediately after replacing the air filters for the merchants in the slums, and asked Cloud to go with her to collect the money.

"Let's go, just think of it as protecting me."

Faced with Cloud's lack of interest, Tifa, who was lying on the bar, said in a coquettish tone.

Listening to Tifa's coquettish voice in front of her.

Song Ren couldn't help but sigh like Cloud. Who can withstand Tifa's coquettishness

Even in this episode, Song Ren simply felt that Mr. Chen just wanted to show the lethality of Tifa's coquettishness.

With emotion, Song Ren and Tifa wandered around the slums, feeling a completely different style.

"It is indeed a slum! This feeling is completely different from the previous upper-level areas of Midgar!"

Walk out of Seventh Heaven and follow Tifa.

During the day, Song Ren was able to observe the surrounding environment more carefully.

Just like the name of this map: slums.

From an environmental point of view, it is really in shabby condition.

When I blew up the Mako Reactor and took it out from Shinra Company.

The surrounding city looks like a modern style.

It's not beautiful, but at least it's orderly and the streets are clean and tidy.

But it's completely different in this slum.

There are various wild cats and dogs, houses made of plastic tiles, various small bungalows and fences surrounding them.

It feels like the environment of a wasteland world.

Under the leadership of Tifa, Claude, played by Song Ren, has a more comprehensive understanding of this slum.

By the way, I also learned some knowledge about game operations. Of course, some of them are friendly to Claude, but there are also some who are malicious to Claude.

If you want to improve your relationship with local residents, you need to increase your reputation.

The easiest way to increase your reputation is to help some local residents solve some troubles.

This will not only reap some rewards, but also greatly improve your local reputation.

Inside the warehouse, we see Jesse and his Avalanche trio again.

As for the side missions, they follow the standard RPG game process, and Song Ren was not too surprised by this.

Help the little girl in the sand park to find her good friend: the cat.

For this reason, Claude, who is carrying a big sword on his back, needs to search for Meow Meow everywhere on the roads extending in all directions in the slums.

You also need to help the owner of the grocery store to teach the mutated mouse a lesson.

By the way, we went to the outskirts of the slums to deal with some mutant beasts that could threaten the local residents.

In addition, there is also a research institute that helps to collect information on various monsters although it is a member of Shinra but is committed to anti-Shinra.

On behalf of the warehouse owner, drive away all kinds of mutants in the warehouse.

"This is not a Shinra warrior mercenary. Isn't this just a worker?"

"Part-time workers, part-time souls, even a protagonist like Claude cannot avoid part-time work!"

After completing two side tasks, as the level increased, I received payment from my employer.

Song Ren suddenly woke up.

The current main line and branch lines all illustrate one point.

That is the current Claude, who is not a great hero who saves the world.

He is a ruthless work machine.

I used to work for Shinra Corporation.

Now work for the residents of the slums and the avalanche team.

But if you think about it carefully, it seems that no matter what game it is, the protagonist is a worker!

On the way to find his adopted daughter, Geralt, the white wolf, had to accept various commissions and work part-time in order to make a living.

Arthur Morgan worked for Dutch all his life. Not only did he get involved when the company went bankrupt due to an illness he contracted at work, but even if the company really went bankrupt, the company transferred its assets in advance.

But then again, Tifa in Advent of the Son opened a courier company, and it was obviously funded by Cloud.

Where did this money come from? Earned from part-time job!

Does this mean that if you want to start your own business, you have to work first