Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 817: Is this the new village?


After everything was ready, Cloud, Barret and Tifa also set out on the road to save Alice.

Get information on how to get to the upper reaches of Midgar from Kuruneo.

Arrive at the high wall at the border and use the rope gun to move all the way to the upper floors from the large disk that once fell.

"Damn it! Are you going to walk the whole way?!"

This part of the plot scared Song Ren to the point of peeing.

The first-generation game here only has a very small climbing plot. On the one hand, it is because the game has too much content and there is no need to waste too much in this place.

On the other hand, and the most important aspect, it was difficult for the technology at the time to present that shocking, adventure-like feeling.

As a VR game, other aspects such as sewers or mazes in towns can be simplified.

However, Chen Xu decided to retain this cool high-altitude scene, but he would reduce the number of miscellaneous soldiers, control the combat link to a stage that will not make players bored, and also planned that players can directly choose to skip class to avoid the soldiers. route.

As a player, Song Ren didn't know much about all this. Now he only had one feeling, that he was about to urinate.

As a player who is a bit afraid of heights, Song Ren is most afraid of this kind of scene when playing games.

Games like "Uncharted" and "Assassin's Creed" that require operation are okay, because operating the character to overcome difficulties during the game will also distract some of his attention.

But "Final Fantasy" is different. Except for the combat stage, most of the content is performances.

Up to now, the game has not only focused on the high point. It accompanied Jesse and the trio to sneak into Shinra at night, and the final way to leave was to parachute from high altitude.

Shinra attacked the avalanche unexpectedly, and finally followed Barrett to escape from the tower using a cable.

Now it's better to climb directly from the bottom to the top.

After a lot of hard work, we finally arrived at the base camp of Shinra Company, but it was a little different from the full-scale infiltration gameplay that we had imagined at the beginning.

It is true that a heavily guarded place requires infiltration, but the inside of the Shinra headquarters is not as expected, and is even very relaxed, because people from Midgar often visit Shinra.

At the same time here, Song Ren also experienced a wave of VR technology from Shinra Company.

I saw the scenery of the former planet.

Playing VR in a VR game, I have to say that such an experience also made him feel a little surprised.

During this period, Claude also met someone who had known him before, which almost made Song Ren think that he was going to be exposed, but it was a near miss.

The journey to rescue Alice felt completely uneventful for him until a character appeared.

If we were to say who was Song Ren's most annoying character in the game before this, then it was undoubtedly Kuruneo, followed by Heidegger who plotted to bring down Avalanche, and who decided to let the big roulette fall and kill him. Shinra Minister of the Jesse Trio.

But with the appearance of the character named Bao Tiao, Song Ren discovered that the people he hated before were nothing at all.

His wretched appearance and morbid thoughts made Song Ren want to kill him with a knife.

'As a sample, she is not as good as her mother. According to the comparison of data, the difference rate between her and her mother is 18%. This means that it will take another 120 years, which may not be completed in our lifetime, and the life span of the sample will not be maintained. Not that long. '

'So I'm thinking of breeding her and producing a specimen that will stand the test of time for study. '

From the cutscenes, to the actual conversation after meeting each other and chatting with each other, to the level where he blocked and studied Cloud's combat power, Song Ren's anger was all accumulated.

He could guarantee that if there was to be an annoying NPC in all the games he had played, not even mentioning the single game "Final Fantasy", this piece of shit named Hojo would definitely have a place.

The mayor of Midgar has been incited to rebel, and ordinary employees will rebel when scared. Through this traitorous behavior of all employees, Claude and his team found Alice in Hojo's laboratory without any danger.

But in addition to Alice, Song Ren also met an old acquaintance in the laboratory.

That was the Red Thirteen whom I had seen before in the Advent of the Son.

At the same time, through the introduction of Red Thirteen, Claude and the others also gained a deeper understanding of the so-called secrets of ancient species.

It turns out that the ancient race is a race that calls itself Settra. It should be completely extinct now except for Alice, and even Alice is not a pure ancient race.

So the protagonist team once again welcomed a character. Through the Red Thirteen, some places that had no way to go before, you can use the help of the Red Thirteen to open the corresponding switch, allowing Claude and the others to go.

In Shinra, Claude and the others also saw some weird alien experimental subjects.

But in the end, Claude and the others accidentally fell into Shinra's trap, allowing Zeng, Luther, Reno and other special forces from Tuckers to capture them and take them to the holding room.

"So, I'm done for? How should I get out? Who will save me!" Looking at the locked door, Song Ren was dumbfounded.

The only good news was that although he was locked up, he was in the same room as Tifa.

But the key is how to get out

All five members of the protagonist group were locked up, the avalanche had collapsed, Jesse and the trio had received lunch, and Ma Lin was just a little lolita.

No matter how hard he thought, Song Ren couldn't think of anyone who would come to help him.

Or are we talking about the characters who appeared in The Advent of the Son before

But before Song Ren could think clearly, following Claude's simple conversation with the place, there was a click, and the door opened directly.

"What's going on? The mayor's traitor who instigated the rebellion before? That soldier who knew Claude?" Song Ren guessed what might happen.

But after walking through the door of the detention room, Song Ren found that things had become strange.

Because all the soldiers in Shinra seemed to have been killed, what lay before them was a scene like hell.

The body's condition was extremely strange. Although there was blood on the body, no wounds were found, as if the blood seeped out of the pores on its own.

The glass where Jenova was imprisoned in the laboratory was also broken, and Jenova's body disappeared.

Following the blood trail toward Shinra's senior executives, when Claude and his group arrived at the office of President Shinra, they were all stunned by the scene in front of them.

President Shinra was lying face down on the desk where he usually worked. A silver knife about two meters long penetrated his abdomen and pinned him to the desk.

Who can kill Shinra President at Shinra headquarters

Barrett, Alice and others were confused.

But Tifa and Cloud seemed to have seen something incredible.

"Sephiroth is still alive?"

"Only Sephiroth can use this knife."

Listen to what Cloud and Tifa say.

Song Ren was also stunned.

In the eyes of Cloud and Tifa, Sephiroth is dead

How is this going

And isn’t Sephiroth a special soldier of Shinra

Song Ren's head was filled with questions.

With full confusion, he defeated Rufus, the son of the former Shinra president, and the Shinra soldiers who wanted to capture Claude.

Tifa, Barret, and Cloud successfully escaped to the wilderness outside Midgar.

Cloud decided to start tracking Sephiroth.

Tifa, Barret, Red Thirteen, and Alice also expressed that they would follow Cloud.

Later, because they were still wanted by Shinra and the five-man team was too conspicuous, Barrett proposed splitting into two teams.

Of course, it is said that they are divided into two teams, but in fact, you can still choose the character to play on the system interface.

But for players, this seems to be a multiple-choice question, but it is actually a single-choice question.

No one would leave Tifa and Aerith unselected and let Barrett play, right

Song Ren couldn't help but smile when he heard Barrett's official comment, "I knew you would choose this way" after choosing Alice and Tifa.

But aside from all this, what surprised him the most was that in addition to Midgar, the game had unlocked new maps.

Although many places are shrouded in fog, Midgar only occupies a small part.

So, he has only left Novice Village until now